Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Displacement in Language Definition and Examples

In linguistics, a characteristic of language that allows users to talk about things and events other than those occurring in the here and now. Displacement is one of the distinct properties of human language.  Its significance as one of the 13 (later 16) design features of language was noted by American linguist Charles Hockett in 1960. Pronunciation   dis-PLAS-ment Examples and Observations When your pet cat comes home and stands at your feet calling meow, you are likely to understand this message as relating to that immediate time and place. If you ask your cat where it has been and what it has been up to, youll probably get the same meow response. Animal communication seems to be designed exclusively for this moment, here and now. It cannot effectively be used to relate events that are far removed in time and place. When your dog says GRRR, it means GRRR, right now, because dogs dont seem to be capable of communicating GRRR, last night, over in the park. In contrast, human language users are normally capable of producing messages equivalent to GRRR, last night, over in the park, and then going on to say, In fact, Ill be going back tomorrow for some more. Humans can refer to past and future time. This property of human language is called displacement. . . . Indeed, displacement allows us to talk about things and places (e.g. angels, fairies, Santa Claus, Superman, heav en, hell) whose existence we cannot even be sure of.(George Yule, The Study of Language, 4th ed. Cambridge University Press, 2010) A Characteristic of All Human Languages Consider the range of things that you can say, such as a sentence like this: Hey, kids, your mother left last night, but dont worry, shell be back when shes come to terms with the whole notion of mortality. (This was said tongue in cheek by a friend, but its a useful example.) By uttering certain sounds in a given order, the speaker of this sentence is addressing particular individuals (the kids), referring to a particular individual who isnt there (their mother), referring to times that are not the present (last night and whenever the mother comes to terms), and referring to abstract ideas (worry and mortality). Let me point out in particular that the ability to refer to things that are not physically present (objects here, and times) is known as displacement. Both displacement and the ability to refer to abstractions are common to all human languages.(Donna Jo Napoli, Language Matters: A Guide to Everyday Questions About Language. Oxford University Press, 2003) Achieving Displacement Different languages accomplish displacement in different ways. English has a system of auxiliary verbs (e.g., will, was, were, had) and affixes (e.g., pre- in predates; -ed in dated) to signal when an event occurred relative to the moment of speaking or relative to other events.(Matthew J. Traxler, Introduction to Psycholinguistics: Understanding Language Science. Wiley, 2012) Displacement and the Origins of Language Compare these: Theres a mosquito buzzing in my ear.Nothing is more irritating than a buzzing sound. In the first, theres a particular buzzing in the here and now. In the second, there may be, but there neednt be--I could say this in reacting to a story about something that happened years ago. In talking about symbolism and words, people often make far too much of arbitrariness--the absence of any relationship between a words form and its meaning. . . . [W]hen it comes to how language began, displacement is a factor far more important than arbitrariness.(Derek Bickerton, Adams Tongue: How Humans Made Language, How Language Made Humans. Hill and Wang, 2009)[M]ental time travel is critical to language. . . . Language . . . may have evolved primarily to enable humans to share their memories, plans, and stories, enhancing social cohension and creating a common culture.(Michael C. Corballis, The Recursive Mind: The Origins of Human Language, Thought, and Civilization. Princeton University Press, 2011) One Exception: The Dance of the Honeybee This displacement, which we take utterly for granted, is one of the most momentous differences between human languages and the signaling systems of all other species. . . .There is just one striking exception. A honeybee scout which has discovered a source of nectar returns to its hive and performs a dance, watched by other bees. This bee dance tells the watching bees what direction the nectar lies in, how far away it is, and how much nectar there is. And this is displacement: the dancing bee is passing on information about a site which it visited some time ago and which it now cannot see, and the watching bees respond by flying off to locate the nectar. Startling though it is, the bee dance is, so far at least, absolutely unique in the non-human world: no other creatures, not even apes, can communicate anything of the sort, and even the bee dance is severely limited in its expressive powers: it cannot cope with the slightest novelty.(Robert Lawrence Trask and Peter Stockwell, Langua ge and Linguistics: The Key Concepts. Routledge, 2007)

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Becoming A First Generation College Student - 860 Words

I have always been my own motivator and it has not always been easy. Being a first-generation college student meant going it on my own, making mistakes and learning from them. At the start of my college adventure I met Professor Michelle Field who introduced me to more than my love of Anthropology, but looking back she is now my inspiration to want to teach Anthropology. This was not something I knew coming into college, but some of the greatest things in life come together when you least expect them, you just have to be flexible. Moving to Bellingham to finish my undergraduate degree came at the most difficult time in my life only days after losing a parent, but Western Washington University became my new home and offered the fresh start I needed and the opportunity to continue to develop as a student that I so deeply craved. Getting to this point in my academic career has been a balancing act. I spent most of my time as a part time student earning my Associates while working full time. Getting the most out of my education was always my primary goal and it meant working hard and managing my time well. I graduated with Faculty Honors and am currently progressing towards graduating Cum Laude at Western. I was able to not only take a heavy course load, but manage it well and remained flexible and grounded in the reality of what I could handle. Determined to expand my knowledge I wanted to not only to take a variety of courses during early undergraduate work, but as IShow MoreRelatedBecoming A First Generation College Student1016 Words   |  5 Pages Throughout my teenage years, I was the embodiment of the average introvert. The pressure to succeed and become a first generation college student in my family was overwhelming, and the constant battle of not being good enough defeated me. My parents only spoke Spanish, and were unable to help me with my school assignments. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Financial System of Mexico Essay Sample free essay sample

Fiscal system of a state is a concatenation of interconnected entities responsible for money affairs and related services straight impacting the economic system. The system include Bankss. pension financess. insurance companies. stock and securities exchanges. cardinal bank and related fiscal regulators. The latter is comprised of houses and entities that provide a system to consequence economic minutess and guarantee that nest eggs are turned into investings ( Financial System Soundness. 2005 ) . A strong and established fiscal system is a needed to accomplish and keep a bullish economic growing of a state. It hence follows that job in the fiscal system greatly contribute to pecuniary policies effectiveness. higher fiscal costs in resuscitating debatable fiscal establishments. declining economic recession by promoting capital and investing flight. The Financial System Soundness ( 2005 ) stated further that jobs related to a weak fiscal system in one state can easy infect and pollute other states straight making concern with that state. It is an recognized fact that Mexico is one of the taking trading spouse of the US owing to its propinquity and the latter supplying a ready beginning of inexpensive labour and services for US fabrication sector and allied constitutions. As a consequence of NAFTA. bulk the imported goods and services demand of Mexico is being supplied by the US. There are information that the fiscal system of Mexico is being considered shoal and hence the foundation is weak and may fall in with merely a little job in the economic system. Other states consider Mexico’s fiscal system has rebounded after the mid-90’s fiscal crisis and is right now easy retrieving. This paper aims to document the fiscal system set up of Mexico and find its degree of stableness and reactivity to the demands of the Mexican public as to ready beginning of recognition to finance and run the engine of economic development An article from US Library of Congress entitled Country Studies on Financial System Financi al System of Mexico 2 ( n. d. ) revealed that â€Å"Mexico has one of Latin America’s most developed banking systems. dwelling of a cardinal bank and six types of banking establishments: populace development Bankss. public recognition establishments. private commercial Bankss. private investing Bankss. nest eggs and loan associations. and mortgage banks† ( 1st par. ) . The Country Studies further revealed that the other constituents of Mexico’s fiscal system include establishments providing to securities market. trust fund establishments. companies with recognition brotherhood installations. common financess establishments. factoring companies and bonded warehouses. The Bank of Mexico. per Country Studies. is the cardinal regulative authorization of the fiscal system. Its chief map is modulating the money in circulation and straight pull offing the activities related to the foreign exchange market. The Central Bank or Banco de Mexico is responsible for puting the fiscal modesty demands of Mexican Bankss and more significantly. it enforces Torahs related to recognition control. Furthermore. the Country Studies further revealed that Banco de Mexico being the Central Bank acts as the financial agent of the state. the lone entity lawfully recognized to publish and publish new peso currency and serves as the price reduction window for private dep ositary Bankss. Furthermore. The Country Studies added that the Banco de Mexico is besides the oversing entity of the private banking sector through the National Banking Commission and it supply financess for development plans of the state. Legislation in 1994 required the Banco de Mexico to restrict its loaning to the authorities to an sum fixed at the start of the financial twelvemonth. To efficaciously restrict and command rising prices. the operation of Banco de Mexico was made independent since April 1994. This means that the bank can implement the desperately needed fiscal policy schemes and reform in due clip with lower limit or without audience from the federal authorities of Mexico Financial System of Mexico 3 Services related to fiscal affairs â€Å"are regulated by series of Torahs and round letters from Bank of Mexico. National Banking Commission ( NBC ) . the National Securities Commission ( NSC ) and Bonding Commission ( NIBC ) and the Ministry of Finance† ( Financial System. 2n d par. ) . The Financial System further revealed that effectual April 29. 1995. the NBC and NSC were merged into one entity and is now the National Securities and Banking Commission ( NSBC ) . The Country Studies on development Bankss revealed that Mexico besides has a figure of other authorities controlled Bankss providing to agriculture. co-ops. import and export Bankss. public works. lodging. transit and a bank entirely for the sugar industry needs. The information is supported by Financial System paper and reported that Nafinsa or Nacional Financiera. SNC is the chief bank of the authorities for industry publicity. Banco de Comercio Exterior. SNC promotes export and Banco Nacional de Obras y Sevicios Publicos. SNC is responsible for building and lodging undertakings. Harmonizing to Country Studies. â€Å"Nafinsa provides medium-term funding and equity capital for productive endeavors. promotes Mexican investing companies. oversees the stock market and the issue of public securities. and serves as the legal depositary of authorities securities. By 1993 Nafinsa had divested itself of some of its involvements. but it remained under province ownership† ( 2nd par. ) . Credit establishments which include development Bankss and commercial Bankss are the lone Institutions authorized to accept sedimentations from the populace in general and can widen recognition adjustments based on the deposited sum. The Financial System paper on the other manus added that â€Å"foreigners may non take part in the equity of development banks† ( Development Bankss. 2nd par. ) . This means that aliens can non put their capital in development Bankss and Financial System of Mexico 4 investing is entirely for Mexican citizens merely. In order to set up a commercial bank in Mexico. an mandate from the Ministry of Finance and blessing by BM and NSBC are needed and the activities that can be engaged in is listed in Article 46 of the Law of Credit Institutions ( Financial System. n. d. ) . Harmonizing to Financial System. As per edict dated February 15. 1995. capital stock of commercial Bankss must be represented by series â€Å"A† or â€Å"B† portions. Series â€Å"A† portions must account for at least 51 % of the ordinary capital stock of the commercial bank and may be subscribed merely by Mexican persons or Mexican majority-owned entities. the Federal Government and the Savi ngs Protection Banking Fund ( FOBAPROA ) . keeping companies of fiscal groups and institutional investors authorized by the Ministry of Finance. The staying 49 % may be represented either by series â€Å"A† or â€Å"B† portions. Series â€Å"B† portions may stand for up to 49 % of the ordinary capital stock of the bank and may be subscribed by aliens ( Commercial Banks. 2nd par. ) . It is clearly indicated here that bulk portions in a commercial bank should belong to Mexican investors and merely 49 % is allotted to foreign investors. If a foreign investor desires to increase his investing portion. this is possible under â€Å"L† portion allocation. The foreign investor can add another 40 % portion but has limited vote right and the dividend gaining allocation may be greater and non lesser than his â€Å"B† portion of the capital stock. the Financial System added. Historically. the commercial Bankss are in private owned. The Financial System reported that there are three big dominant national commercial Bankss in Mexico. Banamex. Bancomer and Serfin wholly operate about 2. 000 subdivisions co ncentrated in urban countries merely. Financial System of Mexico 5 To guarantee readily available recognition. The Country Studies revealed that in 1993. the Mexican authorities allowed the gap of new domestic Bankss and in 1994. it allowed US and Canadian Bankss to run in Mexico. By the terminal of 1994. â€Å"there were some 50 commercial Bankss in operation in Mexico. up from 19 at the terminal of 1992. Mexico had 45 securities firm houses. 59 insurance companies. 74 leasing companies. 65 factorization houses. and 49 exchange houses† ( 7th par. ) . One of the ironss of fiscal system which determine its stableness is the stock exchange. The Country Studies revealed that The Stock Exchange of Mexico ( Bolsa Mexicana de Valores ) was organized in 1933 and at present is the largest stock exchange in the full Latin America. The stock exchange has its ain portion of ups and toss off together with the Mexican economic status. In 1992. there were 199 listed companies with a sum of 11 trillion new pesos traded. The Country Studies ( n. d. ) revealed that â€Å"at the terminal of 1993. Mexican investors held approximately 75 per centum of the equities traded. Although the value of Mexican-owned stocks rose by about US $ 143 billion between 1987 and 1993. mere ly 0. 2 per centum of all Mexicans had securities firm histories at the terminal of 1992† ( Country Studies. Stock Exchange. 2nd par. ) . This lone shows that the stock market trading section of the fiscal system is being participated by merely a smattering of Mexicans. The government’s restrictive policies alienated this bureau and bound its enlargement. At the present century. it is the World Bank and IMF who has the authorization to set up the soundness of fiscal system of a state. A study from the said governments revealed that. â€Å"Helped by good macroeconomic policies. sound inadvertence. and a favourable external environment. the already sound Mexican fiscal system continues to increase its resiliency. Although consumer and mortgage loaning has been turning at a rapid gait. recognition to the private Financial System of Mexico 6 sector remains low by some international comparisons† ( Financial System Stability Update. 2nd par. ) . The fiscal system of Mexico was declared stable by the World Bank and IMF. The stableness update farther revealed that there are cardinal challenges for the fiscal gove rnments to do the Mexican fiscal system more resilient. One of them and considered to be the most critical is â€Å"continuing to advance wider and more efficient private sector entree to finance including furthering transparence and competition† ( Findings. 3rd par. ) . The Country Level Savings Assessment of Mexico ( 2005 ) support the general feeling that the economic system of Mexico has rebounded from the 1994 fiscal crisis. The three degrees of fiscal system’s construction viz. the micro degree or the fiscal establishments. back uping substructure or meso and the Mexican pecuniary policies or macro degree remained stable harmonizing to the Country Level Savings Assessment study. Despite this stableness. it is perceived by economic experts that â€Å"the fiscal system in Mexico is surprisingly shallow† ( Country Level Savings Assessment. Executive Summary. 2nd par. ) . The assessment paper further added that â€Å"Mexico has 106 million people. 43. 4 million of whom are considered economically active. A big port ion of the economically active population is employed in the informal sector. The gross national income ( GNI ) per capita is US $ 6. 230. yet half of Mexico’s population is estimated to populate in poorness and one-fifth in utmost poverty† ( A Large Market of Low Income Clients. 1st par. ) . This information shows that Mexico’s wealth is concentrated in the upper 50 % of the populationwhile the other 50 % unrecorded in poorness. The paper added that about half of the 50 % of people populating in poorness or 25 % unrecorded in utmost poorness. This greatly contributed to the superficiality of the fiscal system which means that merely the upper 50 % of the population have entree to the fiscal system. It was reported by the assessment paper that restrictive policies of Financial System of Mexico 7 and deficiency of government’s enterprise to make the bottom half of the population farther added to the superficiality of the fiscal system. Restrictive policies means the bank necessitating the hapless citizens the same paperss as the rich people before they can open a nest egg history. In the bank’s position. restrictive policies means puting up a sophisticated surveillance cameras in subdivisions located in rural countries where electricity supply is inconsistent. This prevented the Bankss from making the hapless population and offer their services. The policies contributed to fiscal system illiterac y among the lower 50 % of the population and distrust perceptual experience on the meso and micro degree of the fiscal system. The assessment paper further revealed that â€Å"savings held in Bankss account for merely 9. 7 per centum of the gross domestic merchandise ( GDP ) and bank loans to the private sector history for 11. 8 per centum of GDP. The conservative banking sector is extremely concentrated and the popular finance sector is still little comparative to the size of the population† ( Mexican Financial System. 2nd par. ) . As a consequence of this. the assessment paper estimates that approximately 15 to 25 % of the urban population and about merely 6 % of the rural people has entree to fiscal establishments. The appraisal farther revealed that 70 % of the working population earn between one to ten times the minimal pay of US $ 3. 65 per twenty-four hours and the basic needs sums to $ US113 per twelvemonth. If there are 260 working yearss in a twelvemonth. most workers earn between US 949 and US $ 9. 490 to buy a basket deserving $ 113. Small nest eggs capacity hence exist in Mexico and this remained untapped by the authorities due to its restrictive policy and deficiency of political will ensuing to shaky foundation of the fiscal system. As of this twelvemonth. the fiscal system is stable but remain shallow due to its inability to tap the fiscal resources of the lower 50 % of the population and apportion the money for recognition to finance concern and occupation creative activity activities. Responsiveness to this market will decidedly ensue to a more stable Mexican fiscal system. Mentions: Fiscal System of Mexico 8 References Country Level Savings Assessment of Mexico. cgap. org. July 2005. Retrieved December 10. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //cgap. org/savings/mexico_assessment. html Country Studies. ( n. d. ) . Mexico Financial System. Retrieved December 7. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. country-studies. com/mexico/financial-system. html Financial System ( n. d. ) . Investment-General. Retrieved December 7. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. mexico-trade. com/generala. html Financial System Soundness. ( 2005 ) . A Fact Sheet from International Monetary Fund. September 2005. Retrieved December 7. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. International Monetary Fund. org/external/np/exr/facts/banking. htm Mexico’s Financial System Stability Update ( 2006 ) . Monetary and Financial System and Western Hemisphere Departments of IMF. August 4. 2006. Retrieved December 9. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //wbln0018. world bank. org/FPS/fsapcountrydb. nsf/ ( attachmentwebFSSA ) / Mexico_Update_FSSA. pdf/ $ FILE/Mexico_Update_FSSA. pdf

Monday, December 2, 2019

Revision Guide Unit free essay sample

Concert promoters, club promoters, festival promoters 2. Broadcasting (showing the music to the audience) rev, radio, internet 3. Marketing and distribution (selling the music to the audience) Online (e. G. Tunes), high street stores (e. G. HEM, supermarkets), social media (e. G. Backbone, Twitter etc) z) You need to know: a. What do each of them do b. Why is it done When is it done (in terms of the music being released to the public) d. How they are linked 2. How each one is a crucial part in the process 3.Service companies and agencies (companies which provide services to artists, ensues and production companies) a) Agencies: . Royalty collection agencies (collect the money for the artist and making sure there is copyright) PROS for Music (formerly the Performing Rights Society or PROS) AMPS formerly the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society) PL Licensing the importance of keeping to legal requirements for licensing the music 2. Artists Representation or A (protecting the artist) Management (the artists manager) Public relations (PR) Agents (different to the manager) Stylists b) Service Companies: 1 . We will write a custom essay sample on Revision Guide Unit or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hire companies (companies which hire out equipment or spaces to the artist) Sound and lighting hire companies Rehearsal and studio spaces . Transport companies (companies which provide transport for equipment and material for touring) a. What each of them do b. What equipment is needed What is available from the different service companies and agencies d. How they support the music industry e. Why they are important f. The pros and cons for musicians working with agencies music industry) a) The Unions: 1 . The Musicians Union (MO) union for musicians, composers, instrumental teachers 2.Equity union for actors, dancers and other performers 3. Broadcast Entertainment Cinematographer Theatre Union (BECKET) union for those working in production and/ r technical roles b) How unions support those in the music industry: monitoring employment conditions and contracts between employees and employers advice for freelancers on tax and National Insurance (N) support in relation to negotiation of minimum rates of pay and working conditions handling of disputes other services networking opportunities, information about insurance and pensions, information and updates about changes to relevant legislation. . What a union does b. The issues that unions resolve and support c. Who is involved and what their responsibilities are d. Why and when are unions needed . How organizations interrelate (link together) and why these relationships are important a) Relationships within the music industry: 1 . How promoters match acts to venue location and type of venue size and scale of performance area facilities (of the venue) technical equipment/support available audience capacity type and intention of performance timing and availability financial considerations (money) 2.The importance of effective communication between those working in the industry 3. How promoters and musicians evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of hiring and buying equipment 4. How promoters and musicians find and select suppliers and installers of equipment 5. How trade bodies such as the Music Producers Guild (MPEG), the Association of Professional Recording Services (APRS), PROS for Music and PLANS support their members and their industries 6. How promoters and musicians find and select transport companies for touring 7. How promoters secure funding for and market events. . The wider range of personnel within the music industry in terms of: who they are Nat their area of interest is why their organizations exist En they might be needed by others working in the music industry b. The links teens organization and the support each organization can help provide PART B Learning aim B: Understand the JOB ROLES in the music industry KOOK NEED TO KNOW the different types of JOB ROLES from DIFFERENT AREAS of the musts industry (listed below) and the RESPONSIBILITIES OF EACH ROLE: KOOK NEED TO KNOW FOR EACH ROLE: a.Who is responsible for what activity b. Why and how are things done What are the advantages and disadvantages of relying on these individuals for their individual services, in relation to the key stages of the timeline for producing the music 1 . Performance and creative roles (the people who make the music happen) ) Performance roles: 1. Musician instrumentalist, vocalist, accompanist, DC auditioning, attending rehearsals (including technical and dr ess rehearsals), taking part in performances and workshops, marketing and promoting own work 2. Imposer/songwriter/producer rutting music, arranging, orchestrating, creative input responding to briefs, pitching ideas to clients, producing scores and parts, marketing and promoting own work, composing too brief, producing producing, sequencing music, using technology to realize music, creative and artistic direction 3. Musical director conducting, arranging and leading rehearsals ring musicians, liaison within projects, problem solving b) Creative roles: 1. Vive sound technician stage planning, rigging, De-rigging, supervision of crew sound checking, ensuring mike and lines work correctly, adjusting levels, on stage assisting with get-in, rigging, De-rigging, get-out specialist instrumental support, logistics, driving 3. Instrumental support guitar tech, drum tech z) You need to know a. The skills and responsibilities of each performer or creative role (who does what and why is it important) b. The links between performers and creative roles How the music industry is built upon these relationships .Management and promotion roles a) Management roles (looking after the artist or venue): 1 . Artistic management (the artists manager) personal and financial management advice and guidance liaising with recording companies arranging tours fee negotiation 2. Venue management (the venue manager) booking events licensing management of staff management of publicity for events organizing events security health and safety of artists audience and staff 3. Studio management booking sessions managing the maintenance of equipment and facilities b) Promotion roles (promoting the music to the audience): 1 . Remoter identifying performance opportunities ensues and artists securing finance for events manages financial risk insurance and safety 2. Marketing (making the music available to the audience) managing marketing materials and strategies 3. AR (Artists and Repertoire) scouting for talent online and at live events. A. The skills and responsibilities of management and promotion roles (who does what and why its important) b. The links between management and promotional roles How the industry relies on these roles 3.Recording and production roles a) The roles: 1 . Recording studio personnel (work at the recording studio) engineer, assistant engineer, technical manager, tech support maintenance and repair, electronics engineer, installation 2. Producer (produces the music) artistic overview, creative manager, liaising between creative partners, financial control, sample clearance 3. Session musician (musician who isnt part of the band) performing given music, performing collaboratively, in an ensemble or as a soloist, provides own equipment 4. Catering (mixing the music) mastering engineer, producing the finished mix to comply with all technical requirements, optimizes audio performance and ensuring quality CD manufacturer, reducing multiple copies of provided master CDC on demand, Jewel cases, slip cases, artwork, screen printing, packaging, delivery to distributor digital delivery through services such as Tunes. B) You need to know a. The skills and responsibilities of recording and production roles (who does what and why its important) b. The links between recording and production roles how the industry relies on these roles 4.Media and other roles 1. Music Journalist/flogger rutting copy for publication in print or web, articles, reviews, biographies, research, pop-De (an article by a guest writer not employed by the newspaper or magazine) 2. Roadster (TV and radio) selecting music for broadcast, programming, demographic targeting, research, rutting, editing 3. Software programmer/app developer rutting and/or coding software products such as APS, programs, packages, files, bedposts writing music packages for distribution online 4. Detail and distribution selling products in shops, stores and online using retail techniques and skills moving CDC from warehouse to retail outlets, logistics, selling via mail order and through online stores. A. The skills and responsibilities of media roles and the wider world of employment opportunities (who does what and why its important) b. He links between these roles PART C Nihilist the information below doesnt give you information about specific organizations (Part A) or Job roles within the music industry (Part B), this is important Information that youll need to know for the exam.It will help you explain why specific organizations and roles are important and how they link together for the longer, higher mark questions. 1 . How and why workers are employed in the music industry Employment patterns: full-time/part-time/freelance contracts (short, long-term) when employing performance, production and front of house staff permanent and casual staff for pacific projects or per formances self-employed, entrepreneurial loungers 2. Getting a break and starting out How to get into the music industry: research into individual stories; case studies, interviews, biography and autobiography can help inform others about breaking into the industry volunteering at festivals, shows and clubs how and why (and if) a product should be given away for free, such as free downloads, free tickets, back-stage passes, guest-lists, promotional CDC where to find out about auditions, adverts, word-of-mouth, personal recommendations, making antics, networking, hustling buying onto a tour; how much and for what audience and with what goal. . Importance of individual roles and responsibilities a) Within the production process: specific roles and responsibilities before, during and after gigs, sessions or recordings undertaking of duties and impact on the production process of decisions made. B) Within the performance process: ensuring each part of the process is ready, with equipment, music, scores, demos, chord sheets, running orders, artwork, tickets, contracts, contact information, phone numbers how and where to get help and support ho is accountable and why how and why tasks/responsibilities should be priorities. . How individual roles and responsibilities link together (interrelate) Effective communication between individual roles: roles within the same area of an organization, within the same organization, from different organizations how and why specific roles are interdependent why these relationships are important: a) dangers of miscommunication, planning and scheduling problems, minimizing down time, maximizing use of resources b) speed of change, responding to market pressures, responding to marketing opportunities.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Join Your High School Newspaper 5 Great Benefits

How to Join Your High School Newspaper 5 Great Benefits SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you interested in joining your high school newspaper?Many high schools have a school paper to give students an opportunity to hone their writing skills and keep students, staff, and teachers updated on school and community news. Participating in your high school newspaper is a great way to improve your writing skills, learn more about journalism, and develop pieces you can include in your portfolio or resume.Read on to learn all you'll need to know abouthow to joinyour school newspaper, what work you’ll be doing, and how it will benefit you. What Does a HighSchool Newspaper Cover? If you join your school's newspaper, whatwill you write about? The specific topics will vary from paper to paper, but most school papers cover topics that affect the school and surrounding community. Common topics that school papers cover include: School events, such as dances, pep rallies, andassemblies School news Interviews with new students and staff School sports teams, clubs, and performing groups Community news Awards won by the school, a student, ora teacher Reviews of movies, music, and TV showsthat appeal to teenagers School advice, such as study tips and which classes to take One reason that many students enjoy being on the school paper is that they havea lot of freedom on what topicsthey’d like to cover. If you are just starting on the paper, you may be assigned articles to write about, but eventually, most writers are able to focus on topics they care about and find interesting. For example, if you enjoy sports, you may be able to write aboutthe school’s sports teams and travel to different sporting events to cover them. If you likefashion, it may be possible for you to start a column that discussescurrent clothing trends for teenagers. What Does the School Paper StaffDo? The work you doas part ofyour high school newspaper canvarywidely depending on your school and your role on the paper. Some schools offer a journalism class thatlets you work on the paper during the day and for academic credit. At other schools, the school paper is considered an extracurricular and is only done after school. Some schools let students choose what roles they’d try, others assign them or have students rotate throughout all the roles. In all cases, producing the school paper is a lot of work, and students who join it can expect to devote a significant amount of time to it in order to meet deadlines and have enough piecesready.Students often work together to brainstorm ideas and review articles before they are published, but between those times you may often find yourself working independently as you research stories, interview sources, and write up stories. The work you do for the school paper will also depend on the role you have. While most students are writers or reporters, other jobs exist as well, and they are all critical to producing a complete and high-quality school paper. Common Newspaper Jobs Writer:Writersare responsible for the majority of written contentin thenewspaper. They research and pitch story ideas, interview sources, and write articles that are then included in the school paper. Editor:After writing for awhile, you may choose to become an editor or split your duties between writing and editing.Editors are the overseers:they make sure everything in the paper is top quality.Their duties include developing ideas for new articles, approving article ideas, and editing completed piecesto ensure they are high quality and polished, as well as free of spelling and grammatical errors. Graphics and Layout:These people are responsible for the images included in the school paper and how the final product looks.This group can include photographers, who take pictures to accompany storiesandsometimes travel to get specific shots. It can also include graphic artists who design images and headers to be used in the paper. Finally, people in charge of the layout (who may also be editors) decide how the articles will be arranged, where images will be inserted, and smaller details such as margin and font size. What Are the Benefits of Joining the School Paper? There are multiple benefits to being part of your school’s newspaper, and I've listed someof the most important below. Benefit #1: Develop Your Writing Skills As you may imagine, being part of the school paper requires a lot of writing, and the regularpractice you getis one of the best ways to become a better writer.You will learn how to write clearly and concisely and get valuable feedback from your editors. Benefit #2: Learn More About Journalism Journalism involves a lot more than just writing; you also need to know how to conduct research, interview people, and find new stories to write about. Being part of the school paper introduces you to each of these components of the job. Hands-on experience is the best way to learn if journalism is something you want to continue long-term. Many students who like to write want to go into journalism, but when they experiencethe real daily life of a journalist, they realize it isn’t for them. Joiningyour school paper can help you learn early if journalism is a good fit for you. Benefit #3:IncreaseYour Confidence and Sense of Responsibility Many people find it nerve-wracking to start a conversation with a strangerand see articles they've written beprinted and distributed to people theyknow.In journalism, you’ll have to do both a lot, and by doing these things so often, they’ll eventually become second nature.Working for your school paper will often make you feel much more confident about interviewing peopleand seeing your work published. Being a journalist can also help increase your sense of responsibility because you'll bemeeting deadlines, presenting stories in an unbiased way, and respecting and listening to all the people you interview, even if they have different opinions than your own. Benefit #4: Meet New People Working on the school paper oftenrequires a largetime commitment. Because you are spending so much time working with your fellow journalists, you often form close friendships with them.Being a journalist, even just for a high school newspaper, also introduces you to a lot of people as you research stories. You will likely get to know many new people in your school and community if you stick with your paper for a while. Benefit #5: Can Strengthen Your Resume and College Applications Your school newspaper is a great extracurricular to have because it will give you numerous samples of your work that you can show to potential schools and employers. These articles also provide concrete evidence of the work you did for the newspaper. Strong writing skills are useful for many majors and careers, so even if you don’t plan to pursue a job in journalism or writing, the skills you gained while part of your school’s paper will be useful for practically any job you have in the future. Joining your high school newspaper will also give you experience in journalism and writing that can help you get an internship or a position atyour college’s paper in the future. Job experience can often be difficult for high school studentsto get, especially experience that relates to the career they’d like to pursue. By joining your school paper, you’ll be interviewing real people, writing articles that get read, and experiencing what it’s like to be a journalist, which are all great work experiences. How to Join Your High School Paper School newspapers almost always have a teacher who supervises the paper and ensures that everything is running smoothly. Your first step should be to contact them and ask how you can get involved. In some cases, you have to enroll in a high school journalism class to be part of the paper. You will receive academic credit for this, just like all your other classes, and you will work on the paper during the school day (although you will likely do work outside of school as well). For other schools, school paper is considered an extracurricular, and you will only work on it after school and not receive academic credit.Some schools require prospective journalists to show writing samples before letting them join the paper, other schools allow anyone with an interest to join. If your school requires a writing sample, you may be able to usea paper you've written for a previous class, or you can choose a story you think is interesting, such as a school dance or community event, and write a story on that. If you are unsure of who runs the school paper, ask one of your English teachers or your academic adviser. What If Your School Doesn't Have a Paper? If your school doesn’t have a newspaper, don’t worry, there are other ways for you to get journalism and writing experience. Alternative Options There are a number of other extracurriculars and activities you can try if you like writing but either aren't able to join the school newspaper or aren't sure it's right for you. Yearbook Most high schools distribute yearbooks, and many of these are designed by students. While being part of the yearbook will not involve as much writing as being part of a newspaper would, there are still many similarities between the two. Both require thinking of story ideas, developing layouts, editing, and getting quotes to include. Some yearbooks also include longer written pieces that you may be able to work on. Literary Journal Your school mayproducea literary journal in addition to or instead of a school newspaper. Literary journals often include many types of writing such as poetry, short stories, non-fiction, and humor pieces. If your school has a literary journal, it's likely that you'll be able to submit some articles similar to those you would write for a school paper. School Newsletter Even if your school doesn’t have a regular newspaper, it will likely have some sort of newsletter that it distributes to students and parents. While most of the pieces in these newsletters are about school news and upcoming events, many newsletters also include articles on topics common in school papers. Talk to someone at the school office or your academic adviserto learn if you can contribute to the newsletter. Community or Local Paper If you are unable to find an opportunity at your school, you may be able to join a paper in your community. Many places produce local papers or community newsletters, and it may be possible for you to contribute articles or do an internship at one of them to learn more about journalism. Start Your OwnSchool Newspaper You may also want to create a school newspaper if your school doesn’t already have one. While this will take a significant time commitment, it can be worth it if you’re very interested in journalism. Being the founder of the school paper also shows leadership and motivation, two qualities that colleges love to see in applicants. Follow These Steps to Get Started: Step 1:Talk to your academic adviserto learn how to start a new club or group at your school. There may be specific procedures you have to follow, and it’s best to know them before you get started. Making the club official may also give you a budget that you can use for printing fees and other expenses. Step 2:Find a teacher to supervise the paper. While students will be doing the majority of the work, most school clubs require a teacher to act as sponsor and oversee the group. If you don’t have a specific teacher in mind, ask one of your English teachers if they’d be willing to be the supervisor. Step 3:Recruit members and assign roles. Ask people you know and put up posters around the school. You’ll need writers, photographers, artists, and people with good computer skills in order to produce a complete paper. Your first issue doesn’t have to be extremely long; a few well written and edited articles with good formatting will look better than a longer paper that isn’t as polished. Step 4:Start creating! Once everyone knows what their job is, start brainstorming topics, interviewing sources, and writing articles. Step 5:Edit and assemble the paper. Check articles for spelling and grammatical errors, and decide where articles and images will be placed. Step 6:Print and distribute. Your school may allow you to print the paper for free on one of the school computers or provide you with a budget to cover printing fees. If they don't, and the cost of printing is high, you can try raising money through fundraisers such as bake sales. You may also consider distributing digital copies of the paper first. If you are printing paper versions, get permission to leave copies in the school library, computer rooms, or other areas that students frequent. Summary Joining your high school newspaper is a great way to learn about journalism and improve your writing skills. Members of the school paper have a lot of different jobs including researching new topics, conducting interviews, writing and editing stories, and taking photographs to accompany articles. Being part of your school newspaper can help you improveyour writing skills, meet new people, and give you experience to include on your resumes and college applications. To learn more about joining your school’s paper, talk to the teacher who supervises the paper or your academic adviser. They’ll be able to provide you with more information. If your school doesn’t have a paper, you can consider joining a local or community paper instead, or you can be the person to create your school’s newspaper! What's Next? Want to practice your writing more? Check out our guide to the high school English classes you should take and learn about the different writing classesthat are available Wondering why extracurricularsare important? Read our guide on what extracurriculars are and learn how they can help you get a job and get accepted into a top college! Want more ideas for after-school activities? Check out our list of hundreds of extracurricular examples, and find some that interest you! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Social Emotional Learning Competencies

Social Emotional Learning Competencies There are many different ways students experience stress in schools, from standardized or high stakes testing to bullying. In order to better  equip students with the emotional skills they will need while they are schools, once they leave school and enter the work force. Many schools are adopting programs to help support  Social-Emotional Learning (SEL).  Ã‚  The definition of  Social-Emotional Learning or SEL is:   (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.   In education, SEL has become the way schools and districts have coordinated activities  and programs in character education, violence prevention, anti-bullying, drug prevention and school discipline. Under this organizational umbrella, the primary goals of SEL are to reduce these problems enhancing the school climate, and improve students’ academic performance. FIVE COMPETENCIES FOR SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING: Research shows that in order for students to develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills described in SEL, students need to be  competent,  or have  abilities, in five areas: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making. The following criteria for these skills could serve as an inventory for students to self-evaluate as well: Collaborative for Academic,  Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)  defines these areas of ability as: Self-awareness:   This is the students ability to accurately recognize emotions and thoughts and the influence   of emotions and thoughts on behavior. Self-awareness means that a student can accurately assessing his or her own strengths as well as limitations. Students who are self-aware possess a sense of confidence and optimism.  Self-management:  This is the ability for a student to regulate emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations. The ability to self-manage includes how well the student manages stress, controls impulses,and   motivates himself or herself. The student who can self-manage can set and work toward achieving personal and academic goals.Social awareness:  This is the ability for a student to use another lens or another persons point of view. Students who are socially aware can empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures. These students can understand diverse social and ethical norms for behavior. Students who ar e socially aware can recognize and know where to find family, school, and community resources and supports.   Relationship skills:  This is the ability for a student to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups. Students who have strong relationship skills  Ã‚  listening actively and  can communicate clearly. These students are cooperative while resisting inappropriate social pressure. These students have the ability to negotiate conflict constructively. Students with strong relationship skills can seek and offer help when needed.Responsible decision making:  This is the ability for a student to make constructive and respectful choices about his or her own personal behavior and social interactions. These choices are based on consideration of ethical standards, safety concerns, and social norms. They respect the realistic evaluations of situations. Students who exhibit responsible decision making respect the consequences of various actions, the well-being of themselves, and the well-being of others. CONCLUSION The research  shows that  these competencies are taught most effectively within caring, supportive, and well-managed learning environments.   Incorporating social emotional learning programs (SEL) in school curriculum is considerably different than offering programs for math and reading test achievement. The goal of SEL programs is to develop students to be healthy, safe, engaged, challenged, and supported beyond school, well into college or career. The consequence, however, of good SEL programming,  is that the research shows that it results in a general improvement in academic achievement. Finally, the students who participate in social emotional learning programs offered through schools learn identify their individual strengths and weaknesses in dealing with stress. Knowing individual   strength or weaknesses can help student develop the social emotional skills they need to be successful in college and/or career.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 51

Case Study Example A great deal of transparency has been created which has motivated the doctors to work harder. Felipe whose duties include marketing and contracting with managed care companies has also done well in his job. As a talented negotiator, he understands contracts and is good with people. He would be good at leading and managing employees since he has his master’s degree. With his engaging personality and involvement in community outreach, he has been able to improve the reputation of the center in the surrounding neighborhood. He is considered to have high integrity, as there has never been any hint of scandal associated with his name. He works many hours of time and is willing to give the time necessary to get something done. Amanda has a lot of experience since she has worked for the company for the last 10 years. She started as an office receptionist and worked her way up to the job of business office manager. She has that professional style and dresses well. She is able to motivate those around her since she is highly motivated to do a good job. She is well liked by her employees because she offers good coaching skills and gives credit for accomplishments. She rarely takes credit for herself and is able to instill confidence in those around her. Ambulatory Care Center, which is a medium-sized facility, needs to change in order for it to remain viable. The center used to serve a predominance of senior citizens who are a reflective of the immediate surrounding community. This is because in the neighborhood, more families are moving in as well as many young adults. The ethnicity of the neighborhood is changing with more families that originate from Hispania or of African to origin. The financial base that used to support the Center changed from payments that come from payments that come predominantly from payments that come predominantly from Medicare to a financial base that came from a combination of group insurance and cash patients. The Center

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Western expansion and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Western expansion and development - Essay Example The immigrants from China faced a lot of discrimination upon arriving in the United States which was evident in the manner of treatment that they received in the mines. In 1850s, the U.S government limited the right of naturalization to the white immigrants only which made it difficult for Chinese immigrants to pursue independent livelihoods. The Missouri Compromise allowed for slavery to continue in the newly acquired states which meant that immigrants of African descent were to be treated as slaves and not as people who came in search for greener pastures. The Mexican War saw the expansion of the United States to parts of territories that initially belonged to Mexico. This made it easy for immigrants from Mexico to move to the country with most of them settling in the states of Texas and Oregon regions. The United States played a critical role in ending the Second World War. The nation initially tried to avoid entering the war even as pressure from the Britain mounted. They finally agreed to take part in it as it was seen as a threat to its security. During the Holocaust, the United States did not lower its tight stance on immigration and it is believed many Jews would have been saved if the laws were lessened to allow Jews immigrants into the country. The American Jewish community had undermined the impact of the Holocaust and they failed to consider advocating for the uplifting of more Jews from the affected areas. During the World War II period the American Jewish community was bitterly and deeply divided, and was unable to form a common front. Proponents of a Jewish state and Jewish army agitated, but many leaders were so fearful of an anti-Semitic backlash inside the U.S. that they demanded that all Jews keep a low public profile. The Bracero Program which was formed in the year 1942 saw the increase of immigrants from Mexico who mainly came into the United States to offer cheap labor. At the onset of World War II, the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Debate over the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 Essay Example for Free

Debate over the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 Essay Once they arrived a French spokesman demanded 32 million florins and 250,000 for talking to Talleyrand. This did not include any promise of a resolution. Furious, the American delegates left. Once they got back to America, the rest of the nation was ready for war. That undeclared war was mainly fought on the seas for two and a half years. President Adams Alien and Sedition Acts were proposed to punish the French but also to ruin the Republican Party. Adams knew that immigrants made up the Republican Party in large part from France, England and Ireland. By halting the immigration of those people, Adams could slowing get rid of Jeffersons Party. The debates for these acts were between the Federalists and the Republicans. Along with needing these immigrants to support their party, Republicans found these acts wrong. As Thomas Jefferson once said, l am not a Federalist, because I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent. On the other said, the Federalists felt that they should not feel bad for France even if it is morally wrong. Alexander Hamilton said, The man who shall be the apologist of France, and [who attacks] his own government, is not an American. The choice for him lies between being deemed a fool, a madman, or a traitor. The new American position on immigration violated its policy of friendly adaptation to immigrants. Due to the Alien Act and the Alien Enemies Act immigrants were afraid to live in America fearing deportation or imprisonment. The Alien Act gave the President power to deport all such aliens as he shall Judge dangerous to the peace and safety of the Untied States. The Alien Enemies Act allowed the restraint and removal in time of war or resident adult aliens of the hostile nation. The Sedition Act caused the most uproar among Americans. It infringed upon two freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. The freedoms, both included in the first amendment, were freedom of speech and freedom of press. The law said that anyone who spoke out against any government officials, including the president, would be imprisoned and fined. The act Jailed a number of Democratic Republican editors, publishers and politicians. Politicians looked to use the Acts to rid themselves nd the country ot political threats and those who expressed contrary views. Ultimately this was seen as a threat to freedom that Americans had fought so hard to win. Thomas Jefferson was afraid that if they were able to remove freedom of speech and freedom of press, they would eventually take away other constitutional promises. Jefferson could not openly protest these acts because he feared prosecution. He secretly created resolutions, which Kentucky approved in 1789 and 1799. History viewed these Acts to be the biggest blunder of Adams presidency and could have overshadowed what was considered a highly effective tenure.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Impact of Forest Management on Water Supply and Quality Essay

The Impact of Forest Management on Water Supply and Quality Forest management can have either detrimental or positive effects on watershed supply and quality. The type of effect depends on the type of operation(eg. harvesting vs. reforestation), the way it is conducted, and the view point of the land manager(eg. more or less water yield). Timber harvesting activities tend to increase the water yields of a watershed. Evapotranspiration is decreased by the removal of vegetation. This decrease in ET causes the amount of soil water that is moving into the channel system to increase. Lower ET rates also increase the amount of water available for deep percolation that provides baseflow (Satterlund and Adams, 1992). The decrease in ET may be short lived. For example, when a stand is thinned, the remaining trees quickly capture the increase of resources that is made available through the thinning. Understory vegetation also increases growth after removal of the overstory. Therefore, timber harvesting should be viewed as a temporary reduction in ET rates. Another way harvesting increases the water yield of a watershed is by increasing runoff. When an area is totally or partially harvested, temporary or permanent logging roads are usually constructed. These logging roads can capture subsurface flow and divert it to ditches associated with the road. These roads can divert surface flow that would ordinarily by dispersed and infiltrate (Satterlund and Adams, 1992). Because of the surface characteristics of roads, precipitation that falls on them has a reduced capacity to infiltrate. The effects of logging roads can be temporary or permanent. Temporary logging roads eventually revegetate, and may even be planted with herbaceous pla... ... encourage sediment deposition. Some forest management practices include fertilization. This can degrade water quality if nutrients are allowed to enter the stream system. Fertilization normally takes place at stand establishment as a site preparation technique. Because this is a time in the forest's life where ET is reduced and runoff is increased, the greatest risk of contamination is then. Fertilization is also accasionally applied in mid-rotation. Fertilizer applied during this time period is not likely to affect water quality. Reforestation of a highly disturbed watershed will improve water quality. The amount of erosion will be lessened, and nutrient inputs from agricultural land can also be intercepted and taken up by the forest. Reference Satterlund, D.R. and Adams, P.W. 1992. Wildland Watershed Management. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Old English Poem: Beowulf Essay

Old English is a term to refer to the language and the literature spoken and written in Britain during the time between the coming of the Anglo-Saxons to Britain in the fifth century and the Norman Conquest in 1066. There are many tribes such as the Picts, Jutes, Scotes invaded Britain, this resulted in the mixing of several races, tongues and cultures. But the West Germanic tribes known as the Anglo-Saxon were the most influential tribes during this period. The Anglo-Saxons were warrior-farmers and came from north-western Europe. They began to invade Britain while the Romans were still in control. The Anglo-Saxons were tall, fair-haired men, armed with swords and spears and round shields. Their skills are hunting, farming, cloth production and leather working. â€Å"Anglo-Saxons were often buried with their possessions. The objects found in their graves have given evidence of the different jobs done by men and women and the skills they had. Knives and spears are often found in Anglo-Saxon men’s graves. This suggests they were involved in hunting, fighting and farming. Women’s graves often include tools used for sewing and weaving, which suggests they were involved in making clothes (textile production. 1 The language of this whole period is known as Old English. No exact date exists for its beginning. The first written records of the language date from around 690, however people had spoken the language long before it. Most Old English words were Germanic. â€Å"Old English is a West Germanic language, developing out of Ingvaeonic (also known as North Sea Germanic) dialects from the 5th century. Anglo-Saxon literacy developed after Christianisation in the late 7th century. † 2 At the end of the sixth century, the Anglo-Saxons accepted Christianity after Pope Gregory sent Saint Augustine to Britain in 597. The Romans had introduced Christianity to the Celts centuries earlier. ) This gave rise to some religious writings. The Christian poetry adapts and paraphrases the biblical narrative, such as the life of saints and using verse to create standard morale. In addition to Christian poem, heroic poem also takes part in the Old English period. The heroic poems deal mostly with Germanic history and legend. â€Å"The stories they tell or mention, the kings and warriors they refer to, were all known by Germanic people. † 3 Discussion One of the heroic Old English poems is Beowulf.  The poem has survived complete, but it has little information about the author and the date of its composition. The author is unknown and no certain date of its composition. There are also other problems which makes analysis against this poem becomes hampered. â€Å"The text is historically remote from us; it involves ideas that seem to bear little resemblance to our own ways of thinking; It is written in a form of English (also called Anglo-Saxon) that displays little similarity to English today. † 4 The first part of the story takes place in Denmark.  King Hrothgar is being pestered by a water monster, Grendel, who is killing his men within a hall named Heorot. Beowulf comes to aid him and kills Grendel and later, at the bottom of the lake, also he kills Grendel’s mother, who comes to avenge her son. The second part is set in southern Sweden about fifty years later. Beowulf himself is a king and has to fight a fire breathing dragon which burns the royal hall. He gets help from a young warrior, Wyglaf, who manages to kill the Dragon. Beowulf is seriously injured from the fight with the fire breathing dragon. He then announces Wyglaf as his successor. The poem ends with Beowulf’s funeral rites and a lament The main character of this poem is Beowulf, a warrior from Geats who manages to kill the monster, Grendel. He is depicted as a brave man who thirsty with pride and glory. He is a good and generous leader for his soldiers and also ideal lord. Supporting character of the poem is Hrothgar, an aging lord from Danes whose kingdom ravaged by a monster, he then adopts his savior, Beowulf as son. Grendel is a dreadful monster who every night visits Heorot and kills Hrotghar’s men. Wiglaf is a brave young warrior who aids Beowulf to kill fire breathing monster that burnt Beowulf’s Hall. Wiglaf then becomes Beowulf successor. Structurally, Beowulf is built around three fights. The first fight is fight between those who life in Royal Hall and the monster. The Royal hall is a symbol of community itself. Monster which ravages the hall means a problem threatens the security and social bound of community. The fight between king and monster, the king who is representative of the society or in other words someone who is in power, has to face unpredictable and incomprehensible forces which threaten his position. This is kind of what every leader whether in Old English era or in 21st century must face. The last fight is also universal fight of human being, fighting of young age and life with old and death. No matter how great a man accomplishing many achievement, glory and pride or successfully beating problem in his life, he never wins against old and death. The theme of this poem concerns with the values of Germanic tribal society. The work talks about a hero and the values of bravery and also generosity. There are many contrasts depicted in this poem, for example, water and fire, youth and old age, life and death, rise and fall of nations, faithfulness and betrayal, heroism and cowardice, hope and resignation, good and evil, as well as the past, present and future. Every literary works has relation with the society where the work is written, so does this heroic poem. Anglo-Saxon people are well known as very loyal to their lord. The same sense is also found in this poem. How heroic Beowulf’s men obey their leader’s command by staying within the hall, fighting unpredictable force which possibly kills them. The kinship among Anglo-Saxon people is still though. This statement can also be found in the poem. Beowulf comes to Danes and helps Hrotghar who in the past has been a close friend to Beowulf’s father. Despite, the character of Beowulf himself who wants pride and glory, he comes to Danes to help his father’s old friend and Hrotghar adopts him as his son due to Beowulf’s help. Regarding Axlo-Saxon men are brave and keen on fighting, the genre of the poem is heroic poem and not far from war or fighting theme. The poems reflect also another side of life in the Heroic Age – the frequency of feuds. Beowulf has many references to bitter tribal fights. The feud of Hrotghar the Dane and Ingeld the Heathobard is settled by Hrotghar giving Freawaru his daughter inmarriage to Ingeld, but Beowulf tells Hyglac how the feud will break out again. 5 One thing which is interesting about Heroic Age is the religion. Beowulf was written when Britain was already Christianised, but the Pagan cult was still strong in the society. As a result, fusion between Pagan and Christianity became unique factor which affects the society and the poem. Both Pagan and Christianity can be found in the poem. For example, at the Beowulf’s funeral, his body was cremated. Cremation is a form of Pagan ritual. Also, in the poem, Christianity value can be found, like at the line 180 until 182. They remembered Hell. The Almighty Judge 180 Of good deeds and bad, the Lord God, Head of the Heavens and High King of the World, The concept of Hell and Heaven is close to Christian doctrine. From this example, the fushion of Pagan and Christianity in the society also effects the poem.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Intergumentary System

Integumentary System Laszlo Vass, Ed. D. Version 42-0280-00-01 Lab Report Assistant This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiment’s questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students’ writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor. Purpose: What is the purpose of this exercise? The purpose of this exercise in to learn about structures and functions of the skin.Is there any safety concerns associated with this exercise? If so, list what they are and what precautions should be taken. As always take precautions when handling the microscope and slides and always have a clean safe work area. Exercise 1: Structures of the Skin Observations Before beginning, set up a data table similar to this Data Table 1. Fill in the names of the numbered st ructures. Skin Diagram (National Library of Medicine at http://nih. nlm. gov) Data Table 1: Structures of Skin| Item| Name| 1. | Hair shaft | 2. | Arrector pili muscle | 3. Sebaceous gland | 4. | Hair follicle | 5. | Sweat gland | 6. | Pacinian corpuscle | 7. | Subcutis (hypodermis) | 8. | Dermis | 9. | Epidermis | 10. | Sensory nerve ending | 11. | Dermal papilla | 12. | Sweat pore | Questions A. How does the skin tan when exposed to ultraviolet light? When ultraviolet light penetrates skin it begins to break down DNA causing the body to produce melanin. The melanin makes the body become darker or tanner and when the body is darker the more protected it is from the sun and sunburn. B. Describe the functions of the epidermis.The epidermis is the outermost layer that has keratinized squamous epithelium and the dermis. The epidermis has a bunch of different cells which allow it to perform many different functions. The keratinocytes produce keratin that produce fibrous protein that giv es skin protective properties while the melanocytes produce melanin to protect deeper cells from ultraviolet radiation and allows the skin to tan. Merkel cells from sensitive touch receptors on nerve endings and langerhans’ cells are involved in the immune response of the skin. Stratum basale constantly go through cell division to produce million of new skin daily. Stratum spinosum has think bundles of protein and stratum granulosum contain lipids that provide waterproofing for the skin. The stratum lucidum is a layer of flattened keratinocytes are only found in thick skin. Stratum corneum is the outer layer of the epidermis made of squished and flattened layers of dead keratinocytes. C. Describe the functions of the sweat glands. Sweat glands are controlled by sympathetic nervous system and regulate body temperature.When the body becomes to hot they secrete water to the skin surface and the heat is removed by evaporation. D. Compare the structure of the epidermis to that of the dermis. The epidermis consists of several different types of cells while the dermis canonists of dense, irregular connective tissue. E. Fill in the following table by either inserting the name of the structure/cell or by giving its function(s): Structure/Cell| Function(s)| melanocytes| Makes a pigment for tanning| Langerhans cells| Small and involved in the immune response| Merkel cells | Found on nerve endings|Stratum lucidum| Provides protection, thick found of palms a soles makes skin waterproof | Reticular layer | The blood supply here provides radiational cooling for the body| Exercise 2: Microscopic Structure of the Skin Observations Sketch and label your keratinized stratified squamous epithelium slide in the space below. Be sure to label all of the structures in the epidermis and dermis you were able to find: Questions A. Compare your slide to the photomicrograph example in the lab Procedure. How are they the same and how are they different?Propose a reason why you would see several differences between different slides of skin. B. What is keratin? Is fibrous protein that gives the skin its protective properties? C. Why is skin keratinized? Keratinized cells give skin a tough protective barrier. After a cell is born it begins to make protein called keratin that they store inside them. As the cells grow they build up with this protein until their so full they die forming a tough layer of packets of keratin. Exercise 3: Clinical Conditions of the Skin Questions A. What are the three types of skin cancer?Squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma B. Which type of skin cancer is easily treatable? Basal cell carcinoma C. Explain why melanoma is so dangerous. Melanoma can spread to other areas of the body. D. What factors can cause acne? Acne is caused when sebum isn’t able to pass through the hair follicle. This causes cells from the lining of the follicle to shed to fast and clump together clogging up the follicle’s openi ng so sebum cannot get through. E. What is a common myth about the cause of acne?Eating chocolate, greasy food or dirty skin F. What are some treatments for acne? Dermatologists use a medication that reduces clumps of cells in the follicles, oil production, bacteria, and inflammation. Depending on the case of the acne the doctor may prescribe a topical medication or an oral medication. G. Describe the signs of first, second and third degree burns. First- affects only the outer layer, epidermis. Second- damage the epidermis and the dermis Third- involve damage or complete destruction to the fullest depth of the skin and underlying tissue. H. What are the principle effects of aging on the skin?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Layers of the Atmosphere

Layers of the Atmosphere Earth is surrounded by its atmosphere, which is the body of air or gases that protects the planet and enables life. Most of our atmosphere is located close to Earths surface, where it is most dense. It has five distinct layers. Lets look at each, from closest to farthest from the Earth. Troposphere The layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth is the troposphere. It begins at the surface of the Earth and extends out to about 4 to 12 miles (6 to 20 km). This layer is known as the lower atmosphere. Its where weather happens and contains the air humans breathe.  The air of our planet is 79 percent nitrogen and just under 21 percent oxygen; the small amount remaining is composed of carbon dioxide and other gases. The temperature of the troposphere decreases with height. Stratosphere Above the troposphere is the stratosphere, which extends to about 31 miles (50 km) above the Earths surface. This layer is where the ozone layer exists and scientists send weather balloons. Jets fly in the lower stratosphere to avoid turbulence in the troposphere. Temperature rises within the stratosphere but still remains well below freezing. Mesosphere From about 31 to 53 miles (50 to 85 km)  above the surface of the Earth lies the mesosphere, where the air is especially thin and molecules are great distances apart. Temperatures in the mesosphere reach a low of -130 degrees Fahrenheit (-90 C). This layer is difficult to study directly; weather balloons cant reach it, and weather satellites orbit above it. The stratosphere and the mesosphere are known as the middle atmospheres. Thermosphere The thermosphere rises several hundred miles above the  Earths surface, from 56 miles (90 km) up to between 311 and 621 miles (500–1,000 km). Temperature is very much  affected by the sun here; it can be 360 degrees Fahrenheit hotter (500 C) during the day than at night. Temperature increases with height and can rise to as high as 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit (2000 C). Nonetheless, the air would feel cold because the hot molecules are so far apart. This layer is known as the upper atmosphere, and it is where the auroras occur (northern and southern lights). Exosphere Extending from the top of the thermosphere to 6,200 miles (10,000 km) above Earth is the exosphere, where weather satellites are. This layer has very few atmospheric molecules, which can escape into space. Some scientists disagree that the exosphere is a part of the atmosphere and instead classify it actually as a part of outer space. There is no clear upper boundary, as in other layers. Pauses Between each layer of the atmosphere is a boundary. Above the troposphere is the tropopause, above the stratosphere is the stratopause, above the mesosphere is the mesopause, and above the thermosphere is the thermopause. At these pauses, maximum change between the spheres occur. Ionosphere The ionosphere isnt actually a layer of the atmosphere but regions in the layers where there are ionized particles (electrically charged ions and free electrons), especially located in the mesosphere and thermosphere. The altitude of the ionospheres layers changes during the day and from one season to another.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Samford University Admissions Facts - What It Takes

Samford University Admissions Facts - What It Takes With a high acceptance rate of over 90 percent, Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama may appear to be accessible to almost all of those who apply each year. That said, students who are admitted tend to have grades and standardized test scores at or above average. Along with an application and test scores, interested students will need to submit letters of recommendation and a personal essay. You can calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) Samford University Acceptance Rate: 91  percentGPA, ACT and SAT Graph for Samford AdmissionsTest Scores: 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 520 / 620SAT Math: 500 / 618SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanCompare Alabama SAT scoresSouthern Conference SAT score comparisonACT Composite: 23 / 29ACT English: 24  / 31ACT Math: 21 / 27What these ACT numbers meanCompare Alabama ACT scoresSouthern Conference ACT score comparison Samford University Description Samford University is the largest private university in Alabama. Located in Birmingham, Stamford has students from 47 states and 16 countries. The university was founded by Baptists and 1841 and maintains its identity as a Christian university. Undergraduates can choose from 138 majors; nursing and business administration are the most popular. The university has a 12 to 1 student/faculty ratio, and despite the universitys masters and doctoral programs, no classes are taught by graduate assistants. Samfords tuition and fees are less than many comparable private institutions, and the school often ranks highly among best value colleges. On the athletic front, the Samford University Bulldogs compete in the NCAA Division I  Southern Conference. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 5,471  (3,341 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 35 percent male / 65 percent female96 percent full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $29,402Books: $1,000 (why so much?)Room and Board: $9,830Other Expenses: $4,664Total Cost: $44,896 Samford University Financial Aid (2015 -16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 97  percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 96 percentLoans: 35  percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $14,122Loans: $8,953 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:  Accounting, Biology, Business Administration, Family Studies, History, Journalism, Nursing, Psychology, Teacher Education What major is right for you?  Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 89 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 59 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 73 percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:  Golf, Football, Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Track and Field, TennisWomens Sports:  Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, Golf, Cross Country If You Like Samford University, You May Also Like These Schools: Auburn University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphVanderbilt University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUnion University: Profile  University of Georgia: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphMississippi State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Alabama: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphTroy University: Profile  University of Mississippi: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphClark Atlanta University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of North Alabama: Profile  Furman University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBerry College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Samford University and the Common Application Samford University uses the  Common Application. These articles can help guide you: Common Application essay tips and samplesShort answer tips and samplesSupplemental essay tips and samples Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Costco case study analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Costco analysis - Case Study Example Because of the low prices, the company covered all the operating expenses and got low operating profits. The method focused more on impressing the customers and increased membership fees and in the financial income, the membership fees were higher than the company’s net income. For the above reasons, the company may fail in the long run (Arthur, p. 195). The problem of pricing can only be solved as explained below. As the membership fees caters for the operating expenses, the company should maintain the prices. Since the goods and services are of high quality and underpriced, it may highly affect the company. To avoid the consequences, the company should use penetration-pricing model to solve the problem. In the model, goods are lowly priced and then are gradually increased to match the market value of the products. By using the penetration-pricing model, they will maintain sales, customers and most importantly increase organization profitability (Arthur,

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Internationalization and Brand Development of HuaWei Dissertation

The Internationalization and Brand Development of HuaWei - Dissertation Example Organization which can adapt itself with the changing business needs and scenarios are in a greater position to remain sustainable and competitive in the long term. This particular project dissertation has the title of internationalization as well as brand development of Huawei. It is important to mention that in this particular case, the influence of the factors of internationalization as well as brand development has to be researched in connection to the brand of Huawei. While doing the literature review, it was realized that the concepts of internationalization as well as brand development are very intrinsic in nature. In order to get a better understanding of the influence of the two in regards to the Chinese global brand, it is important to take the views of the people who are deeply associated and integrated with the process of the firm. As a result, a research question was developed to understand the influence of internationalization and brand development of Huawei and how it helped in achieving the dominance of the brand in the global markets. This dissertation based project in the course of progress will take into account, the factor of considering a primary based research and proper analysis of the collected data, so that significant amount of justice can be done to the research question, that has been framed. Introduction The world of the 21st century is moving at a fast pace. The fast pace of advancement of the modern day world is more on the lines of rapid change and tremendous development. It is of high importance to mention that the evolution of the telecommunication technology along with the process of evolution of high speed internet and various kinds of technology enabled gadgets has resulted in the process of playing a tremendous amount of influence in the lives of the masses around the world. It needs to be mentioned that because of the lines of emergence of high speed internet connectivity, the network of communication channels has improved in a drastic manner all over the world. The internet has played a major role in the process of creating the channels of communication in the various regions of the developed as well as the developing economies. It can be rightly said that it is of considerable importance to highlight that this technology powered development has resulted in the process of transformation of the globe, where the entire world can be represented and increasingly seen as a single and well connected global entity. Because of this technology powered transformation of the world around us, there has always been a steady evolution of various kinds of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

U05a1 and u05a2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

U05a1 and u05a2 - Essay Example 2. Why is Jupiter so much more dense than Saturn? Could a planet be smaller in size than Jupiter but greater in mass? Explain. Ans: Jupiter is closer to sun and has over 3 times more than the mass of Saturn. Jupiter is denser than that of Saturn because of two factors. They are (i). Jupiter has relatively larger gravitation field because of its mass and rotational pressures. (ii). Jupiter has denser core of rocks and other minerals. Jupiter has heavy metals in its interior. Hence it is denser than that of Saturn. Yes. There could be a planet smaller in size but greater in mass than that of Jupiter. Because Jupiter is mainly made up of gas, hence any planet slightly smaller in size but made of solid material would have more mass than Jupiter. And also building a planet with Hydrogen and Helium is like assembling the fluffy pillows one over the other. As the pillows are stacked one above the other the pillows at the bottom are compressed and hence their mutual gravitational force incre ases. Hence it slightly increases in its height as and when the stack size is increased but gets denser. Therefore the extra mass increases the density of the planet but smaller change in mass. 4. Why does Jupiter have such a strong magnetic field? Describe a few features of Jupiter’s magnetosphere. ... Jupiter’s magnetosphere traps far more charged particles than Earth’s magnetosphere. These particles contribute to auroras and also create belts of very intense radiation around Jupiter. This is so strong that it could damage the orbiting spacecraft. Jupiter’s magnetic field creates a magnetosphere that surrounds the planet as a shield which protects the planet from the solar wind. 6. Briefly describe Jupiter’s weather patterns and contrast them with those on the other jovian planets. What is the Great Red Spot? Ans: Jupiter’s atmosphere has several gases that condense to form clouds. Each of these gases condenses at a different temperature, leading to distinctive cloud layers at different altitudes. Jupiter has primarily three different cloud layers and Jupiter’s atmosphere is colder at higher altitudes. About 100 kilometers below the highest cloudtops, the temperatures are nearly earth-like And water can condense to form clouds. Higher up, the water clouds it is cold enough for a gas called ammonium hydrosulfide to condense into clouds which produces the dark colours of Jupiter. Higher still the temperature is so cold that ammonia condenses to make an upper layer of white clouds. Like the large hurricanes occasionally arise on Earth, Jupiter also has powerful storms. Spectroscopic observations (analysis of light) + calculations explains about the composition of clouds as follows: Ammonia (NH3) crystals in top layer. Ammonium hydrosulfide (NH4SH) crystals in middle layer. Water ice in lowest layer. The colors seem to be associated with temperature. White "zones" are higher and cooler. Dark "bands" are lower and warmer. Comparison with other atmosphere planets: Jupiter and Saturn have stripes of alternating color and wind direction. But Saturn's

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Traveling to New York and Traveling to Florida: Compare and Contrast

Traveling to New York and Traveling to Florida: Compare and Contrast Traveling to New York and Traveling to Florida: Compare and Contrast Abstract Florida and New York are considered to be the most important state of United States, not only in terms of politics and Business, but also, due to tourism. These are the states that welcome millions of travelers annually and earn lot of revenue for the country. They have numerous thinks in common like both have the coastline along Atlantic Ocean; Both offer easy transport, economical hotels and cultural diversity. But, they also differ in aspects like like weather, geography, sightings and shopping places. The paper covers all major similarities and differences that a traveler might experience, while one might travel in these states. Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Body Wonders of Traveling Traveling in New York Traveling in Florida Comparison Cultural Diversity Transport Hotels Food Contrast Weather Geography Sightings and Attractions Shopping Conclusion Works Cited Traveling to New York and Traveling to Florida: Compare and Contrast Introduction World is full of beautiful places and we see around us, we realize that this world is not only the stunning place but the one worth experiencing and traveling. When we broaden our thinking and the experiences, we realize that even different parts of the same city are different. If we visit different places of the same city we realize that world has put before us, its wonders and marvels. People who have travel and love this agree to the fact that travel itself is the source of great success and pleasure. The joys of travel are beyond measure and beyond imagination, unless the one tries it. Every place has its distinct features and the distinct characteristic, so, every new place opens, before travelers, a new world and helps them to enjoy and experience those wonders. Even the place that was visited earlier helps to know and learn new things that the travel might have missed last time or developed and appeared in the time between two visits. America has proved itself to be the land o f dreams, opportunities, pleasures and attraction. It annually attracts million of travelers to its different states, from Americans themselves and also a large variety of foreigners. The open grounds from the people from all over the world have made America, a multi cultural, a multi religious and a multi ethnic country. Due to the common element in America, a thing that should be considered is the versatility in different states. This is the compare and contrast paper about traveling in New York and traveling in Florida and covers the details about what a person might experience there. Body Everyone as individual interests and there are people who love to travel and explore the world around them. For some people traveling might be the tyring business, but, the people who love traveling are aware of the joy and pleasure that iy might bring to the people and the experiences that they can have by visiting different places. Travelling is not only the recreational, but, also the educational one and offers a lot of benefits. Wonders of Traveling Irrespective of thee fact that a person visits a place for educational or the recreational purpose, it always bring positive addition and changes into the personality of the traveler. Some people may visit other places for business purpose, some for educational and some for the leisure, but all the factors contribute towards the personality and health of a person. It helps in improving interpersonal growth, improve information about places and related facts, increase adeptness and deftness and most importantly the most essential skills of life. The psychological impact of relaxation, leisure, satisfaction and motivation are developed in a person, when he takes time, out of the routine and indulges oneself into soothing and relaxing activities. Regarding the role of traveling in success and motivation, it is believed and experienced by a lot of travelers that when they visit new places they come to meet new people, see new things, visit new places and understand about the versatility and the change in perspective. Such activities help a person to see the same problem from a different angle and to provide perspective to life and profession. (Stone and Patrick) Within America, there are numerous places, which are worth visiting and help the people to develop new ideas, relax and roam around. Among all the states of America, Florida and New York are considered to be the most noticeable ones. Traveling in New York New York is one of the busiest cities of the world and hustle and bustle on its every road. The concept of American dream that has been developed years ago, seems true when one visits New York. It is a place that welcomes people from all parts of the world and introduces the developed and most stylish side of United States. America that is shown in movies i.e. place of nightclubs, hotels, architecture, cars and busy life seem true in this city. This is a city that remains awake 24 hours and provides facilities irrespective of the fact that people come out of their house at day or at night. It invites the people all over the world, who want to make their career in Hollywood and become face of the industry. It has wonders, within it, for tourists it is a paradise and they can observe and experience the America that is changing with a rapid pace and has skyscrapers all over. The economic and social growth of the country can be well observed in this city. (Chevron) Traveling in Florida Florida is another beautiful place in America and offers the pleasures of nature and sceneries. One can enjoy the beautiful sandy beaches and the memorable theme parks that make this different from any other place in United States. It is well known for the fact how housing field is developing in this area and even this place is known for the people who want to settle here for life time. it s the combination of busy world and the places that offer peace and quiet to the ones, who want to live at a quiet place. Florida is multicultural cities and has people from Caribbean, Latin American, Spanish and Cubans. Its gives the impression of world, within itself and represents different cultures and ethnic groups. Sunny weather invites the people that want to enjoy the beaches and the warm weather. Wilderness and the natural scenes are the special aspect of this place and are the most attractive factor for travelers (Veness and Veness). Comparison Although, New York and Florida apparently seem to be the different places, but, there are a lot of things in common and there are numerous facts they share. Some will be discussed here. Cultural Diversity It is a well known fact that America is a multi cultural country and is the one that not only respects, but also, celebrates various cultures of the world. New York is a metropolitan and people from not only different parts of America, but, of the world are settled here and are living and working in Harmony. Due to the presence of the Film Industry, people from different countries are also attracted here and work along with Americans. When a traveler leaves the airport he starts having the experience of the lifetime. The experience of cultural diversity starts from the people who land on this airport, taxi drivers belonging to different countries and the people working in the streets and shops. From corporate level to people on the streets, a traveler can see people of different origins, here (Chevron). Florida is considered as the land of the people majorly belonging from Latin America, but, a lot of Asians, people from Caribbean, Cubans, Caucasians and most of the Latin America hav e become the locals of this city. Cultural diversity is common in Florida and New York and in spite of less busier city than New York; traveler can see people from different backgrounds. One might think that m.ost of them are travelers, but, it is a surprising fact that people of different origins have settled here and made Florida a world in it (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin). Transport Most important thing that a traveler will enjoy in New York will be the ease with which he can travel from one place to another and how he can reach his destination, without any issues. The most common modes of communication that are available in New York include: commuter rails, buses, subways and taxis. When a traveler leaves airport or the bus stand he easily finds taxi from the airport or the stand and can reach his destination. It is a common scene in New York that in spite of being the busy city and the lots of traffic, some people also use bicycles to move from on place to another (Chevron). In Florida, intercity rail is the most common and easily available and easily reached transport. In addition to this, travelers can easily find yellow cabs that can take people at their destination. There is an excellent road system n the country and the busses available can take traveler to different parts of Florida easily, anywhere and anytime. (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin) Hotels Most amazing thing about New York is that it is the economic hub, busiest city, populace one and the one with millions of visitors, but, traveler can fig most luxurious to the cheapest hotels in this area. People who only want to roam about and experience New York can get most economical place and the ones who want to stay in luxury can find the five starts hotels also. There are around five hundred options of different hotels and inns are available in New York, which serve all types of people (Chevron). Abundance of hotels and restaurants, in Florida, are present due to the abundance of beaches here. Since traveler who come in Florida often visit beaches and countryside, so they prefer guest houses and tents and which are available. In the rural side, economical and most luxurious hotels are available. Varieties of hotels give the choice to the travelers and help then to choose a hotel within their budget (Veness and Veness). Food Food truck culture is becoming common in New York, which provides junk, traditional, Mexican, African, Thai and al, kinds of foods are available to the travelers at economical rate. Travelers who want to enjoy more sophisticated restaurants and experience the sophisticated food, and then they can also go to numerous restaurants and shops opened in all parts of New York (Chevron). A variety of food options are available all over Florida and the options vary with the population and the terrain. In rural sides, all types of food i.e. junk t the specialties of different cultures are available. Since, Florida has a large beach, so, seafood is really common in this area and variety of seafood increase at the restaurants and hotels near the beaches. Traditional food of America is available everywhere, but, the people of different nationalities have opened restaurants and the abundance of food trucks helps in increasing the options available. (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin). Contrast Being different part of same country, New York and Florida have lot of commonalities, but, they also have numerous differences that make then different from one another and encourage the traveler to visit both states. Weather Weather of New York and Florida is totally different from one another. In New York there different seasons, along with summer and winter people also experience spring an autumn. The winters of New York are very cold and the temperature drops to as low as -2 degree centigrade. Heavy snow fall is common in New York and the hurricanes are common in this area (Chevron). In comparison to New York, in Florida, it is either really hot or warm. Winters in this area is not very chilly, the beaches make the temperature normal even in the winter. Southern Florida remains warm even in the winter, but, in northern Florida, temperature may fall to the freezing point and can create difficulties for the locals and visitors (Veness and Veness). Geography New York is Atlantic Ocean and the Hudson River, people even use fairies for the leisure purpose, although, its coast line is really small, as comparison to Florida. But, the main cities of New York have developed and there are skyscrapers all over the place. There is varied geography of New York, having plains, mountains, river, lakes and all other natural treasures, but, it is well known for its urban side. There are natural sights, but, the urban world of New York is more popular among the travelers (Chevron). Florida is actually situated on a peninsula made by Atlantic Ocean and the Mexican Gulf. The coastline of Florida is really large and spreads to 13,476 Km in NOAA system. Beaches are the main attraction in these areas and due to such a large coastline, and being at the sea level, the state is generally plain and offers numerous beaches for the travelers (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin). Sightings and Attractions In terms of attractions and sightings, New York is one of a kind. Statue of Liberty is considered the most important place that every traveler, in the New York, wants to visit. Metropolitan Museum of Art is another important attraction of the city. Museum of Modern Art, Empire State Building, Times Square, Museum of Natural history, botanical garden and China town are the most popular and most visited places by the traveler. The urban world of New York is really attractive and invites travel to explore its wonders. Most of the places that people love to visit in New York are manmade. In comparison to other places, New York is considered to be the place Museums, art galleries and gardens and offers the combination of old and new world (Chevron). Florida is known for its theme parks and among them; Disney World is considered to be the main attraction. It spreads on 47 miles and has restaurants, themed hotels mater parks, shops and gold course and attracts the people all over the world, it is not only the most favorite place for children, but also for the adult travelers. Universal Orlando made by the universal Studio, Sea world, LegoLand, Kennedy Space Centre and most importantly its beaches are the most visited places. The natural scenes and the sights in Florida are more famous among the travelers and this provides the combination of manmade and the natural sights like John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and Everglades that a traveler wants to pay a must visit. This feature has made Florida more attractive place form travelers with different preferences and different likings (Veness and Veness). Shopping Both are really big states and the shopping place that are available here are incredible. If analysis of New York’s markets and the shopping complex is done, then because of being the urban area, numerous brands can be found at a single road or street and even in the same shopping complex. There are very expensive shopping malls to the ones that offer the most economical things and the ones with discounts. The most important attribute that these malls and shopping centers offer is that they work 24 hours a day and make it really easy for everyone to shop in accordance with their preferences. The most popular market among the travelers is China town, which attracts people of all ethnicities (Chevron). Shopping Malls in Florida are also incredible like those in New York, but, the versatility is far less here. Another thing that differentiates the markets of Florida from New York’s is that most of the malls close by 11pm. The shops do not remain open round the clock and th e variety of traditional and all the ethnicities cannot be found at a single place. (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin) Conclusion New York and Florida are the beautiful states of America and are the true representatives of American culture, history and the diversity. They workers and travelers from all over the world and the people here facilitate and accommodate them among themselves. Diversity is the most beautiful feature of these states and this ensures that America is actually the land of dreams. It offers all the facilities that a traveler wisher for like easy transportation, economical hotels and the variety of food. Apart from these features they are also different in a lot of aspects. New York is known and celebrated for its urban sides, museums and galleries, whereas Florida is known for its theme parks and beaches. Difference in weather and geography make it worth visiting even from the Americans, belonging to different states. In spite of the similarities and differences in these states, these are the places that should be visited by everyone and should be on the list of travel lover. Works Cited Campbell, Jeff, et al. Lonely Planet Florida. Melbourne, Australia: Lonely Planet, 2014. Chevron, Doris. MARCO POLO Travel Guide New York. Ostfildern, Germany: MAIRDUMONT GmbH Co. , 2014. Stone, Matthew J. and James F. Patrick. The Educational Benefits of Travel Experiences: Literature Review. Journal of Travel Research, 52(6) (2013): 731-744. Veness, Simon and Susan Veness. The Telegraph Travel. 2012. Telegraph. 29 June 2015>.