Tuesday, October 29, 2019

U05a1 and u05a2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

U05a1 and u05a2 - Essay Example 2. Why is Jupiter so much more dense than Saturn? Could a planet be smaller in size than Jupiter but greater in mass? Explain. Ans: Jupiter is closer to sun and has over 3 times more than the mass of Saturn. Jupiter is denser than that of Saturn because of two factors. They are (i). Jupiter has relatively larger gravitation field because of its mass and rotational pressures. (ii). Jupiter has denser core of rocks and other minerals. Jupiter has heavy metals in its interior. Hence it is denser than that of Saturn. Yes. There could be a planet smaller in size but greater in mass than that of Jupiter. Because Jupiter is mainly made up of gas, hence any planet slightly smaller in size but made of solid material would have more mass than Jupiter. And also building a planet with Hydrogen and Helium is like assembling the fluffy pillows one over the other. As the pillows are stacked one above the other the pillows at the bottom are compressed and hence their mutual gravitational force incre ases. Hence it slightly increases in its height as and when the stack size is increased but gets denser. Therefore the extra mass increases the density of the planet but smaller change in mass. 4. Why does Jupiter have such a strong magnetic field? Describe a few features of Jupiter’s magnetosphere. ... Jupiter’s magnetosphere traps far more charged particles than Earth’s magnetosphere. These particles contribute to auroras and also create belts of very intense radiation around Jupiter. This is so strong that it could damage the orbiting spacecraft. Jupiter’s magnetic field creates a magnetosphere that surrounds the planet as a shield which protects the planet from the solar wind. 6. Briefly describe Jupiter’s weather patterns and contrast them with those on the other jovian planets. What is the Great Red Spot? Ans: Jupiter’s atmosphere has several gases that condense to form clouds. Each of these gases condenses at a different temperature, leading to distinctive cloud layers at different altitudes. Jupiter has primarily three different cloud layers and Jupiter’s atmosphere is colder at higher altitudes. About 100 kilometers below the highest cloudtops, the temperatures are nearly earth-like And water can condense to form clouds. Higher up, the water clouds it is cold enough for a gas called ammonium hydrosulfide to condense into clouds which produces the dark colours of Jupiter. Higher still the temperature is so cold that ammonia condenses to make an upper layer of white clouds. Like the large hurricanes occasionally arise on Earth, Jupiter also has powerful storms. Spectroscopic observations (analysis of light) + calculations explains about the composition of clouds as follows: Ammonia (NH3) crystals in top layer. Ammonium hydrosulfide (NH4SH) crystals in middle layer. Water ice in lowest layer. The colors seem to be associated with temperature. White "zones" are higher and cooler. Dark "bands" are lower and warmer. Comparison with other atmosphere planets: Jupiter and Saturn have stripes of alternating color and wind direction. But Saturn's

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Traveling to New York and Traveling to Florida: Compare and Contrast

Traveling to New York and Traveling to Florida: Compare and Contrast Traveling to New York and Traveling to Florida: Compare and Contrast Abstract Florida and New York are considered to be the most important state of United States, not only in terms of politics and Business, but also, due to tourism. These are the states that welcome millions of travelers annually and earn lot of revenue for the country. They have numerous thinks in common like both have the coastline along Atlantic Ocean; Both offer easy transport, economical hotels and cultural diversity. But, they also differ in aspects like like weather, geography, sightings and shopping places. The paper covers all major similarities and differences that a traveler might experience, while one might travel in these states. Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Body Wonders of Traveling Traveling in New York Traveling in Florida Comparison Cultural Diversity Transport Hotels Food Contrast Weather Geography Sightings and Attractions Shopping Conclusion Works Cited Traveling to New York and Traveling to Florida: Compare and Contrast Introduction World is full of beautiful places and we see around us, we realize that this world is not only the stunning place but the one worth experiencing and traveling. When we broaden our thinking and the experiences, we realize that even different parts of the same city are different. If we visit different places of the same city we realize that world has put before us, its wonders and marvels. People who have travel and love this agree to the fact that travel itself is the source of great success and pleasure. The joys of travel are beyond measure and beyond imagination, unless the one tries it. Every place has its distinct features and the distinct characteristic, so, every new place opens, before travelers, a new world and helps them to enjoy and experience those wonders. Even the place that was visited earlier helps to know and learn new things that the travel might have missed last time or developed and appeared in the time between two visits. America has proved itself to be the land o f dreams, opportunities, pleasures and attraction. It annually attracts million of travelers to its different states, from Americans themselves and also a large variety of foreigners. The open grounds from the people from all over the world have made America, a multi cultural, a multi religious and a multi ethnic country. Due to the common element in America, a thing that should be considered is the versatility in different states. This is the compare and contrast paper about traveling in New York and traveling in Florida and covers the details about what a person might experience there. Body Everyone as individual interests and there are people who love to travel and explore the world around them. For some people traveling might be the tyring business, but, the people who love traveling are aware of the joy and pleasure that iy might bring to the people and the experiences that they can have by visiting different places. Travelling is not only the recreational, but, also the educational one and offers a lot of benefits. Wonders of Traveling Irrespective of thee fact that a person visits a place for educational or the recreational purpose, it always bring positive addition and changes into the personality of the traveler. Some people may visit other places for business purpose, some for educational and some for the leisure, but all the factors contribute towards the personality and health of a person. It helps in improving interpersonal growth, improve information about places and related facts, increase adeptness and deftness and most importantly the most essential skills of life. The psychological impact of relaxation, leisure, satisfaction and motivation are developed in a person, when he takes time, out of the routine and indulges oneself into soothing and relaxing activities. Regarding the role of traveling in success and motivation, it is believed and experienced by a lot of travelers that when they visit new places they come to meet new people, see new things, visit new places and understand about the versatility and the change in perspective. Such activities help a person to see the same problem from a different angle and to provide perspective to life and profession. (Stone and Patrick) Within America, there are numerous places, which are worth visiting and help the people to develop new ideas, relax and roam around. Among all the states of America, Florida and New York are considered to be the most noticeable ones. Traveling in New York New York is one of the busiest cities of the world and hustle and bustle on its every road. The concept of American dream that has been developed years ago, seems true when one visits New York. It is a place that welcomes people from all parts of the world and introduces the developed and most stylish side of United States. America that is shown in movies i.e. place of nightclubs, hotels, architecture, cars and busy life seem true in this city. This is a city that remains awake 24 hours and provides facilities irrespective of the fact that people come out of their house at day or at night. It invites the people all over the world, who want to make their career in Hollywood and become face of the industry. It has wonders, within it, for tourists it is a paradise and they can observe and experience the America that is changing with a rapid pace and has skyscrapers all over. The economic and social growth of the country can be well observed in this city. (Chevron) Traveling in Florida Florida is another beautiful place in America and offers the pleasures of nature and sceneries. One can enjoy the beautiful sandy beaches and the memorable theme parks that make this different from any other place in United States. It is well known for the fact how housing field is developing in this area and even this place is known for the people who want to settle here for life time. it s the combination of busy world and the places that offer peace and quiet to the ones, who want to live at a quiet place. Florida is multicultural cities and has people from Caribbean, Latin American, Spanish and Cubans. Its gives the impression of world, within itself and represents different cultures and ethnic groups. Sunny weather invites the people that want to enjoy the beaches and the warm weather. Wilderness and the natural scenes are the special aspect of this place and are the most attractive factor for travelers (Veness and Veness). Comparison Although, New York and Florida apparently seem to be the different places, but, there are a lot of things in common and there are numerous facts they share. Some will be discussed here. Cultural Diversity It is a well known fact that America is a multi cultural country and is the one that not only respects, but also, celebrates various cultures of the world. New York is a metropolitan and people from not only different parts of America, but, of the world are settled here and are living and working in Harmony. Due to the presence of the Film Industry, people from different countries are also attracted here and work along with Americans. When a traveler leaves the airport he starts having the experience of the lifetime. The experience of cultural diversity starts from the people who land on this airport, taxi drivers belonging to different countries and the people working in the streets and shops. From corporate level to people on the streets, a traveler can see people of different origins, here (Chevron). Florida is considered as the land of the people majorly belonging from Latin America, but, a lot of Asians, people from Caribbean, Cubans, Caucasians and most of the Latin America hav e become the locals of this city. Cultural diversity is common in Florida and New York and in spite of less busier city than New York; traveler can see people from different backgrounds. One might think that m.ost of them are travelers, but, it is a surprising fact that people of different origins have settled here and made Florida a world in it (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin). Transport Most important thing that a traveler will enjoy in New York will be the ease with which he can travel from one place to another and how he can reach his destination, without any issues. The most common modes of communication that are available in New York include: commuter rails, buses, subways and taxis. When a traveler leaves airport or the bus stand he easily finds taxi from the airport or the stand and can reach his destination. It is a common scene in New York that in spite of being the busy city and the lots of traffic, some people also use bicycles to move from on place to another (Chevron). In Florida, intercity rail is the most common and easily available and easily reached transport. In addition to this, travelers can easily find yellow cabs that can take people at their destination. There is an excellent road system n the country and the busses available can take traveler to different parts of Florida easily, anywhere and anytime. (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin) Hotels Most amazing thing about New York is that it is the economic hub, busiest city, populace one and the one with millions of visitors, but, traveler can fig most luxurious to the cheapest hotels in this area. People who only want to roam about and experience New York can get most economical place and the ones who want to stay in luxury can find the five starts hotels also. There are around five hundred options of different hotels and inns are available in New York, which serve all types of people (Chevron). Abundance of hotels and restaurants, in Florida, are present due to the abundance of beaches here. Since traveler who come in Florida often visit beaches and countryside, so they prefer guest houses and tents and which are available. In the rural side, economical and most luxurious hotels are available. Varieties of hotels give the choice to the travelers and help then to choose a hotel within their budget (Veness and Veness). Food Food truck culture is becoming common in New York, which provides junk, traditional, Mexican, African, Thai and al, kinds of foods are available to the travelers at economical rate. Travelers who want to enjoy more sophisticated restaurants and experience the sophisticated food, and then they can also go to numerous restaurants and shops opened in all parts of New York (Chevron). A variety of food options are available all over Florida and the options vary with the population and the terrain. In rural sides, all types of food i.e. junk t the specialties of different cultures are available. Since, Florida has a large beach, so, seafood is really common in this area and variety of seafood increase at the restaurants and hotels near the beaches. Traditional food of America is available everywhere, but, the people of different nationalities have opened restaurants and the abundance of food trucks helps in increasing the options available. (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin). Contrast Being different part of same country, New York and Florida have lot of commonalities, but, they also have numerous differences that make then different from one another and encourage the traveler to visit both states. Weather Weather of New York and Florida is totally different from one another. In New York there different seasons, along with summer and winter people also experience spring an autumn. The winters of New York are very cold and the temperature drops to as low as -2 degree centigrade. Heavy snow fall is common in New York and the hurricanes are common in this area (Chevron). In comparison to New York, in Florida, it is either really hot or warm. Winters in this area is not very chilly, the beaches make the temperature normal even in the winter. Southern Florida remains warm even in the winter, but, in northern Florida, temperature may fall to the freezing point and can create difficulties for the locals and visitors (Veness and Veness). Geography New York is Atlantic Ocean and the Hudson River, people even use fairies for the leisure purpose, although, its coast line is really small, as comparison to Florida. But, the main cities of New York have developed and there are skyscrapers all over the place. There is varied geography of New York, having plains, mountains, river, lakes and all other natural treasures, but, it is well known for its urban side. There are natural sights, but, the urban world of New York is more popular among the travelers (Chevron). Florida is actually situated on a peninsula made by Atlantic Ocean and the Mexican Gulf. The coastline of Florida is really large and spreads to 13,476 Km in NOAA system. Beaches are the main attraction in these areas and due to such a large coastline, and being at the sea level, the state is generally plain and offers numerous beaches for the travelers (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin). Sightings and Attractions In terms of attractions and sightings, New York is one of a kind. Statue of Liberty is considered the most important place that every traveler, in the New York, wants to visit. Metropolitan Museum of Art is another important attraction of the city. Museum of Modern Art, Empire State Building, Times Square, Museum of Natural history, botanical garden and China town are the most popular and most visited places by the traveler. The urban world of New York is really attractive and invites travel to explore its wonders. Most of the places that people love to visit in New York are manmade. In comparison to other places, New York is considered to be the place Museums, art galleries and gardens and offers the combination of old and new world (Chevron). Florida is known for its theme parks and among them; Disney World is considered to be the main attraction. It spreads on 47 miles and has restaurants, themed hotels mater parks, shops and gold course and attracts the people all over the world, it is not only the most favorite place for children, but also for the adult travelers. Universal Orlando made by the universal Studio, Sea world, LegoLand, Kennedy Space Centre and most importantly its beaches are the most visited places. The natural scenes and the sights in Florida are more famous among the travelers and this provides the combination of manmade and the natural sights like John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and Everglades that a traveler wants to pay a must visit. This feature has made Florida more attractive place form travelers with different preferences and different likings (Veness and Veness). Shopping Both are really big states and the shopping place that are available here are incredible. If analysis of New York’s markets and the shopping complex is done, then because of being the urban area, numerous brands can be found at a single road or street and even in the same shopping complex. There are very expensive shopping malls to the ones that offer the most economical things and the ones with discounts. The most important attribute that these malls and shopping centers offer is that they work 24 hours a day and make it really easy for everyone to shop in accordance with their preferences. The most popular market among the travelers is China town, which attracts people of all ethnicities (Chevron). Shopping Malls in Florida are also incredible like those in New York, but, the versatility is far less here. Another thing that differentiates the markets of Florida from New York’s is that most of the malls close by 11pm. The shops do not remain open round the clock and th e variety of traditional and all the ethnicities cannot be found at a single place. (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin) Conclusion New York and Florida are the beautiful states of America and are the true representatives of American culture, history and the diversity. They workers and travelers from all over the world and the people here facilitate and accommodate them among themselves. Diversity is the most beautiful feature of these states and this ensures that America is actually the land of dreams. It offers all the facilities that a traveler wisher for like easy transportation, economical hotels and the variety of food. Apart from these features they are also different in a lot of aspects. New York is known and celebrated for its urban sides, museums and galleries, whereas Florida is known for its theme parks and beaches. Difference in weather and geography make it worth visiting even from the Americans, belonging to different states. In spite of the similarities and differences in these states, these are the places that should be visited by everyone and should be on the list of travel lover. Works Cited Campbell, Jeff, et al. Lonely Planet Florida. Melbourne, Australia: Lonely Planet, 2014. Chevron, Doris. MARCO POLO Travel Guide New York. Ostfildern, Germany: MAIRDUMONT GmbH Co. , 2014. Stone, Matthew J. and James F. Patrick. The Educational Benefits of Travel Experiences: Literature Review. Journal of Travel Research, 52(6) (2013): 731-744. Veness, Simon and Susan Veness. The Telegraph Travel. 2012. Telegraph. 29 June 2015 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destination/usa/95884/Florida-travel-guide.html>.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Australian Climate Essay -- Weather Environment Australia Essays Paper

Australian Climate Australian Climate Zones When looking at the climate of Australia, we can break up the continent into three basic areas of climate. The tropical region containing the northern peninsulas of Australia, as well as the city of Darwin, is hot and extremely wet. Average maximum temperatures range from 30 - 39 °C with an average annual rainfall of up to 400 cm. The tropical north is covered with rainforests and is regularly hit by tropical monsoons, hence the extreme amount of precipitation. Secondly, the central deserts and grasslands cover over seventy percent of the inland and receive the least amount of rain, from 12 to 100 cm annually. The maximum temperature ranges from 24 °C in the southern deserts to over 36 °C in the northern grasslands. This enormous section of Australia is usually referred to as the â€Å"Outback† and is not densely populated. The third and most heavily-populated climate area is the temperate south and southeast. The big cities in Australia – Melbourne, Sydney, Canbe rra, Brisbane and Perth – are all located in the south, and all in the southeast except for Perth. We will focus on the southeastern coastal area when talking about this temperate climate zone, as the vast majority of Australians live in this area. The climate here is very moist and mild; although not as wet as the tropical north, receiving anywhere from 50 to 320 cm of rain annually, but much wetter in comparison to the Outback. The average maximum temperature in the southeast ranges from 12 to 27 °C, which is more livable compared to the rest of the continent. To understand just how these climate zones function, we must look at the subtropical high that exists in the southern â€Å"horse latitudes† of around 30 °S. The Subtropica... ...on of El Nino, which many think has to do with increased pollution and other human influences on the environment, has created an almost constant state of drought in Australia. For the citizens of Australia, we can only hope that the global community can strive to treat the environment better, as the smallest detrimental actions can have far-reaching consequences when it comes to weather and society. Bibliography Australia Bureau of Meteorology, â€Å"Bureau of Meteorology Home Page,† http://www.bom.gov.au/ Dimantina Touring, â€Å"Outback Australia Climate,† http://www.diamantina-tour.com.au/outback_info/climate.htm Earthsci.org, â€Å"Australia Climate,† http://earthsci.org/weather/austwea/autwea.htm Monash University, â€Å" Australia ’s Climate,† http://www.monash.edu/international/australia/climate/ Weathersavvy.com, â€Å"Deserts,† http://weathersavvy.com/Q-Deserts1.html

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

[pic] OBSTETRICS POSTING CASE WRITE-UP PREGNANCY INDUCE HYPERTENSION Name: Muhammad Azraie B. Mat Ali Matrix Number: 1090265 Patient Identification Name: Nur Asilah Bt. Johari Age: 23 year old Race: Malay Sex: Female Address: Taman Raja Abdullah Occupation: Student D. O. A. : 13 March 2013 I/C: 900208035442 LMP: 27 June 2012 – sure of date – not on breast feeding – not on contraceptive – regular menses POA: 37/52 EDD: 4 April 2013 Chief Complaint(s) This is a referred case from Klinik Kesihatan Jalan Raja Abdullah for high blood pressure during regular ante-natal check-up for 1 day duration.History Of Presenting Illness Patient was apparently well until 1 day ago when she was diagnosed to have high blood pressure during her regular antenatal check-up at Klinik Kesihatan Jalan Raja Abdullah. She was normotensive throughout the antenatal check-up before until yesterday when the doctor noticed that her blood pressure was high which was 170/100 mmHg for three time consecutively. She denied of having an essential hypertension before and no positive family history of hypertension.On further questioning, she had headache, otherwise she not had any sign and symtoms of impending eclampsia such as blurring of vision, vomiting, epigastric pain and syncope prior to the admission. She claimed the first episode of headache was during last antenatal check up where she was diagnosed to have high blood pressure. History Of Presenting Pregnancy Pregnancy was suspected when she missed her menses for 4/52. It was confirmed by doing urine pregnancy test (UPT) at private clinic. At that time, no early ultrasound was done.She claimed that she experienced symptoms of early pregnancy such as nausea, vomiting and headache that last until 20/52 POA. Booking was done during 13/52 POA at Klinik Kesihatan Jalan Raja Abdullah. At that time, blood and urine investigation was done. Her blood pressure at that time was 112/70 mmHg. Blood group was O positive and VDRL was non-reactive. Urine investigations also normal. She attended all the ante-natal clinic regularly and all was uneventful. Symphyseal-fundal height was correspond to the date throughout the check-up.She was also normotensive throughout the visit until the last visit when her blood pressure was rise up. Quickening was felt at 20/52 POA and it was increasing in the frequency and intensity. Past Obstetric History She married in year 2011 at the age of 21 and this is her first pregnancy. Past Gynaecology History She attained menarche at the age of 13. She had a regular menses flow of 5 to 6 days duration with 28 to 30 days per cycle. It peaks on day 2 with no history of menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea. She denied of having any history of intermenstrual bleed and post-coital bleed.She not practicing any method of contraceptive and no pap smear was done before. Systemic Review Systemic review was unremarkable. She had no heart disease symptoms that can cause by hypertension, no headache, n o nausea and vomiting, and also no blurring of vision. Past Medical and Surgical History This is her first admission to the hospital. There was no history of asthma, essential hypertension, diabetes mellitus and heart disease in this patient. He denied of having any surgical intervention before. Family History All of her siblings were in good health.There was no history of twin or congenital abnormalities in her family. Both of her parents are still alive and in good health. Social And Personal History She live with her husband at Taman Jalan Abdullah. She is a student,and she denied smoking and consume alcohol. Her husband also a student, non smoker and not consume alcohol. Diet And Drug History There was no known drug and food allergies. Summary My patient, a 23 year old lady primigravida at 37/52 POA was admitted due to increased blood pressure during ante-natal check-up which was symptomatic. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION General Examination:The patient was lying supine comfortably suppo rted with one pillow. She was not in pain and not in respiratory distress. She is a medium built woman with clinically adequate nutritional and hydrational status. There was no gross deformity and skin colour changes in this patient. No attachment of iv branula on her limbs. Vital Signs: Blood pressure: 140/88 mmHg Pulse: 96 beats per minute. Regular rhythm and good volume. Temperature: 37oC Respiratory rate: 20 breaths per minute General Systemic Examination: Hand: The palm was warm and moist. The palmar creases was pink/not pale.No palmar erythema. No peripheral cyanosis and clubbing. Head and Neck: No jaundice and the conjunctiva was pink. Oral hygiene was good, no central cyanosis and the tonsil was not injected. Lower Limb: There was no ankle edema. Per Abdomen Examination: The abdomen was distended with gravid uterus as evidence of linea nigra and striae gravidarum. The umbilicus was centrally located and flat. No dilated veins and surgical scar. Abdomen was soft and non-tende r. Clinial fundus correspond to 38 weeks of gestation. Symphyseal-fundal height was 36 cm, which was corresponding to date.It was a singleton baby. Longitudinal lie with cephalic presentation and fetal back was at mother's left. The fetal head was not engaged. Liquor was clinically adequate. Fetal heart sound was heard. Examination Of Other System i. Cardiovascular System – apex beat was located at the left 4th intercostal space, lateral to the mid-clavicular line. – Both heart sound was present, and no additional sound. ii. Respiratory System – Air entry was normal and equal both sided. No additional sound was present. iii. Central Nervous System – All motor and sensory was grossly intact.Reflexes was normal. Summary: The patient, 23 year old primigravida at 37/52 POA, was examined and showed high blood pressure. All the reflexes were normal. Other system was normal. _____________________________________________________________________ Problem List: i. P rimigravida ii. High blood pressure INVESTIGATION 1. Urine Analysis ( 24 Hr Urine Protein ) To look any presence of protein in the urine to exclude pre-eclampsia and to assess the severity of the proteinuria quantitatively. Result : Negative finding. Interpretation : No proteinuria in this patient. 2. Full Blood CountTo assess haemoglobin and platelet count in this patient. Result : WBC9. 79Ãâ€"109/L Hb13. 2g/dL Plt270x109/L Interpretation : All parameters shows no abnormalities. 3. Renal Function Test To assess glomerular and tubular function of the kidney. Result : Sodium135 mmol/L Potassium4. 0 mmol/L Urea3. 0 mmol/L Interpretation : All parameters shows no abnormalities. 4. Liver Function Test To assess the level of aminotransferases and protein level especially albumin level Result : ALP134 ALT11 Bilirubin4 Total protein64 Albumin34 Interpretation : No abnormalities. 5. UltrasoundTo assess fetal condition, look for placenta pathology Result : BPD90. 6 mm36W5D FL64. 0mm37W6D HC 328 mm37W2D EBW2. 40 – 2. 60 kg Placenta : Fundal grade III Interpretation : Normal Amniotic Fluid Index : To assess the amniotic fluid volume ( poly-, normal, or oligohydramnios ) Result : 12. 0 PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS Gestational Hypertension Evidence: †¢ History – increased blood pressure more than 140/90 mmHg during last ANC – occur after gestational age more than 20 weeks – no proteinuria – no history of essential hypertension before †¢ Physical examination & investigation high blood pressure (170/100 mmHg) MANAGEMENT Aim of management : 1. Control the hypertension 2. Monitor the fetus condition by doing fetal kick chart and cardiotocography 3. Don’t allowed postdate 4. A tablet of Aldalat (Nifedipine) 10 mg 3 times daily 5. Daily monitoring of blood pressure for every 4 hours 6. Deliver the baby by induction of labour if more than 35 POA 7. Plenty of bed rest DISCUSSION PREGNANCY-INDUCED HYPERTENSION Definition :- Increase in b lood pressure after 20 weeks of gestation: †¢ BP ? 140/90 mmHg †¢ An ^ in systolic BP ? 30 mmHg over baseline An ^ in diastolic BP ? 15 mmHg over baseline BP measurement : Taken at least 6 hours apart with the patient at rest PIH can be divided into : †¢ Pre-eclampsia – mild, severe †¢ Gestational HPT †¢ Eclampsia As we received a pregnant woman with a high blood pressure during ante-natal check-up, we should bare in mind that one of the possible causes of it is Pregnancy Induced Pregnancy (PIH). In this case, full history of the patient should be taken including full obstetric history, signs and symptoms of heart disease, liver disease and renal disease to exclude any possibility of ssential hypertension and also signs and symptoms of impending eclampsia. As in this patient, there was no history of essential hypertension or family history of hypertension, and the high blood pressure was only discovered during ante-natal check-up at late pregnancy whi ch is at 37 weeks POA. She was diagnosed to have Pregnancy Induced Hypertension which are mild in severity because the blood pressure was maintained around 170/100 mmHg on subsequent ante-natal visit. She was not diagnosed to have pre-eclampsia because no proteinuria.Several investigation was done in this patient to look for any complication of pregnancy induced hypertension in the mother and the fetus. All parameters of the investigation show no abnormalities. It is because the hypertension is mild in severity and it occurs quite late in the pregnancy which make the complication difficult to arise. Complications of hypertension in pregnancy There are several complication that can occur in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. Maternal :- †¢ Cerebral haemorrhage †¢ Heart failure †¢ Hepatic necrosis Acute tubular necrosis of the kidney Placental :- †¢ Placental insufficiency †¢ Abruptio placenta †¢ Oligohydramnios Fetus :- †¢ Intrauterine growth retardati on Drugs that can be used in pregnancy 1. Methyldopa (Aldomet) †¢ It is a central adrenergic inhibitor †¢ Action: v symphatetic activity, v total peripheral resistance †¢ Adverse effect : lethargy, drowsiness †¢ It is the safest drug in pregnancy 2. Labetolol (Trandet) †¢ ? /? adrenergic blocker †¢ Action : v total peripheral resistance, v cardiac output †¢ Adverse effect : fetal bradycardia, IUGR Contra-indication : 1st degree heart block, severe asthma 3. Nifedipine (Adalet) †¢ Calcium channel blocker †¢ Action : inhibit calcium influx in vascular smooth muscle †¢ Adverse effect : headache, reflux tachycardia, flushing 4. Hydralazine †¢ Peripheral vasodilator †¢ Action : direct action on vascular smooth muscle, v TPR †¢ Adverse effect : headache, sweating, nausea, palpitation †¢ Indication of use : in hypertension crisis In the ward, the blood pressure of the patient was controlled by given her good bed rest and daily monitoring of blood pressure.Other than that, the fetus condition monitored by doing cardiotocography (CTG). She also planned to have induction of labour. Indications for labour in this patient The indications for labour in this patient are :- i. She is at term ii. Delivery of the baby is the only treatment to bring down the blood pressure in pregnancy induced hypertension Risks of induction of labour 1. Failed induction – indicates that the attempt to induce labour has failed to result in full dilatation of the cervix. 2. Uterine hyperstimulation – which can cause fetal distress and uterine rupture

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hitler’s Underestimation of the Allies

Toni Smith 12/4/09 â€Å"The Boys’ Crusade† concerning Hitler’s Underestimation of the Allied Powers In his book â€Å"The Boys’ Crusade† Paul Fussell develops the theme of Adolf Hitler’s underestimation of the Allied forces. Hitler’s failure to accurately evaluate the power of the Allied enemies led to the destruction of the Axis powers and precipitated the end of WWII. He underestimated not only the strength of the Allies, but also their determination to win, their combined cooperation, their militarial organizational skills, and their combined technological advances. This underestimation was a product of Hitler’s personal theory of German Aryan racial supremacy over other races and was commonly accepted to some degree as the social Darwinist ideas of the time. In Hitler’s eyes, Germans were a dominant species, set apart from other races by their motivation, their loyal dedication to the Fuhrer, and the strength of their willpower. Hitler believed Germans would prove themselves to be superior on the battlefield if only because of their pure racial background. The lack of discipline and the dismissive attitudes of Allied troops were factors that Hitler believed maintained the theory of racial supremacy. The Germany military, called the Wehrmacht, the SS, and the Gestapo were all strictly trained and highly disciplined units. German parades during WWII consisted of controlled marches in uniform through the streets of German cities. Nazi officials aimed to show the Aryan population the strength and pride of the German military. In contrast to the strict discipline of the Wehrmacht were the Allied forces, in specific, the American troops. They gained a reputation of general laziness including â€Å"slouching postures, gum chewing, leaning against walls when tired, keeping hands in trouser pockets, and †¦ profanity†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 1 Hitler saw the slovenly attitudes of the American troops as a solid example of the supremacy of the Aryan Germans. Fussell states that because conditions at the front line were so deplorable many psychological problems and morale issues arose. Also, a general unpreparedness of new recruits was a critical concern, which could have been avoided by training infantrymen for the psychological aspects of warfare. Too late, military planners found that unless replacement troops were â€Å"trained rigorously and prepared psychologically for the carnage of the front lines, they would not survive long and tended to revert to cowardice when faced with violent action. †2 In trench warfare the abysmal living environment, illness, fatigue, loneliness, and constant fear of death created a hopeless feeling of fighting in a meaningless â€Å"never-ending† war. The psychological health of Allied troops was a crucial factor in relation to the positive morale and overall troop resilience, especially of those confronted daily with violent action. The infantry suffered the highest percentage of total casualties throughout the war, and was forced to fight in the worst conditions. The idea of a â€Å"never-ending† war was created in part by the demoralization of troops during the middle stages of the war, before an end was clearly in sight, and also because American troops knew there were only three ways â€Å"to escape from the front line with its discipline, anxiety, and horror: the unlikely sudden end of the war; a wound; and death itself. †3 Before the winter of 1941, Hitler had not considered, the threat of U. S. involvement in the war. However, when the U. S. declared war on Germany and Japan on the 11th of December, 1941, Hitler wholeheartedly believed Germany was ready to challenge Britain and America in a war of global magnitude. Hitler had previously assumed the U. S. would stay out of a European conflict to continue their chosen policy of isolation across the Atlantic. But Germany was not materially prepared for a global war drawn out for more than a few years. Though the U. S. lacked the discipline and fanatical loyalty the German troops showed towards their Fuhrer, Americans were not entering a war without national strengths. The Germans were renowned craftsmen and had the capability to produce high-quality weapons and war-materials but they were not equipped for the scale of production necessary for victory in a global war. However: the strengths of the American industrial tradition – the widespread experience with mass-production, the great depth of technical and organizational skill, the willingness to ‘think big’, the ethos of hustling competition – were just the characteristics needed to transform the American production in a hurry. 4 The U. S. as quite familiar with the technique of mass-production and implemented it very successfully. The American motor industry adapted so well to the program that â€Å"once the conversion was completed the industry began to overfulfil its orders. †5 Based on the opportunities of individual profit, many prospective entrepreneurs found that the war opened a door to the world of business. Germany had been making preparations for war since Hitler took control of the state on the 30th of January, 1933 and the American leaders were aware of just how far behind in production they were. The military weakness of the U. S. was a consequence of geographical and political isolation, but in only four years the giant plans approved by Roosevelt and Congress in the first weeks of war â€Å"turned America from military weakling to military super-power. †6 The strategy of mass-production encouraged individuals to involve themselves in the production of war materials, giving them a personal and unique sense of dedication to the war effort. Production began with Roosevelt building a wartime planning infrastructure, run by business recruits. He employed a strategy in which business was given a good deal of responsibility to further the war effort. The American approach to â€Å"production on this scale made Allied victory a possibility, though it did not make victory in any sense automatic. †7 Hitler was anxious for a victory over the Soviet Union, not only to satisfy a sense of retribution remaining from the German defeat of the First World War, but also to accomplish the goals he set out in his book, Mein Kampf, to attain Lebensraum, or living space for an expanding Aryan population. Even the war with Britain couldn’t distract him for long, and â€Å"in the summer of 1940 he turned his back on Britain, who could, he argued, be finished off by the Luftwaffe in good time, and looked eastward. †8 Hitler was so focused on the conflict against the Soviet Union, that he didn’t correctly prioritize the two conflicts and the necessary war materials needed for a victory in a war against a second front in the West. Hitler had an overabundant confidence in the superiority of German troops and German tanks and didn’t realize how decisive the Allied landing at D-Day and later the battle at Stalingrad would be. The landing on Normandy beaches were a welcome success after the months of small and costly victories in Italy and North Africa. Though Stalingrad is generally considered the most decisive battle of WWII, D-Day marked a major turning point for the Allies. The landing forced Hitler to fight a war on two fronts, which relieved some pressure from the Soviets’ bitter struggle against the Wehrmacht in the East. Hitler’s Germany was beginning to stretch thin, as â€Å"a great chasm opened up between Hitler’s plans and the material reality. 9 The Allies effectively used technology to gain the upper-hand to aide in the victory of the Second World War in Europe. The strategy of synchronizing air support with ground forces promoted forward surges of troops while destroying dug-in German fortifications and causing enemy casualties. In the Battle of the Atlantic, the British were able to crack the German naval code and use decoded transmissions to steer convoys of merchant ships away from the packs of waiting U-Boats. The Allies proved their organization and cooperation abilities during the Battle of the Atlantic. The British and Americans worked together successfully to â€Å"render redundant naval strategies still rooted in the battleship age†10 by the use of air power in groups called support escorts to keep merchant ships safe from U-Boat damage. The success of U-Boats destruction was increased with the use of long-range aircraft, radio, and radar. The warfare technology at sea was maximized, proving that â€Å"victory was a product of all those elements of organization and invention mobilized in months of painstaking labor. 11 Though the Battle of the Atlantic wasn’t won in any short span of time, it lasted for six years, the technological advances, communication improvements, and the coordination of British and Allied forces to predict U-Boat movement took Hitler by surprise. Hitler was confident that the superior German navy could easily gain control of the English Channel, but the Allies proved that in this specific battle â€Å"the careful application of air power, and the use of radar and radio intelligence, turned the tide. 12 Hitler had an overabundant confidence in the German forces and didn’t contemplate the outcome of an Allied victory because he believed Germans were racially superior. Though he wasn’t interested in a war with Britain or the U. S. , they stood in the way of the fruition of his goals of conquest in the East, specifically the destruction of the Jewish people and the downfall of the Soviet Union. Hitler underestimated the combined strength, organizational skills, and military power of the Allies and allowed his dreams of Eastern conquest to cloud his judgment concerning military priorities when faced with a pressing war in the West. His inaccurate estimation of the strength of the Allies and his inability to coordinate war efforts on two fronts, especially after Stalingrad, led to the downfall of the Axis powers. References Fussell, Paul 2003. The Boys’ Crusade. New York: Random House Printing. 136. Fussell, 97. Fussell, 107. Overy, Richard 1995. Why The Allies Won. New York: Norton Publishing. 192. Overy, 195. Overy, 192. Overy, 192. Overy, 13. Overy, 200. 10. Overy, 30. 11. Overy, 60. 12. Overy, 52.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

OSHA Practices in Malaysia Essays

OSHA Practices in Malaysia Essays OSHA Practices in Malaysia Essay OSHA Practices in Malaysia Essay OSHA Practice in Malaysia The on the job public is an of import advantage for our state consequently we ca nt bear to hold legion bad lucks in the work concern which will jeopardize our honored HR. Many persons will be influenced squarely or by deduction once the bad luck happens. The groups of the casualties will digest the loss of their friends and household and wellhead of wage. The foreman will digest the loss of an complete labourer and be compelled to retain the accidental cost because of the interfered with undertaking exercisings, expanded protection premiums and curative ingestion. The Occupational Health and Safety ( OH A ; S ) direction system specification, designed to enable organisation to command OH A ; S hazards and better their public presentation. Three illustrations of OSHA that we take are in the building site, chemical mill every bit good as fabrication company. All the company set up OHS plan. An OHS plan requires a statement of the employer’s purposes and the duties of the employer, supervisors, and workers. This statement- called a policy- typically provinces: The employer’s committedness to the OHS plan The employer’s committedness to protect the wellness and safety of workers The purposes and precedences of the OHS plan The duties of the employer, supervisors, and workers A nice well-being and security scheme are basically composed and straightforward. The composed scheme are marked by the CEO or senior supervisor on location and be dated and audited annually. All specializers ought to be made mindful of the agreement and its significance. For case, it could be given to every new labourer and posted in the work environment. We pick GAMUDA LAND as our illustration for the building site. This is on history of GAMUDA LAND is the 2nd greatest development organisation in Malaysia. Because of that separate shred, the GAMUDA LAND is genuinely a popular organisation contrast with others. They had add to an OHS undertaking to command and decrease the dangers and heighten their executing. The attack of the system contains few constituent that need all the worker, from decision maker to laborer, to give full responsibility towards the policy. The policy contains the undermentioned component: Regular review Workplace review Written direction Regular reviews of the workplace are intended to: Identify conditions and insecure Acts of the Apostless with the possible to do hurt or disease Determine necessary disciplinary steps Prevent insecure work conditions from developing Three assorted types of reappraisals are depicted which are general, ordered work environment appraisals. This probe investigate constructions, constructions, evidences, unearthing’s, setups, cogwheel, hardware, and work systems and patterns for dangers that may convey about harm or complaint. The scrutiny is calendar at proper meantimes to prevent parlous conditions making. Contingent upon the work environment and the kind of hazards that may make, probes may be booked twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours, hebdomad by hebdomad, or month to month. The undermentioned probes is the gear scrutiny in which the specializers ought to be prepared to reexamine their setup, instruments, and hardware often, taking after the manufacturer s proposals. The Occupational Health and Safety Regulation may to boot hold peculiar necessities. Case in point, a raising phase must be examined by the decision maker before use on every motion. To wrap things up, the alone scrutinies. The Occupationa l Health and Safety Regulation obliges an uncommon reappraisal after a dislocation or bad luck to vouch that work does non go on until it is safe to make as such. The 2nd constituent is working environment appraisal. An probe group incorporates both laborer and disposal agents. The group ought to be acquainted with the work procedure and, at whatever point conceivable, integrated persons from the joint board or the labourer well-being and security delegate. A worksite probe docket can assist vouch that reappraisals are careful, consequences are recorded, and the assessment process is institutionalized. An docket is particularly valuable in pull offing those new to the scrutiny procedure. The docket ought to be adjusted to accommodate the demands of the work environment. Any unsafe or destructive conditions found amid a standard scrutiny ought to be accounted for quickly to the director or concern and helped every bit shortly as possible. The 3rd constituent is a composed way. Wellbeing and security, efficiency, and quality control all advantage from composed systems. Composed methods can assist fix new labourers and put up a dependable degree of work executing. A composed safe work scheme records the patterned advances in making an project firmly for case, it advises how to firmly bolt out a spot of hardware before making upkeep. Not all assignments oblige definite composed methods. Different kinds of composed guidelines may be suited. For a few projects, wellbeing issues can be tended to verbally in squad negotiations or amid fixing. Composed safe work techniques are produced all through conference with the joint board of legal guardians and labourers who carry out the business. The labourers are given extras of methodological analysis in the scope where the work action happens. In any instance, this constituent should be study at whatever point work alterations, new cogwheel is presented, or labourers return after a broadened luckless lack. Likewise, work techniques may should be balanced as the effect of proposals from a reappraisal or from an scrutiny refering an episode. The undermentioned instance we use for case in mixture processing works is SUKA CHEMICALS ( M ) SDN BHD. Chemicals have turn into an indispensable piece of human life, keeping exercisings and promotion, debaring and commanding legion illnesss, and spread outing agricultural efficiency. Notwithstanding their advantages, chemicals might, peculiarly when abused, do unfriendly impacts on human well-being and natural trustiness. Far making usage of chemicals all through the universe expands the capableness of unfavourable impacts. The organisation to boot set up an OHS plan. The well-being and security scheme contains: Risk appraisal of chemicals Information workers should cognize sing risky chemicals Labeling of risky chemical substances Chemical handling A hazard rating is merely a cautious scrutiny of what, at work, could convey approximately mischievousness to specializers. Bad lucks and ill well-being can pulverize lives and influence concern if output is lost ; setup is harmed, protection disbursals increase. All dangers in the on the job environment must be distinguished and surveyed for control steps to be put set up. Hazard rating is a process including a few phases. In the first topographic point, the danger variable ( what is insecure ) must be recognized and its well-being impacts ( what sort of injury ) portrayed. Following, the constituent of unfavourable impacts ( how injury is created ) must be illuminated and impact -changing elements described ( does the injury bend out to be reasonably much in the locality of other factor ) . The earnestness of the dangers should similarly be known on the premiss of exposure–effect and exposure–response connexions ( the sum of debut causes the sum of injury ; what the protected degree is ) . At last, extrapolation is made to the word related puting to study the extent of the issue ( what figure of cases of disease ) . This process needs a multidisciplinary attempt in which the word related wellbeing physicians hold a focal place. Their committedness is indispensable for separating the hazard, for portraying its instruments, and for mensurating the danger. Hazard assessment similarly depends on different trains, for illustration, the survey of disease transmittal, penetrations, toxicology, word related cleanliness, and biotechnologies. In the context of Information workers should cognize sing risky chemicals, an employer shall, guarantee that the employee is adequately trained with respect to: The contents of the ordinances for risky chemical substances Potential beginning exposure to chemicals Potential hazards to wellness caused by exposure Potential detrimental consequence of exposure on his/her generative ability Measures taken by the employer to protect employees against any hazard from exposure Precautions to be taken by an employee to protect himself against the wellness hazards associated exposure Correct usage, care of safety equipment, installations and technology controls Importance of good housework at the workplace and personal hygiene Safe working processs Procedures to be followed in the event of spillages or escapes. For marker, the names on chemicals can assist acknowledge more unsafe chemicals and in add-on advise about the hazards to wellbeing and light on screening systems. Every man-made compartment ought to be lawfully recognized and grouped and littler emptying compartments ought to be unmistakably marked as to the substance of the holder. Other than that, for substance taking attention of, the considerable figure of specializers need to believe about the mixture. The laborer demand to cognize how a compound can be insecure and cause strange to organic structure furthermore the kinds of man-made that can be found in the workplace, for illustration, dust, H2O, gasses and air. The labourers ought to to boot necessitate to believe about the danger in the on the job environment and ought to hold an unmistakable agreement on what to make in the event that they un-deliberately contact with the man-made substances. The last instance that we as sample for the act of OHS is F A ; N Beverages. It is an piecing organisation in which the made enjoying H2O different canned and jugs. The organisation wellbeing system contains Training, Education, and Supervision, Hazard Identification and Risk Control, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System ( WHMIS ) and others. The achievement of an all-round created security undertaking relies on the adequateness of fixing enterprises. As indicated by the Regulation, representatives must be educated about possible hazards in the work environment and the protected work hones that they ought to take after to minimise dangers. Fixing and developing ought to get down with debut. A compelling well-being debut permits them to convey the logic of disposal or owners, security rules and ordinances, and the ways and method for turning great, good, and safe work leanings. Taking after debut, fixing ought to continue through the whole clip of career. Administration must vouch that all workers are prepared in safe work patterns and that they are lawfully regulated on a progressing premiss. Security Training Policy. It is the agreement to vouch that representative preparing is given to better worker well-being and run into administrative fixing necessities. Wellbeing fixing brings new ideas into the work environment or re-builds up desired systems for carry throughing more unafraid work rehearses. It likewise permits managers to study alternate constituents of the security plan with representatives and warrant that they are put without vacillation on a regular basis. All representatives must be prepared in safe work rehearses. As new patterns and methodological analysis develop, direction is in charge of supplying workers with farther fixing to persistently progress security and heedfulness. Directors or supervisor are obliged to give security debut to new representatives or bing workers who are traveling to another place or anothe r worksite. Heads are in charge of vouching that representatives who report to them see in the scene of representative security preparing. Supervisor are in charge of vouching the well-being and security of any specializers under their ticker. Accidents are preventable, as long a proactive attack to wellness and safety is taken. By implementing a system of hazard designation and hazard control, workplace hurts and diseases can be prevent. There are three basic stairss. The first measure is to see every country of the workplace when looking for jeopardies. Think about conditions or work activities that could set the employees or invitees at hazard. For illustration, the employees might happen jeopardies such as unguarded machinery in the kitchen or a wet floor in the front entryway of employee’s workplace. Ask the staff if they have any specific wellness and safety concerns. The following measure is to measure the hazard. Once the jeopardy had been identified and measure the hazards associated with it, there are two basic inquiries to inquire when sing a jeopardy: how probably is an incident, and how serious would it be if it occurred? A hazard appraisal will assist to prioritise the jeopardies. Thus the employee kno w which 1s to cover with first. The 3rd measure is command the hazard. Once the jeopardy had been identified and assessed the hazards, the employees should look for ways to command them. The basic types of controls are riddance or permutation, technology controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment. Following is the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System ( WHMIS ) . All workplaces that use stuffs identified as risky by the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System ( WHMIS ) must follow WHMIS demands. The system uses consistent labelling to assist workers acknowledge risky stuffs, which are referred to ascontrolled merchandisesunder WHMIS. The system and labels provide specific information on handling, storing, and disposing of controlled merchandises.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Definition and Examples of Explication

Definition and Examples of Explication Explication is a term in research and literary criticism for the close analysis of a text or of an excerpt from a longer text. Also known as  exegesis. The term is derived from explication de texte (explanation of text), the practice in French literary studies of closely examining the language of a text to determine meaning. Explication de texte entered English-language criticism with the help of the New Critics, who emphasized a text-only approach as the only valid method of analysis. Thanks to the New Criticism, explication has become established in English as a critical term referring to the nuanced and thorough close reading of textual ambiguities, complexities, and interrelationships (Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms, 2003). See Examples and Observations below. Also, see: The Advantages of Slow Reading and Slow WritingAnalysisClose Reading and Deep ReadingCritical Analysis and Critical EssayRevision and Editing Checklist for a Critical EssayRhetorical Analysis EtymologyFrom the Latin, unfold, explain Examples and Observations [An explication  is an] attempt to reveal the meaning by calling attention to implications, such as the connotations of words and the tone conveyed by the brevity or length of a sentence. Unlike a paraphrase, which is a rewording or rephrasing in order to set forth the gist of the meaning, an explication is a commentary that makes explicit what is implicit. If we paraphrased the beginning of the Gettysburg Address, we might turn Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth into Eighty-seven years ago our ancestors established, or some such statement. In an explication, however, we would mention that four score evokes the language of the Bible, and that the biblical echo helps to establish the solemnity and holiness of the occasion. In an explication, we would also mention that fathers initiates a chain of images of birth, continued in conceived in liberty, any nation so conceived, and a new birth.(Marcia Stubbs and Sylvan Barnet, The Little, Brown Reader, 8th ed. Addiso n-Wesley, 2000) Ian Watts Explication of the First Paragraph of The AmbassadorsAn unusually brilliant example of the analysis of a single paragraph of prose is provided by Ian Watts The First Paragraph of The Ambassadors: An Explication, Essays in Criticism, 10 (July 1960), 250-74. Starting out with objectively observable idiosyncrasies of Henry Jamess syntax and diction, Watt relates these features to their function in the paragraph, to their effects on the reader, to the character traits of Strether and the narrator, and ultimately to the cast of Jamess own mind. He attempts then to persuade us that the stylistic features of this one paragraph are not only characteristic of Jamess later prose but also indicative of Jamess complex vision of life and his conception of the novel as an art form.(Edward P.J. Corbett, Approaches to the Study of Style. Teaching Composition: Twelve Bibliographical Essays, rev. ed., edited by Gary Tate. Texas Christian University Press, 1987)Explication as a Writing Assign mentYou may be assigned a paper asking you to analyze a book or portion of a book . . .. We call this method textual analysis because the text itself, what the author wrote, provides your data. Your paper is about the text itself, not about the texts subject matter. . . . Your paper is called an analysis because you take the authors work apart to examine the different components and then put them back together. This activity is called explication: a textual analysis explicates, or explains, what the authors main points are and how they are connected, and offers a critique of the authors argument. An analogy would be taking a car engine apart, explaining each part and how the parts work together and evaluating whether the car is a good buy or a lemon.Mastering the skill of explication will help you write better papers when a textual analysis is assigned. But, perhaps as important, this skill will help you evaluate more clearly all the books and articles you encounter in your academic career.(The Sociology Writing Group, ​A Guide to Writing Sociology Papers, 5th ed. Worth Publishers, 2001) Explication de Texte[Explication de texte is a] step-by-step way of explaining the details of a literary text, practiced in the French school system. Explication de texte differs from the close reading advocated by New Criticism because it restrains itself from acts of interpretation, focusing instead on providing the information that will enable a basic understanding of the work under discussion.(David Mikics, A New Handbook of Literary Terms. Yale University Press, 2007) Pronunciation: ek-sple-KAY-shun (English); ek-sple-ka-syon (French)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The 12 Best Creative Writing Colleges and Programs

The 12 Best Creative Writing Colleges and Programs SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Finding a dedicated creative writing program at a school you're excited about can be a real challenge, and that's even before you start worrying about getting in. Nonetheless, there are some great options. In order to help you find the best school for you, this list rounds up some of the best colleges for creative writing in the United States. The Best Creative Writing Programs: Ranking Criteria You should never take college rankings as absolute truth- not even the very official-seeming US News ones. Instead, use these kinds of lists as a jumping-off place for your own exploration of colleges. Pay attention not to just what the rankings are but to how the rankings are determined. To help with that, I'll explain how I came up with this highly unscientific list of great creative writing colleges. I started by narrowing my searchdown to schools that offered a specific creative writing major. (If you don't see a school you were expecting, it's likely because they only have a minor.) // In ranking the schools, I considered five major criteria: #1: MFA Ranking- If a school has a greatgraduate creative writing program, it means you'll be taught bythose same professors and the excellent graduate students they attract. Schools with strong MFA programs are also more likely to have solid alumni networks and internship opportunities. However, many schools with great undergrad programs do not offer MFAs, in which case I simply focused on the other four options. // #2: General School Reputation - The vast majority of your classes won't be in creative writing, so it's important that other parts of the school, especially the English department, are great as well. // #3: Extracurricular Opportunities - One of the key advantages of majoringin creative writing is that it can provide access to writing opportunities outside the classroom, so I took what kind of internship programs, author readings, and literary magazines the school offers into consideration. #4: Diversity of Class Options - I gave extra points to schools with a variety of genre options and specific, interesting classes. // #5: Alumni/Prestige - This last criterion is a bit more subjective: is the school known for turning out good writers? Certainly it's less important than what kind of education you'll actually get, but having a brand-name degree (so to speak) can be helpful. The Best Creative Writing Schools Now, let's get to the good stuff: the list of schools! The exact numbering is always arguable, so look atit as a general trend from absolutely amazing to still super great, rather than fixating on why one school is ranked #3 and another is ranked #4. #1: Northwestern University Northwestern's undergrad creative writing program boasts acclaimed professors and an unparalleled track record of turning out successful writers (including Divergent author VeronicaRoth and short-story writer Karen Russell). Outside the classroom, you can work on the student-run literary journal, intern at a publication in nearby Chicago, or submit to the Department of English's yearly writing competition.The university is also home to a top journalism program, so if you want to try your hand at non-fiction as well, you'll have plenty of opportunities to do so. // #2: Columbia University Like Northwestern, Columbia is home to both a world-class creative writing program and a top journalism school (plus one of the best English departments in the country), so you have a wide range of writing-related course options. Columbia also benefits from its location in New York City, which is bursting at the seams with publishing houses, literary journals, and talented authors. Columbia University's Low Library (Wally Gobetz/Flickr) #3: University of Iowa TheUniversity of Iowa's big draw is the infrastructure of itsgraduate Writers' Workshop, which is often considered the best MFA program in the country. As an English and Creative Writing major here, you'll take classes from great young writers and established professors alike, and get to choose from a wide range of topics. This major provides transferable skills important for a liberal arts major with a creative focus.You'll also have access to the university's impressive literary community, including frequent readings, writing prizes and scholarships, and the acclaimed literary journal The Iowa Review. #4: EmoryUniversity Emory is renowned for its dedicated undergrad creative writing program, which draws the very best visiting scholars and writers. Students herehave the chance to attend intimate question-and-answer session with award-winning authors, study a range of genres, compete for writing awards and scholarships, and work closely with an adviser to complete an honors project. #5: Oberlin College A small liberal arts school in Ohio, Oberlin offers very different advantages than the schools above do. You'll have fewer opportunities to pursue writing in the surrounding city, but the quality of the teachers and the range of courses might make up for that. Moreover, it boasts just asimpressive alumni, including actress and writer Lena Dunham. // #6: Hamilton College Hamilton is another small college, located in upstate New York. It's known for giving students the freedom to pursue their interests and the support to help them explore topics in real depth, both inside and outside the classroom.Hamilton's creative writing program takes full advantage with small classes and lots of opportunities to intern and publish; italso has one of the best writing centers in the country. #7: Brown University Brown's Literary Arts programoffers one of the top MFAs in the US as well as an undergraduate major. For the major, you must take four creative writing workshops andsix reading-intensive courses, which span an array of departments and topics,from music and literature to Middle East studies and Egyptology. Part of Brown University's campus(Chuck Roberts/Flickr) #8: Washington University in St. Louis Washington University has an excellent creative writing MFA program, lots of super specific class options, and a number of scholarships specifically earmarked for creative writing students. #9: Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT might not be a school you generally associate with writing, but it actually has an excellent program that offers courses in digital media and science writing, as well as creative writing, and provides plenty of guidance on how graduates can navigate the tricky job market. Not to mentionthe school is located inCambridge,a haven for book lovers and writers of all kinds.Still, MIT is probably not the best place for you if you hate science of all kinds. #10: University of Michigan University of Michigan is one of the best state universities in the country and has a top-notch MFA program. If you're looking to attend a big school with a great creative writing major, this is a fantastic choice. #11: Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins is another school that's known morefor engineering than it is for writing, but, like MIT, it has a dedicated writing program. As a major here, you must take not only courses in prose, poetry, and literature, but also classes on topics such as philosophy and history. #12: Colorado College Colorado College is a small liberal arts school known for its block plan,which allows students to focus on one class per three-and-a-half-week block. The creative writing track of the English major includes a sequence of four writing workshops and also requires students to attend every reading of the VisitingWriters Series. Bonus School: New York University I didn't include NYU in the main list because it doesn't have a dedicated creative writing major, but it's a great school for aspiring writers nonetheless, offeringone of the most impressive creative writing faculties in the country and all the benefits of a Manhattan location. Washington Square Park at NYU How to Pick the Best Creative Writing School for You // Just because Northwestern is a great school for creative writing doesn't mean you should set your heart on going there. (The football fans are completely terrifying, for one thing.) So where should you go then? Here are some questions to ask yourself when looking at creative writing programs to help you determine the best school for you: Does It Have Courses You’re Interested In? Look at the course offerings and see whether they interest you. While you can't predict exactly what classes you'll love, you want toavoid a mismatch where what you want to study and what the program offers are completely different.For example, if you want to writesonnets but the school focuses more on teaching fiction, it probably won't be a great fit for you. Also, don't forget tolook at the English courses and creative writing workshops! In most programs, you’ll be taking a lot of these, too. What Opportunities Are There to Pursue Writing Outside of Class? I touched on this idea in the criteria section, butit's important enough that I want to reiterate it here.Some of the best writing experience you can get is found outside the classroom,so seewhat kind of writing-related extracurricularsa school has before committing to it. Great options include getting involved with the campus newspaper, working on the school’s literary journal, or interning at the university press. Who Will Be Teaching You? Who are the professors? What kind of work have they published? Check teacher ratings on Rate My Professors (but make sure to read the actual reviews- and always take them with a grain of salt). If you’re looking at a big school, there’s a good chance that a lot of your teachers will be graduate students. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing: a lot of the best teachers I had in college were graduate students.Just take into consideration what kind of graduate program the school has. If there’s a great creative writing MFA program,then the graduate students are likely to be better writersand more engaged teachers. What Are the Alumni Doing Now? If you have a sense of what you want to do after you graduate, see if any alumni of the program are pursuing that type of career. The stronger the alumni network is, the more connections you'll have when it comes time to get a job. What About the Rest of the School? Don’t pick a school for which you like the creative writing program but dread everything else about it. Most of your time will be spent doing other things, whether hanging out in the dorms, exploring off campus, or fulfilling general education requirements. Many schools require you to apply to the creative writing major, so make doubly sure you'll be happy with your choice even if you aren't accepted to the program. What's Next? Are you sure a creative writing major is the right fit for you?Read our post on the pros and cons of the majorto help you decide what path to take in college. For more general advice about choosing a college,check out our complete guide to finding the right school for you. Some major factors to consider include deciding whether you're interested ina small college or a big university, an in-state or out-of-state institution, and a public or private school. Want to improve your SAT score by 160points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Human Resources Planning and Development (Hilton Hotels) Essay

Human Resources Planning and Development (Hilton Hotels) - Essay Example Therefore there are no catering facilities hence no staff to man such services except for breakfast. The reason behind this thinking is that their customers comprise of tourist families who are more into adventuring and exploring the surrounding areas and less likely to use the hotel facilities. 3 As a result the HR practice at Travelodge is restricted to hiring staff without much fuss and at the lowest rate possible. There is no room for incentives and rewards for better performance. Consequently training is not considered a priority for improving staff performance. Since Travelodge is a budget hotel, the management feels that it will always get newcomers to join it more easily. Recruitment means that the selection process of employees has to be well defined according to requirement for the job. Training of the employees, both newcomers and existing ones, is a continuous exercise that must be undertaken to sharpen the performance levels of the staff. The most difficult part is retention of staff. For this it is suggested that the employees be rewarded. However, the level of performance of employees is not just a result of their skills but also the result of motivation each person exhibits. There are two sources of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. Since it is not always possible to have external rewards all the time for all activities the management has to promote intrinsic motivation that is the outcome of internal factors like self satisfaction or the pleasure of satisfactory performance (Hagedoorn and Van Yperen 2003). The intrinsic motivation is also preferable as in this environment the employee develops affinity with the organisation and considers the welfare of the organisation to be his wellbeing. This improves his productivity and performance since it will go along with his personal satisfaction. Such employees are also loyal to the company’s cause. In contrast the employee who looks for

Friday, October 18, 2019

Public health Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Public health - Assignment Example In both developed and developing countries, non-governmental organizations and local health systems have done their best in playing an essential role of preventing diseases infecting individuals. In developing countries, there is a low level of preventing diseases and medical care since there is no adequate and effective training of health workers. There are also no enough and appropriate resources which can help in providing quality health services. This is because there extremely high poverty levels hence no good health services provision (Hall, 1998). Therefore, this has led to many deaths in many developing countries due to inappropriate health measures. In dealing with residential age care, many developing countries in relation to health matters, have not taken into consideration and effectively act upon that issue. In most continents, especially in developed countries, different theoretical approaches have been developed to effectively deal with the issue of health policy agenda setting. For example, two models namely politics and social have been developed in tackling the issue of health oppression. In many countries in different continents, governments use their agencies in tackling the issue of public health. They normally use ministries of health in drawing effective strategies in dealing with health problems among individuals in their respective countries. In dealing with global health issue, a universal international agency has been established in order to deal with health issues. The World Health Organization coordinates and acts upon health issues internationally. This agency has largely helped many countries, especially t he developing ones, in encountering and dealing with health issues in their countries. In public policy agenda setting, an effective field of inquiry has been well-developed and established. A little organized and systematic

Porter's Five forces model goes some way towards guiding managers how Essay

Porter's Five forces model goes some way towards guiding managers how to make capacity decisions under uncertain demand. Howev - Essay Example Porter’s Five Forces model, a strategic analysis tool, allows organisational leadership to examine consumer and supplier characteristics, market trends, and competitive activity to determine what market-related factors maintain the most probable characteristics to disrupt or otherwise impede strategic advancement. The PESTEL/SWOT template of evaluation allows a firm to examine its internal strengths and weaknesses, based on the tangible characteristics of the external market, including political, economic, and social forces relevant to the strategic plan and new business direction. An organisation cannot determine capacity without first understanding what dynamics of the internal and external market environment will demand either flexibility in operations or create some degree of resistance toward meeting a specific strategic goal. This report utilises data uncovered using Porter’s Five Forces model and PESTEL/SWOT to determine how a solar panel manufacturing company ca n assess new strategic commitments and ensure the organisation is aligned with market conditions to achieve profit success with key target markets. 2. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis There are five forces that influence or shape competition that include competitive rivalry, threat of new market entrants, the degree of substitute products on the market, as well as both supplier and consumer buying power on the market (Porter 2011). A solar panel manufacturing plant, in order to achieve a new strategic goal or market positioning strategy, must be concerned with establishment of a partnered and adaptive supply chain network (as one example) in order to achieve maximum business outputs. In this scenario, the plant management must examine whether the existing supply network is sufficient for adaptability to meet just-in-time demands (in a lean environment) or whether the supply partners are able to reduce their switching costs to defect to other high-profit-building buyers in the sa me industry. The framework of the Five Forces Analysis is to give the business a strategic snapshot of current, external market conditions so as to translate such findings into internal operational restructuring or human capital development (as two examples) necessary to achieve strategic results. Bennet and Rundle-Thiele (2004) remind the business world that the nature of today’s markets make it easy for competition to replicate existing products and services. The only feature of a business that cannot be replicated is the firm’s brand image (Nandan 2005; Bennet and Rundle-Thiele 2004). In the solar panel industry, products are largely homogenized, meaning that they have similar features, benefits, pricing and function that are easily replicated by competitors maintaining strong capital resources and manufacturing know-how. This is why, to this industry, the degree of competitive rivalry as well as consumer characteristics are so vital to establishing a strong competi tive edge. Porter (2011) iterates the importance of understanding the potential risks of buyer brand defection. In the solar panel industry, consumers have a great deal of buying power. This market is characterised by concentrated markets, where there are actually few buyers that maintain the majority of market share (Porter 2011). Further, solar


DID STEREOTYPING OF YOUNG MALE MUSLIMS INCREASE AFTER THE LONDON TRANSIT BOMBING ON 2005 - Research Paper Example Media played the major role to increase stereotyping in UK. The median focused on the radicalization of Islamic youths residing in UK by linking them to inadequate integration processes. The police departments were given direct orders to overcome the impacts from the incidents and punish the anti-social activists swiftly. Most of the Muslim male youths were harassed in UK after the incidents and the civil society of UK turned against the entire Muslim community. The number of reported incidents against the Muslim community and their worship places increased immediately after the bombing incidents of London. This research paper focuses on the impact of London bombings on racial profiling. On the 7th of July, a series of suicide bomb attacks were conducted in Central London. The attacks were majorly conducted to create massacre among the civilians using the public transport system. According to reports, it has been observed that four British Islamist men had detonated four bombs. Among the four bombs, three of them were detonated in the underground trains across the city. The fourth bomb was detonated on a double-decker bus. Almost one hour after the underground train attacks the fourth bomb was detonated on the number 30 bus (Goldstein 21). The attack occurred in Tavistock square, resulting in multiple injuries and death of innocent civilians. The incident occurred on a Tuesday, leaving 52 civilians dead and more than 700 injured. This incident has been regarded as the worst attacks, since 1988, i.e. the Lockerbie bombing. Before the London bombing incident, several other attacks took place in UK resulting in loss of many lives and properties. One of the most disastrous attacks occurred on 30 October, 1883. Two bombs exploded in the London underground railways in Paddington and Westminster Bridge station. In the year 1884, three

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Black Hole. Characteristics and nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Black Hole. Characteristics and nature - Essay Example 87, 2004). The presumption of ‘general relativity’ calculates that an adequately dense mass will distort space-time to shape a black hole. In the region of a black hole there is a scientifically described surface known as event sphere that considered being the ‘point of no return’. It is termed black as it soaks up all the radiance that strikes the sphere, not reflecting anything, just similar to an ideal black substance in thermodynamics. According to quantum mechanics, black hole discharges emission similar to a black substance with a restricted temperature. â€Å"This temperature is inversely proportional to the mass of the black hole† (Taylor & Wheeler, p. 194, 2000), and makes it complicated to examine this emission for black hole of astrophysical mass or bigger. It is currently believed that at the core of every galaxy, there is an extremely enormous black hole that is billions of times weightier as compared to the sun. The enormous black hole c onfines nearby stars and pulls them into a spinning accumulation disk. A ‘torus’ within the internal accumulation guards the black hole within those structures that are considered edge on. In a number of these structures, a jet is emitted at a 90 degree angle to the disk and is observed within the visual as well as radio wavebands. In the extreme innermost regions, the disk turns so warm that the discharge is within the â€Å"X-ray and Gamma-ray bands† (Susskind & Lindesay, p. 103, 2004). In spite of its imperceptible centre, the existence of a black hole can be deduced by its contact with other matter. Astronomers have recognized several astrophysical black hole in ‘binary systems’, by learning their contact with their cohort stars. There is rising consent that extremely enormous black holes are real and present at the cores of the majority of galaxies. Specially, there is strong proof of a black hole of above 4 million solar masses at the core of t he ‘Milky Way’. A black hole has a dominant gravitational field that catches all that goes in its vicinity. Scientists now think that a number of galaxies have enormous black holes at their cores. These black holes discharge massive quantities of energy that controls the active happenings that take place in the galaxy. According to scientists, the energy for the black hole may be the â€Å"trapped gas, stars, and dust† (Taylor & Wheeler, p. 78, 2000) that are drawn into the hole. Gas that is drawn into a black hole spins down within the hole much similar to a whirlpool. By means of a â€Å"spectroscope, the Hubble Space Telescope† (Raine & Edwin, p. 28, 2009) has the facility to watch the pace of this gas as it spins around the opening to the hole. The pace with which the gas whirls is said to be the ‘black hole's signature’. By identifying the pace of the gas, the mass of the black hole can be estimated. A black hole at the core of a galaxy i s said to have a â€Å"mass equal to that of 3 billion Suns† (Raine & Edwin, p. 73, 2009). When an object drops into a black hole, any fact regarding the form of that object or allocation of charge on it is consistently spread all along the sphere of the black hole, and is vanished for external viewers. The behaviour of the sphere during this condition is a dissipative structure that is directly equivalent to that of a conductive flexible covering with friction as well as electrical resistance - the covering theory. This is not similar to other field theories such as electromagnetism (Raine & Edwin, p. 70-75, 2009), which have no friction or resistivity on the microscopic point, since they are time reversible. In view of the fact that a black hole ultimately

Laying Off Talent Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Laying Off Talent - Assignment Example The success of an organization relies on the productivity of its employees. Firstly, layoffs discourage the creation of a cohesive team of experienced employees. This causes either understaffing or introduces inexperienced employees who will slow productivity since new employees require orientation (Silzer & Dowell, 2010). Additionally, layoff is always a major factor that demoralizes employees thereby slowing the productivity of the employees. The process causes fear in the remaining employees since they begin doubting the longevity of the organization thus their social security. Such a scenario discourages the creation of a dedicated workforce capable of improving the long-term performance of the organization. Laying off employees affects the talent pool primarily by reducing the capacity of the pool. Eliminating employees implies that the talents leave the organization. This causes a smaller talent pool with fewer individuals a feature that lowers the innovativeness of the workforce. In addition, the remaining employees became too demoralized to employ creativity. Both features lower the productivity of the organization. As explained earlier, layoffs require effective management that begins with the measurement of the talent to ensure that the company lays off the most appropriate group. The organization must create a conducive environment for the employees to maximize their productivity. This way, the management determines redundant employees for layoff thereby increasing the space of operations for the most productive

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Black Hole. Characteristics and nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Black Hole. Characteristics and nature - Essay Example 87, 2004). The presumption of ‘general relativity’ calculates that an adequately dense mass will distort space-time to shape a black hole. In the region of a black hole there is a scientifically described surface known as event sphere that considered being the ‘point of no return’. It is termed black as it soaks up all the radiance that strikes the sphere, not reflecting anything, just similar to an ideal black substance in thermodynamics. According to quantum mechanics, black hole discharges emission similar to a black substance with a restricted temperature. â€Å"This temperature is inversely proportional to the mass of the black hole† (Taylor & Wheeler, p. 194, 2000), and makes it complicated to examine this emission for black hole of astrophysical mass or bigger. It is currently believed that at the core of every galaxy, there is an extremely enormous black hole that is billions of times weightier as compared to the sun. The enormous black hole c onfines nearby stars and pulls them into a spinning accumulation disk. A ‘torus’ within the internal accumulation guards the black hole within those structures that are considered edge on. In a number of these structures, a jet is emitted at a 90 degree angle to the disk and is observed within the visual as well as radio wavebands. In the extreme innermost regions, the disk turns so warm that the discharge is within the â€Å"X-ray and Gamma-ray bands† (Susskind & Lindesay, p. 103, 2004). In spite of its imperceptible centre, the existence of a black hole can be deduced by its contact with other matter. Astronomers have recognized several astrophysical black hole in ‘binary systems’, by learning their contact with their cohort stars. There is rising consent that extremely enormous black holes are real and present at the cores of the majority of galaxies. Specially, there is strong proof of a black hole of above 4 million solar masses at the core of t he ‘Milky Way’. A black hole has a dominant gravitational field that catches all that goes in its vicinity. Scientists now think that a number of galaxies have enormous black holes at their cores. These black holes discharge massive quantities of energy that controls the active happenings that take place in the galaxy. According to scientists, the energy for the black hole may be the â€Å"trapped gas, stars, and dust† (Taylor & Wheeler, p. 78, 2000) that are drawn into the hole. Gas that is drawn into a black hole spins down within the hole much similar to a whirlpool. By means of a â€Å"spectroscope, the Hubble Space Telescope† (Raine & Edwin, p. 28, 2009) has the facility to watch the pace of this gas as it spins around the opening to the hole. The pace with which the gas whirls is said to be the ‘black hole's signature’. By identifying the pace of the gas, the mass of the black hole can be estimated. A black hole at the core of a galaxy i s said to have a â€Å"mass equal to that of 3 billion Suns† (Raine & Edwin, p. 73, 2009). When an object drops into a black hole, any fact regarding the form of that object or allocation of charge on it is consistently spread all along the sphere of the black hole, and is vanished for external viewers. The behaviour of the sphere during this condition is a dissipative structure that is directly equivalent to that of a conductive flexible covering with friction as well as electrical resistance - the covering theory. This is not similar to other field theories such as electromagnetism (Raine & Edwin, p. 70-75, 2009), which have no friction or resistivity on the microscopic point, since they are time reversible. In view of the fact that a black hole ultimately

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

History Channel - Engineering an Empire - Greece in the Age of Essay

History Channel - Engineering an Empire - Greece in the Age of Alexander - Essay Example He employed the latest technology in making new weaponry and reforming the old in such a way that it carries more power and can have strong ain at the enemies from miles of distances. He has a core of engines who are dedicated to build new machineries and weapons. The special weapons that were made by the king Phillip II were the spear and the catapults. The spears are a long wooden stick with a pointed leaf like head made of iron which can definitely stop the opponent in the war field from a distance and the catapults are a type belly shooter stationary bow mounted on a tripod which was capable of targeting the enemies with enormous force compared to traditional bow and arrow system. Along with advanced weapons, King Phillip II had a well-disciplined army that were used organized in small rectangular format and moving slowly with the spears (BBC, 2014). Alexander, son of Phillip, was well aware of the fact that he lived in the age of innovation in Greek warfare and conquered Egypt to India transforming the vain of Civilization into a New Greek world. He conquered Persia, the Greek lifelong enemy but what was most challenging for him was to conquer the country of Tyre which was a small island city. The engineers of the Alexander made a bridge from the mainland to the island and unleashed the most spectacular innovation in the field of weapons at that time named as Siege Tower. It was a kind of multi storied armour car that moved on wheels. It was fire proof from outside and from it inside it has a central staircase which leads to different platforms levels having wide range of machinery projected toward the enemy. Alexander concentrated technological development not only in innovation but also in every ways of life in all cities while establishing the best way to live. The engineers created the great coliseum for theatres where about 14000 people can be entertained. In addition to that the structures of the cities were reformed creating wide lanes

Monday, October 14, 2019

Providing Fresh Water To Arid Regions Environmental Sciences Essay

Providing Fresh Water To Arid Regions Environmental Sciences Essay From 1950-2000, there was a huge rise in the demand of the water (Smallwood, 2010). The reason for this massive increase in demand can be due to the massive increase in the worlds population towards the later years of the century. Between the years 1940 to 1960 worlds population was roughly around 2500 millions of people (U.N, 2004). This number increased to 6000 millions of people in year 2000 according to United Nations projections in 2004 (ibid). In order fulfil this huge demand of water different countries in the world started using large scale water management techniques. These techniques were very useful at the beginning however these large scale water management techniques are now considered to be in decline (Smallwood, 2010). The focus is now on the small scale water management techniques, however these small scale techniques such as traditional techniques are sometimes not considered to be sufficient enough (ibid). The arid and semi arid regions are those parts of the where there is very little or no rainfall. These areas are largely in central and south eastern parts of Asia, Africa and some parts of America. Pakistan is a developing country in south eastern region of Asia. Pakistan is a semi arid country with the problem of water management in the country. Therefore as an example of semi arid region this report will focus on the feasibility techniques for managing fresh water in Pakistan. Furthermore, this report will look at the dams as large scale water management technique and water desalination and use of ground water as small scale water management techniques. Pakistan 2.1 Background of water management through the use of large dams in Pakistan As a developing country Pakistans economy is mainly dependent on agriculture. Nearly one quarter of Pakistans GDP is contributed by agriculture sector (Ali, 2004). In order for agricultural sector to flourish Pakistan needs to manage water very carefully. A great amount of water for irrigation comes from 5 main rivers of Pakistan (Ali, 2004). These rivers are Indus, Ravi, Jhelum, Sutlej and river Chenab (ibid). Canal water is generated from these five rivers (ibid). This canal system is the largest canal system in the world (ibid). In addition to this there are 2 main dams build in order to manage water more properly. These dams are Mangla and Tarbela dams. Among these dams there are many other small dams build in order manage water for agriculture and electricity generation purposes. The researchers have however argued that these dams are not sufficient enough for Pakistans power and agriculture needs and there is a need to build more dams in order to manage water more sufficiently. 2.2 Current situation Dams can provide cheap electricity and dams can also help in scenarios of natural disaster. Pakistan is currently facing an electricity shortfall of 3000 to 6000 megawatts (Khan.2010). Furthermore recent floods in Pakistan have destroyed thousands of villages and hundreds of cities. According to United Nations floods in July 2010 has affected more than 20 million people in Pakistan. These floods have not only affected the people but floods have also destroyed the crops, which were the main source of income for the people in Pakistan. The arguments have again taken a rise that a controversial KalaBagh dam should be built and if that dam would have been there this flood would not have affected as much it has affected now. The KalaBagh dam is the largest proposed dam to be built in the northern areas of Pakistan. However due to being controversial the work on this has not been started. 2.3 Kalabagh dam, a controversial proposed large dam Kalabagh Dam Project proposed to be located near Islamabad on Indus River (Alvi et.al.N.D). The proposed dam is a multi-purpose project, it would have a live storage capacity of 6.1 million acre feet (ibid).it will fill the capacity loss in reservoirs, it would make contribute very much to irrigation supplies not only for new projects but provide additional water which was agreed by the provinces under Water Apportionment Accord (WAA) of 1991 (ibid). Furthermore, it would add a large amount of cheap hydropower to the National Grid through its 2400 MW (Ultimate 3600 MW) installed power (ibid). This can solve the energy crises of Pakistan and the electricity shortfall can be finished. However this project is opposed by three provinces of Pakistan. Other than Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa all are against the project of Kalabagh dam. According to the Sindhi point of view Kalabagh dam would turn sindh into desert (Alvi et.al.N.D). There would be no additional water to fill Kalabagh reservoir (ibid). However recent floods in Pakistan prove that there are enough surpluses of water. Sea water intrusion in Indus estuary would accentuate (ibid). Building of Kala bagh dam will destroy the mangrove forests, which are already threatened (ibid). KalaBagh dam would affect the fish production and water supplies in the southern areas of Pakistan (ibid). It is feared that historic flooding of Peshawar Valley including Nowshera town would be aggravated in the event of recurrence of 1929 record flood (Alvi et.al.N.D). Drainages of surrounding area of Mardan, Pabbi and Swabi plains would be adversely affected by the reservoir thus creating water logging and salinity (ibid). Operation of Mardan SCARP would be adversely affected (ibid). Fertile land would be submerged (ibid). Large number of people would be displaced (ibid). The claims that are mentioned above are the fears of the provinces and it remains to be seen that these claims do really have any reality behind them.Other than the above controversial reasons the Kalabagh dam is a mega project. In other words the Kalabagh dam is considered to be in the large scale water management technique. As it is argued by the Smallwood (2010) that the world is generally moving from using the large scale water management techniques towards the small scale water management techniques. The reason for this is that large scale water management techniques have many disadvantages. When the water is stored on a large scale there is a high risk of water born diseases (Smallwood.2010). Large dams are the combine resources so it is difficult manage the water as everybody would require more water (ibid). In addition to this, large dams causes large amount of displacements of the people (Ibid). Water desalination and small dams used as small scale fresh water management by other arid or semi arid countries Due to the exploitation of natural sources of water, as the water demand has increased, there is a great stress on alternate sources of fresh water (Fritzman et.al, 2006). The sea water can be used to fulfil the demands of the water (ibid). The water is desalinated through thermal technology (ibid). Through this technology the salt is evaporated from the water to make it able for daily use (ibid). The Middle East areas of the world are the main user of the water desalination technology (ibid). These areas are arid and it has a great demand of fresh water (ibid). In order to fulfil the water demands the thermal water desalination technology is being used (ibid). The arid and semi arid regions of Europe are also using the water desalination technology (ibid). The greatest example is the Spain which has the largest water desalination capacity (ibid). This demand of the desalinated water will grow further with Middle East being the greatest user of this technology (ibid). This is due to the rapid increase in the population of Middle Eastern areas (ibid). The Asia will become the rapid growing market of water desalination as there is large increase in population and conventional water resources are becoming insufficient to fulfil the demand of the water (ibid). The water desalination can fulfil the water demands very easily however the cost of installing the water desalination plants are high. However as compared to large dams the cost of water desalination plant is low, meaning water desalination can provide water very cheaply. Through water desalination the water can only be provided to the areas which are near to the sea (Smallwood, 2010). In order to provide fresh water to the areas which are away from the sea and the areas are arid small scale dams can be built to fulfil the demand of the fresh water. A small scale or micro dam if it is designed properly can provide many benefits to the areas near the dam (Ersado, 2005). The micro dams can provide water for irrigation, water for cattle and might even provide water for fishing purposes (ibid). In the areas where there is scarcity of water, usually in developing countries the micro dams can provide water for domestic purposes (ibid). The micro dams are less expensive as compared to large dams and these dams are less controversial. These dams however have many side effects (Ersado, 2005). The standing water can be the source of malaria (ibid). Moreover the standing water provides a good environment for disease transmission (ibid). Conclusion As it argued by Smallwood (2010) that the world is now moving away from the large scale water management. The developed nations such as U.S.A have stressed upon small scale water management techniques (Smallwood, 2010). The arid areas such as Middle East is using water desalination method in order fulfil the demand of fresh water (Fritzman et.al, 2006). The developing countries can also use their costal line in order to fulfil the demand of fresh water. For example Pakistan has a long costal line starting from south of Sindh till the end of south of Baluchistan. This costal line can be used for water desalination and it can fulfil the demand of fresh water of the southern arid areas of Pakistan. As it already predicted by Fritzman et.al (2006) that the water desalination method would be the fastest growing method of providing fresh water, the developing nations such as Pakistan should consider this method and fulfil its water demands.