Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Eastern Religious Philosopher Quotations Free Essays

CheckPoint: Eastern Religious Philosopher Quotations Siddhartha Gautama Buddha – â€Å"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. † oI chose this quote because Siddhartha devoted his life to find balance and clarification. He grew up with wealth and being shielded from human suffering, and wanted to search for something deeper. We will write a custom essay sample on Eastern Religious Philosopher Quotations or any similar topic only for you Order Now This quote shows that he found something deeper from the materialistic life he led early on (s9. com, 2009). Lao Tzu – â€Å"To know that you do not know is the best. To pretend to know when you do not know is a disease. o Tzu believed that even the wisest of humans is still ignorant, and this quote reflects that thought process. He was very interested in how we should live and different ways that a good society is governed. This quote reminds us that we can always be open to learning and discovering even when we think we have mastered something (Axia College, 2008). Chuang Tzu –†Do the clouds make rain? Or is it the rain that makes the clouds? What makes it descend so copiously? oTzu believed that life was temporary and that pursuing wealth was acting in vein and foolish. He felt that this pursuit distracted a person from truly seeing the world and its meaning. Tzu wanted to look at nature from a different perspective, and by asking the questions in his quote enabled a deeper look into this idea (Chebucto, n. d. ). Confucious – â€Å"What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others† oConfucious taught that to establish one’s own humane character was important and could be done by following positive role models from the past. People can always better themselves through learning and servicing others. It makes sense that a man who believes these principles would quote such a simplistic, yet profound statement (Axia College, 2008). Mencius -â€Å"With proper nourishment and care, everything grows, whereas without proper nourishment and care, everything decay† oI chose this quote for Mencius because he felt that if people wanted to become a better person, they would have to make the choice to transform their life. He thought that anything can thrive if given the proper care, and was optimistic about humans and their potential (Axia College, 2008). Hsun Tzu – â€Å"If there is no dull and determined effort, there will be no brilliant achievement. oTzu took portions of Taoism with Confucianism and added his own beliefs which are known to be a bit more pessimistic. Tzu founded a school and some of his students were philosophers and the future prime minister of Ch’in. It is no wonder that he would emphasize that effort is needed to attain achievements (Bookrags, 20 05-2006). Hui Neng – â€Å"If we are treading on the path of enlightenment we need not be worried by stumbling blocks. Provided we keep a constant eye on our own faults we cannot go astray from the right path† oHui Neng’s quote reminds me of the underdog winning a game. Considering he was illiterate and yet can have impressed his patriarch to be his successor is unbelievable. This quote exemplifies that although there will be difficulties in our lives we should continue to improve ourselves and recognize our faults (Bookrags, 2005-2006). Dugan Kigen – â€Å"Rejoice in your birth in the world. † oI like this quote from Dogen because he believed in practicing to achieve a â€Å"joyful life†. Even though there will be pain and suffering in the world, if you are to live life according to the Tao, life can still be joyful (Axia College, 2008). Murasaki Shikibu – â€Å"To be pleasant, gentle, calm and self-possessed: this is the basis of good taste and charm in a woman† oMurasaki was a female author that inspired many with her writings. This quote best represents her ideas feelings that although women were looked upon as non-equals to men, they can still pursue philosophical enlightenment (Axia College, 2008). Yamaoto Tsunetomo – â€Å"There is nothing so painful as regret† oYamaoto followed a Samurai tradition and believed we live in a world with change that is unpredictable and constant. Being prepared for these changes and anticipate problems will help to lessen pain and regret. References Axia College. (2008). Eastern Influences. Retrieved from Axia College, PHI105 – Introduction to Philosophy website. Bookrags. (2005-2006). Hsun-tzu Biography. Retrieved from http://www. bookrags. com/biography/hsun-tzu/ Chebucto. (n. d. ). Chuang Tzu: The Next Voice. Retrieved from http://www. chebucto. ns. ca/Philosophy/Taichi/chuang. html s9. com. (2009). Siddhartha Gautama. Retrieved from http://www. s9. com/Biography/Buddha How to cite Eastern Religious Philosopher Quotations, Papers

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