Monday, September 30, 2019

Methods and Techniques Required to Produce Mayonnaise

Making mayonnaise Abtract A combination of oil, water, egg yolk, and stabilizers was combined in an effort to produce mayonnaise. The final emulsion was a result of a trial and error process to perfect the timing and order of the addition of ingredients. The procedure was only attempted once. It was concluded that adding the oil slowly to the egg yolk and adding the stabilizers at the end would produce a mayonnaise similar to manufactured mayonnaise. Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to determine the methods and techniques equired to produce mayonnaise.Mayonnaise is an emulsion, which means that it is a stable combination of two liquids that are immiscible. They key to this concept is that the combination must be stable. Water and oil, for example, do not combine to form an emulsion because of hydrogen bonds that form between each other in water molecules. These bonds prevent oil molecules from getting in. In order to create an emulsion, an emulsifier must be added to th e combination. An emulsifier is a compound that stabilizes emulsions.These emulsifiers, which are also often added to soap, have long chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms with a hydrophilic (water loving) and hydrophobic (water fearing) ends. This allows them to form a stable bridge between the hydrophilic water and the hydrophobic oil. Lecithin, a phospholipid with a hydrophobic head and two hydrophobic tails found in egg yolks, is one example of how emulsifiers can take shape. This is relevant to the production of mayonnaise because mayonnaise is an emulsion legally defined as including â€Å"65% il and egg yolk†.The emulsifying agent in mayonnaise is the egg yolk, which is an emulsion of it's own with †48% water, †16% proteins, †10% lecithin and †13% fats and cholesterol. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL), high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and various other proteins can be found in the yolk. HDL particles require an extra boost to improve their ability to act as an emulsifier because their particles are too large to coat the oil droplets without being separated from another.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Political films Essay

The research paper â€Å"The Timing of Presidential Cinema† discusses and analyzes social meaning of political films. Little research is done in this filed, although many films contain political and economic meaning. Interestingly, the release of presidential cinema is associated with the controlling party and with the ideology that the party has in the White House. Republican and Democratic administrations are characterized by the largest amount of political films. Moreover, more films are released during the second presidential term. Releases are more acute during presidential elections. The stronger the economies, the more films about presidents are released. The article â€Å"Quantitative analysis of Motion Picture Content† tends to measure the influence of films on American population. In particular, the emphasis is paid to providing an instrument to measure with scientific precision the content of each film. The cinema has long been accepted and the author argues that more than fifty million of American moviegoers are influenced by desire to seek entertainment when going to the cinema. Therefore, motion picture has become a profound influence on people and it is rather difficult to measure those influence. The role of Hollywood films in American society has not been yet questioned as researchers lack methods to summarize and analyze what the public is presented. The article â€Å"The Image of the Scientist in Science Fiction: A Content Analysis† reviews the social role of the scientists which is conveyed through the cinema. Scientists has undergone both criticism and appraisal, they has been presented as heroes and villains science-fiction magazines, stories and films. Of course, many scientists have been negligible. The social role of the scientist is addressed in terms of saving humanity, but after World War II such measurement has become problematic. Science fiction, therefore, is claimed to serve as vehicle to construct social utopias and to dethrone them. The article is of practical relevance as the USA experience shortage of scientists and engineers.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Nurses work with depressed patients almost daily Research Paper

Nurses work with depressed patients almost daily - Research Paper Example Depression has been broadly classified into the following groups; depression with catatonic and melancholic features, psychotic features, atypical depression, bipolar depression, dysthymia, recurrent and single episode and seasonal affective disorder. When patients present to the department and depression is suspected, a differential diagnosis should be made from neurological disorders, other psychiatric disturbances, endocrine pathologies, substance abuse related pathologies and inflammatory and infectious diseases. Depression is a key psychological condition that often accompanies the majority of all illnesses. A study that was carried out by Katon et al., discovered that depression was one of the most prevalent disorders in primary care with a prevalence of approximately 10% (Katon et al., 2010). However, some patients were found to be more susceptible to depression. These include patients suffering from chronic illnesses as they often lack optimism in the improvement of their hea lth. In addition, they also neglect the treatment regimes that have been prescribed for them by the doctors. Due to these factors, depression has been found to have an adverse effect on the current condition of the patient and his or her prognosis. This disease is also widely under diagnosed in patients and it has also been found to be inadequately treated. Precisely, research found that only 50% of patients suffering from depression in primary care are correctly diagnosed (Thoits, 2013). In addition, from these patients only 40% were properly treated and were able to fully recover within a 6 month period. In summation, patients suffering from depression possess a low mood which often leads to negligence and poor adherence to the prescribed treatment regime. Chronic illnesses are often incurable and therapeutic intervention is mainly to alleviate symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life. Therefore, patients suffering from chronic diseases often possess the misconcep tion that their condition is incurable therefore, they are already approaching death and treatment is not going to largely benefit them or prolong their lifespan. Environmental factors such as family relationships also play a role in the development of depression in primary care patients. New York is one of the most diversely populated cities and has individuals from different parts of the world. It was determined by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene that approximately 430Â  000 individuals living in New York suffer from depression (Brown et al., 2013). Similar to the study mentioned above, only 50% of all individuals suffering from depression in New York are correctly diagnosed and three out of five of these individuals are not given the right treatment (Brown et al., 2013). Numerous medical practitioners have recommended that all patients should be screened for depression as this is pertinent illness that has a cure. The New York City Health and Nutrition Examination Survey has discovered that depression in New York has a larger effect on a certain demography. For example, in New York, women were found to have a greater predisposition to depression than men. They were found to be twice as much likely to suffer from the condition. In addition, age was also a determining factor in the rates of depression as the condition was more dominant among the younger population between the ages of 20 and 30 years old. The ratio between

Friday, September 27, 2019

Module 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Module 8 - Essay Example It is also common for temple walls to be adorned with sculptures of scroll-like foliage, images of women, and couples exhibiting romantic scenes. These human figures are voluptuous, curved, and appear to be in perpetual motion, representing growth, prosperity, and abundance, and were regarded as auspicious motifs (India Netzone,2009). A famous example of a temple with ornate scenes from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata is the Virupaksha temple, the biggest temple located in Pattadakal which is a World Heritage Site. Another, the Hutchimali Temple, displays a sculpture of Vishnu sitting on top of a large cobra. A third, the Ravalphadi cave temple, is a celebration of the many forms of Shiva. These temples depict the gods in human forms or derivations thereof – e.g., Vishnu is sometimes shown as a male form with four arms representing his wide-reaching power. The human form is therefore deified in Hindu architecture. References: Acharya, Prasanna Kumar (1946). An Encyclopaedia o f Hindu Architecture. Oxford University Press. India Netzone (2009) ‘Hindu Art’. IndiaNetzone. 10 Aug 2009. Retrieved 9 October 2012 from Rajan, K.V. Soundara (1998). Rock-Cut Temple Styles. Somaiya Publications: Mumbai. ISBN 81-7039-218-7,r:11,s:0,i:100 Category B (3) Discuss the contemporary art of Meera Mukherjee's Ashoka at Kalinga. How does her art embody the past with the present? Meera Mukherjee is a modern Indian sculptor whose artistic efforts were directed at incorporating local, traditional, and non-western themes and techniques, with those of the international, modern, and western approaches. Her masterpiece, Ashoka at Kalinga, exhibits both the influences of her German training and her stay with the Bastar tribe in central India, where she studied their unique method of casting bronze. Ashoka was a great emperor who ruled during the 3rd century B.C., specifically the last major emperor of the Mauryan dynasty. The conquest of Kalinga, a country on the east coast; the battle was Ashoka’s only aggressive war. It lasted a full year and turned out triumphant but bloody, during which 100,000 people were slain, 150,000 were taken into captivity, and an untold number died of starvation. Severely distressed by the violence of war, Ashoka thereafter rejected war and adopted Buddhism as his empire’s official religion. Drawing upon this significant segment of India’s history, Mukherjee used Ashoka at Kalinga as a means of peaceful protest against the political violence in late 20th century India. By depicting a moment in her country’s past through her sculpture, she was able to make a connection with the present events with the same timeless message – the rejection of violence. Aside from the theme, Mukherjee

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rhetorical Analysis Paper - Essay Example To conspire is coming together in a secret agreement in order to perform unlawful actions as a means of accomplishing lawful ends. Many scholars opt to use term conspiracy theory as a means of finding the secrets in either military, political deeds or banking industry that are aimed at taking away either power or freedom from citizens (Elinoff par 2-4). Many scholars have reasons why conspiracies are planned in society. According to them, conspiracies are a way of explaining power relations in social groups found in societies. Also, they are to bring to light the evil forces that are perceived to exist within these societies. Conspiracy theories touch on the obscurity found in much official documentation. They accompany most remarkable events, whether social or political. Theories give people a chance to pour out their feelings towards a given puzzled situation. Similarly, they allow people to speak out on what they believe is the real explanation of the unknown situation, thereby letting their powerless nature be known to many. This helps in avoiding instances of uncertainty thus people are able to create sense out of a given situation. On the other hand, conspiracy theories pin down the existence of noteworthy topics like the way science works (Jolley par n.d). This in return may lead to harmful repercussions to the entire public. People choose to believe in the conspiracy theories for one main reason; they feel that whatever is being given to them is only a fallacy. Most of the known conspiracies are created as a way of relieving tension in a given issue. In addition, they are created in order to hide some unclean mess within the involved group. In return, people tend to believe in them sometimes leading to the cropping up of many more theories on the same issue. Most of these theories are skeptical in their explanations since skeptics are crucial in attaining certain

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

(Social Work) Late Adulthood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

(Social Work) Late Adulthood - Essay Example These stages are the physical growth and development, cognitive growth and development and socio-emotional growth and development. That this group or stage of development is sensitive is a matter that scholars and theoreticians readily agree on. According to Erikson model of development, this stage of development can be split into four stages: the infancy stage which starts from childbirth to 18 months, the early childhood stage which begins from 18 months to 3 years, the play age, 3 to 5 years, and the school age, 6 to 12. Erik Erikson’s Model sees the infancy stage as the Oral Sensory Stage wherein the baby tends to feel the environment through the mouth. The importance of this stage is marked by the child either learning to trust or to mistrust, depending on the prevailing circumstances within the environment. At the same time, it is observed that passing successfully through this life’s stage is invitational of an inherent sense of hope and self-drive (Davenport, 19 94, 65). This is then followed by the early childhood age where the outcome of the ego development begins to take shape. It is in this period where the child either becomes courageous or ashamed. The same stage also sees the child develop the knack for making initiatives instead of being accosted by feelings of guilt, if the surroundings are conducive. In the play stage, the initiative vs. guilt plays out. If the child is for instance raised under the tutelage of caretakers or parents who criticise and castigate the child, it may be impossible for the child to gain traits such as purpose and determination (Butler and Hickman, 2011, 22). In the school age period, the child learns to either become industrious or inferior. Eventually, the child gets to become more methodological and competent. It is at this stage that children are able to learn, create and accomplish an array of new skills and knowledge, and thereby developing a sense of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

International financial market - and- corporate risk management Essay

International financial market - and- corporate risk management - Essay Example The above equation evaluates the return on a risky asset in terms of (a) its minimum compensation and (b) its potential risk compensation. Within the thinking on modern portfolio theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) establishes the theoretical relationship between risk and return, where average expected investor return is determined by the average market return, as shown below: ÃŽ ² represents market sensitivity. An investor can, hence, estimate returns (r) by understanding ÃŽ ², the risk inherent in the stock, when only the stock’s history is considered. In a well diversified portfolio, though, the volatility of the individual stock has little influence on the portfolio’s overall performance. Empirical data gathered in investigations of CAPM, however, argues against the predictions of the model and this has largely invalidated many applications of the model. Portfolio Theory is focused on investors. Two fundamental choices have to be made: what proportion of risky assets should be included in the portfolio; and asset allocation, which depends on the conservative or aggressive requirements of the investor. The theory of diversification allows lower standard deviations and variances of returns within a portfolio. Additionally, the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) suggests that the prices of assets fully reflect available information: the implication is that the market cannot be consistently outperformed, since future share prices cannot be predicted based on historical data (weak-form efficiency); share prices adjust immediately to all available information (semi-strong-form efficiency); share prices reflect public and private information (strong-form efficiency). Diversification suggests two subsequent approaches to the management of the portfolio: active management requires the selection of stocks and the timing of the market, whereas passive management requires the purchase and long-term

Monday, September 23, 2019

BUS499 MOD 1 CA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BUS499 MOD 1 CA - Essay Example The new management also planned to convert the organization’s 30 percent of the incremental revenue to operating profit. The company’s third goal was to double its earnings per share. On the basis of which agencies were making money for the company and which were not, the company categorized its business units into three categories namely ‘lead, drive, and prosper’ (Melter). Each agency category has been assigned with different strategic charges. The business units that had less than 50 employees and were less likely to become a gigantic agency ever were categorized as prospers. The company’s most business units fell under the prosper category. Since prosper units were not expected to attain a tremendous growth rate, the strategy chosen for this type of business unit was to achieve high profit margins. The business units that had 50-150 employees were categorized as drive agencies which were assigned with the goal of maintaining or gradually improving their revenue base in addition to expanding their margins. Finally, the largest business units like New York, UK, and China were given the lead agency status. Since lead agencies were expected to achieve rapid growth and to allocate lion’s share of the investment, the company management paid particular attention to this type of business agency. The strategy specifically created for lead agencies was to develop ‘permanently infatuated clients’ and to particularly focus on large revenue earning clients. In addition, the organization also developed several strategies that greatly related to a customer perspective. One of those strategies was to create ‘big fabulous ideas’ or BFIs that are able to â€Å"transform the businesses, brands, and reputations† of the clients (Melter). For this, the organization stated the need of an ideal environment and inspirational leadership in every unit. The firm’s key strategy was to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Employment Business Law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Employment Business Law - Coursework Example w their workers should spend their off hours from duty, the fact that the airline did not act from the previous cases of sexual harassment proves their liability in this case. Other New York torts of negligent hiring, retention and supervision of employees find the employer liable. Though the hotel rooms were not a property of the airline, the fact that they rent the hotel rooms for their employees proves their liability (England, 2012). It is evident that the woman was discriminated against because of her faith. Everyone has a right to worship in a religion of his or her wish and this should not be resulted into discrimination by others who do not believe in that religion. Thus, the court should decide that the company compensates the woman and gives her the job back. The reason is the manager and assistant manager of the store discriminated against her due to her Wiccan faith. They violated the law of religious discrimination and work situations in the title VII of the civil rights act of 1964. It states that under no circumstances should a worker be discriminated against in any aspects of hiring, pay, firing and any other aspects of employment. The manager terminated her job that inconvenienced the woman in question. It is important for an employer to give their employees a reasonable notice of termination. The fact that the store manager never formally disciplined the woman for her wearing the Wiccan medallion s howed that there was nothing wrong with it. However, they had to terminate her for allegedly missing a scheduled day at work that she was not aware of. The action was a way of eliminating the woman from the store due to her Wiccan

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Database Needs for Early Learning Programs Essay Example for Free

Database Needs for Early Learning Programs Essay The Outcomes and Targets for the recently passed Families and Education Levy are very high. At the heart of the levy is accountability and using data in timely ways to improve annual outcomes. In the realm of Early Learning the dollars will double and the number of children and professional staff served will increase dramatically. The need for reliable, accessible data is great. An HSD IT web based data system (ELNIS) was created in 2006 for the previous levy. It was deployed in the summer of 2007 and began to be used in the 2007-2008 school year. Hosted by the state of Washington, it is accessible to each agency under contract with the city through a city purchased computer and digital certificate. Help desk support and training are also provided by the city. In 2009 the state ECEAP program substantially changed its enrollment form. ELNIS no longer matches the data elements required by the state. It was decided, because the change came so late in the year, that it was not feasible to make the changes in ELNIS. For the 2009-10 and 2010-11 school years the data has been out of sync with enrollment forms for ECEAP. ELNIS was designed in 2005 with the hope of having a single early learning data base for ECEAP, Step Ahead, and Child Care Subsidy. This proved to be unfeasible given the time constraints and limited resources available to accomplish the task. Children are entered into multiple data bases that do not connect with each other, but all ECEAP children are also in ELNIS. In 2010 Creative Curriculum substantially change the child assessment tool, such that in the final year of the levy 2010-2011 the child assessment data is no longer uploaded into ELNIS. Again it was decided not to reconfigure ELNIS to match the changes in the assessments because of time and cost, until the new levy passed. The OFE monthly report drives the immediate need for data. Each month OFE requires a data set of demographics, attendance and assessment data be delivered on the last day month following the month reported. In the MOA each year between OFE and HSD the data elements are negotiated. The data reporting required for early learning in 2010-2011 is on pages 5 8 of this report. These will still form a substantial part of the required data, but there will be additional items and number of records will increase substantially. Further, each year an analysis is completed by the data and evaluation strategic advisor in August/September for the previous school year. The data is used to help managers and education specialists to improve the performance of the agencies in the next school year. This process begins by creating a large data set of assessments matched to each child who has been served. The early vision was that the data would be stored in ELNIS and download for use in evaluations ready to be reported or analyzed. ELNIS is capable of containing the demographic data (although it no longer matches the data collected for ECEAP families) for each child, the agency, site and classroom data, and the ECERS assessment. It can no longer upload the Embedded Child Profile Assessment data, the PPVT- 4 child data, nor any data about professional development. All of this data must be managed separately in Excel spreadsheets and appended to the download from ELNIS. Increased needs for data and new data elements The new levy includes six components of which are three are new and three are expanded: †¢Professional Development †¢Family Engagement and Outreach †¢Preschool †¢Kindergarten Transition †¢Home Visiting Program †¢Health and Mental Health Support for Children The new required elements for reporting are expected to include the following indicators of progress toward the outcomes: †¢Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) Caregivers/Adults will demonstrate increased positive behavior on the Parent and Child Together tool (PACT). †¢PCHP Children will meet standard on the Child Behavior Traits (CBT) and the Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy (TROLL). †¢Family Friend and Neighbor’s (FFN†S) Care Providers Caregivers/Adults will demonstrate increased positive behavior on the Parent and Child Together tool (PACT). †¢Step Ahead Preschool Programs Children enrolled will meet the Standard Score and/or make gains on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-4 (PPVT-4) of Receptive English by the end of the preschool year. †¢Step Ahead Preschool serving children who are English Language Learners: Children will make statistically significant gains in English Language Acquisition at the end of the preschool year on the PPVT-4. †¢Step Ahead Preschool Children will meet age level expectations at the end of the preschool year on Teaching Strategies Gold Child (TSG) assessment. †¢Children served by Step Ahead and SEEC and enrolled in full-day kindergarten Children will meet the age-level expectations on Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) . †¢SEEC Pre-K Classrooms will meet the Environmental Rating Scale (ERS) standard at the end of the program year. †¢SEEC Pre-K Teachers will meet standard on the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) at the end of the program year. †¢Children enrolled in Step Ahead pre-K program will have fewer than 5 absences per semester. †¢Children served by a Step Ahead Preschool will be assessed at level 2 or higher on the district English assessment test at the beginning of Kindergarten. †¢Number of early learning and child care settings receiving targeted consultation or training. †¢% of children who enroll in kindergarten on time. †¢% of children enrolled in full day kindergarten. †¢% of children who attend 90% of school days. †¢% of children who meet the birth to 3-year indicator for health (TBD). †¢% of 4 year olds who meet standard on the curriculum embedded assessment in preschool. Early Learning Health †¢Number of early learning and child care settings and providers receiving targeted consultation or training. †¢Number of children in early learning and child care settings receiving developmental assessments. †¢Number of children in early learning and child care referred for mental health therapy and/or medical follow-up. †¢Number of low-income families linked to a health care home, Medicaid coverage, and/or other health care resources. Assessment Tools used to provide outcome and indicator data Formative Assessments †¢Child: Teaching Strategies Gold (administered fall, winter and spring of the pre-k year) †¢Classroom: Curriculum-embedded classroom checklist (administered annually) †¢CLASS: Annual voluntary observation of pre-k and kindergarten- 3rd grade teachers to measure teacher effectiveness. Summative Assessments †¢Child – PPVT-4 (administered fall and spring of pre-k ) †¢Child – WaKIDS ( administered fall and spring of kindergarten) †¢Classroom ECERS ( administered annually) Performance Payment with OFE will likely include these Outcomes (indicators) 2010-11 Indicator BaselinesNumber of Students Meeting IndicatorPercent of Students Meeting Indicator Families demonstrating increased positive behavior on the PACT and the CBT 35/4283. 3% Children making gains in the Standard Score from the fall pre-PPVT to the spring post-PPVT 657/93570. 3% Children with a minimum of two assessments meeting age-level expectations on Teaching Strategies Gold397/546 73. 0% Children are in classrooms meeting an ECERS standard of 5 in each subscale or an average of 6 in all subscales. 397/636 62. 4% Indicator Targets2010-20112012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-182018-19 Families demonstrating increased positive behavior on the PACT and the CBT 83. 3% 84% 85% 86% 87% 88% 89% 90% Children making gains in the Standard Score from the fall pre-PPVT to the spring post-PPVT 70. 3% 73% 76% 80% 83% 86% 89% 90%. Children with a minimum of two assessments meeting age-level expectations on Teaching Strategies Gold 73. 0% 75% 78% 81% 84% 87% 89% 90% Children are in classrooms meeting an ECERS standard of 4 in each subscale or an average of 6 in all subscales. 62. 4% 67% 71% 76% 80% 85% 89% 90% Conclusions: ELNIS as currently configured will not meet the needs of the Early Learning System to report data to the funder, to use data for improving outcomes, or to manage data for contract payment purposes and monitoring. Either work needs to begin ASAP on reconfiguring ELNIS or a new data system needs to be created or purchased. Options include an HSD IT build or a purchase of a configurable off the shelf software system, such as Adsystech or ETO. Data will need to begin being reported to OFE in the fall of 2012, eight months from now. What options exist for meeting this need? What resources are available? What planning team should be assembled? Data Set currently required to be reported by OFE (2010-2011) SEEC Early Learning – Pre-K Source: HSD (monthly) Data ElementData TypeNotes YearNumericThe year of the period that the data is reported for. e. g. 2006 for reporting period December 2006. MonthNumericThe month of the period that the data is reported for. e. g. 12 for reporting period December 2006 Child HSD IDNumeric1 = English 2 = Other than English 3 = English and another language 4 = not reported Student IDNumericEnter SPS Student ID after child is enrolled in Kindergarten Ethnicity CodeChar 25 categories from SPS Child’s Home LanguageNumeric Gender CodeChar 1 SEEC Agency CodeChar 4Corresponds with Agency name look-up table SEEC Site CodeChar 4Corresponds with classroom site look-up table SEEC Classroom Code Char 7Corresponds with classroom look-up table. SEEC StatusNumeric1 = Step-Ahead Pre-K 2 = Step Ahead Match SEEC TierNumericTier I – Step Ahead, Tiny Tots, Refugee Women’s Alliance, and Jose Marti Tier II – Denise Louie Education Center/Head Start Tier III – Non-Step Ahead Early Childhood Education and Assistance Programs (ECEAP) , Neighborhood House Head Start Tier IV – Comprehensive Child Care Program (CCCP), other Head Start Programs in the City of Seattle Days in Pre-K ProgramNumeric/NullTotal number of days the student has participated in the Pre-K program during the month. ECERS Average Subscale Scores and average totalNumericRange 1-7 ECERS – Met StandardYes/No/Null ECERS average score of 4 across all 7 elements Classroom Quality StandardYes/No/NullClassroom met quality standards Classroom LevelNumeric/NullClassroom score based on years of experience and training 1st Child Assessment – Social/Emotional DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 1st Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR 1st Child Assessment – Physical DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 1st Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR. 1st Child Assessment – Cognitive DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 1st Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR 1st Child Assessment – Language DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 1st Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR 2nd Child Assessment – Social/Emotional DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 2nd Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR 2nd Child Assessment – Physical DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 2nd Creative Curriculum child assessment. or High/Scope COR 2nd Child Assessment. Cognitive DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 2nd Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR. 2nd Child Assessment – Language DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 2nd Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR. 3rd Child Assessment – Social/Emotional DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 3rd Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR. 3rd Child Assessment – Physical DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 3rd Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR. 3rd Child Assessment. Cognitive DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 3rd Creative Curriculum child assessment. 3rd Child Assessment – Language DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 3rd Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR. Formative Assessment ChildYes/No/NullChild met the standard in the final embedded assessment as adopted by the SEEC assessment workgroup. PCHPYes/No/NullParticipated in Parent-Child Home Program. SEEC Early Learning – Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition PPVT Source: HSD (twice yearly) Data ElementData TypeNotes Child HSD IDNumeric. Child AgeXX-XXChild’s age at time of test in years and months 1st assessment – standard scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s standard score from the 1st Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. 1st assessment – raw scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s raw score from the 1st Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 1st assessment – grade equivalent scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s grade equivalent score from the 1st Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 1st assessment – age equivalent scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s age equivalent score from the 1st Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 1st assessment – growth scale valueNumeric/NullStudent’s growth scale value from the 1st Peabody Picture. Vocabulary Test 1st assessment – percentile scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s percentile score from the 1st Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 2nd assessment – standard scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s standard score from the 2nd Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. 2nd assessment – raw scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s raw score from the 2nd Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 2nd assessment – grade equivalent scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s grade equivalent score from the 2nd Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 2nd assessment – age equivalent scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s age equivalent score from the 2nd Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 2nd assessment – growth scale valueNumeric/NullStudent’s growth scale value from the 2nd Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 2nd assessment – percentile scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s percentile score from the 2nd Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. SEEC Early Learning – ECERS Source: HSD (twice yearly) Data ElementData TypeNotes SEEC Classroom Code Char 7Corresponds with classroom look-up table. 1st ECERS score – Space and FurnishingsNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS score – Personal Care RoutinesNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS score – Language and Reasoning Numeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS score – Activities Numeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS score – Interaction Numeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS score – Program StructureNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS score – Parents and StaffNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS cumulative classroom scoreNumeric/ NullAverage score across all subscales 2nd ECERS Score – Space and FurnishingsNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS Score – Personal Care RoutinesNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS Score – Language and Reasoning Numeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS Score – ActivitiesNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS Score – InteractionNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS Score – Program StructureNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS Score – Parents and StaffNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS cumulative classroom scoreNumeric/NullAverage score across all subscales. Early Learning – Parent-Child Home Program Source: HSD (twice yearly) Data ElementData TypeNotes YearNumericThe year of the period that the data is reported for, e. g. , 2006 for reporting period December 2006. MonthNumericThe month of the period that the data is reported for, e. g. , 12 for reporting period December 2006. Child HSD IDNumeric Student IDNumericEnter SPS Student ID after child is enrolled in Kindergarten Ethnicity CodeChar 25 categories from SPS, Other, Bi-Racial/Multi Racial Gender CodeChar 1 AgeNumeric In Parent-Child Home Visitor ProgramYes/NoStudent has participated in the Parent-Child Home Visitor Program during the month. Parent-Child Home Visitor Program Provider CodeNumeric292 = Atlantic Street Center 304 = Neighborhood House at Rainier Vista 305 = Neighborhood House at New Holly 310 = Southwest Youth and Family Services Parent-Child Home Visitor Program – Total Number of VisitsNumeric/NullCumulative number of visits during the month. 1st Child Behavior Traits (CBT) Assessment Cooperation with Adults Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4: average score for items that make up the domain shown at left 1. Does not exhibit this behavior 2. Sometimes exhibits this behavior 3. Most of the time exhibits this behavior 4. Always exhibits this behavior 1st CBT Assessment Attention to Task Domain. Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4: average score for items that make up the domain shown at left 1. Does not exhibit this behavior 2. Sometimes exhibits this behavior 3. Most of the time exhibits this behavior 4. Always exhibits this behavior 1st CBT Assessment Engagement in Developmentally Appropriate Tasks Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4: average score for items that make up the domain shown at left 1. Does not exhibit this behavior 2. Sometimes exhibits this behavior 3. Most of the time exhibits this behavior 4. Always exhibits this behavior 2nd CBT Assessment Cooperation with Adults DomainNumeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 2nd CBT Assessment Attention to Task DomainNumeric/NullScore ranges 1-4. 2nd CBT Assessment Engagement in Developmentally Appropriate Tasks DomainNumeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 3rd CBT Assessment Cooperation with Adults DomainNumeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 3rd CBT Assessment Attention to Task DomainNumeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 3rd CBT Assessment Engagement in Developmentally Appropriate Tasks DomainNumeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 1st Parent and Child Together (PACT) Assessment Parent-Child Interactions Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 average score for items that make up the domain shown at left 1. Does not exhibit this behavior 2. Sometimes exhibits this behavior 3. Most of the time exhibits this behavior 4. Always exhibits this behavior 1st PACT Assessment -Positive Parenting Behavior Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4: average score for items that make up the domain shown at left 1. Does not exhibit this behavior 2. Sometimes exhibits this behavior 3. Most of the time exhibits this behavior 4. Always exhibits this behavior 2nd PACT Assessment Parent-Child Interactions Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 2nd PACT Assessment Positive Parenting Behavior Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 3rd PACT Assessment Parent-Child Interactions Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 3rd PACT Assessment Positive Parenting Behavior Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4. 1st Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy (TROLL) Assessment – Language ScoreNumeric/NullScore ranges 0-20 (5 items with maximum of 4 points for each item) 1st TROLL Assessment – Reading ScoreNumeric/NullScore ranges 0-20 (5 items with maximum of 4 points for each item) 1st TROLL Assessment – Print Concept ScoreNumeric/NullScore ranges 0-12 (3 items with maximum of 4 points for each item) 2nd TROLL Assessment – Language ScoreNumeric/NullScore ranges 0-20 (5 items with maximum of 4 points for each item) 2nd TROLL Assessment – Reading ScoreNumeric/NullScore ranges 0-33 (8 items with maximum of 4 points for each item; one Yes/No item scored 1/0 ) 2nd TROLL Assessment – Print Concept ScoreNumeric/NullScore ranges 0-28 (7 items with maximum of 4 points for each item).

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impacts of Adderall Abuse

Impacts of Adderall Abuse The Abuse of Adderall (Blog Project) By Monisha, Kyle, and Sashwat Ethics of Adderall With the recent surge in illegal Adderall use by students, there has been many concerns with the ethics of illicit use. There is three ways you could look at it. One way is the way that is currently being used now, in which we say this is an illegal aid to memory, alertness, and therefore we ban it. The second way to look at it would be that we use all kinds of aids in helping us be more alert and remember better, such as coffee, which is very useful, but it is not banned. In the future, there is a likely chance that new drugs come on the market, which enable us to be much more intelligent than we are right now, so are we then going to say We have no interest in being smarter?. The third was of looking at it would concern the grading of students. One group of students will be using Adderall and another wont, so does that mean we will be wanting better performance from the group that does use it in order to get an A? Will be then be lenient with regards to the non users in terms of a chieving a high mark? The ethics of the use is not black-and-white, such as its legality and risks involved. Whenever there is a discussion of the advantages of students using Adderall, there will be without a doubt a comparison to steroids. The comparison usually forms this logic: Adderall helps to get ahead in class. Steroids allow you to get ahead in sports. Consequently, Adderall is just like a steroid, and steroids are cheating, which in turn makes Adderall bad. The problem with this argument is that sports and academics are two distinct fields. In sports, the outcome of the match only matters to the players and those directly associated with them. However, cognitive enhancement is different in that it is not a zero-sum game. If a student uses Adderall to further his education, that in no way affects any other student. Furthermore, when discussing research, using cognitive enhancements to develop a breakthrough in cancer research is beneficial to society, unlike when athletes use steroids in a selfish attempt to improve their own statistics. The use of Adderall in research could benefit all of mankind. However, there is still some issues of fairness that arises when discussing the use of Adderall in university. The reason for this is that students are usually not marked in vacuum, but on a curve, so if a student uses the drug to get ahead of her classmates, it will directly affect the whole class. An easy solution to this would be to legalize the use of Adderall and let all student takes it. However, that leads to another issue of fairness, in that drugs are expensive, and the legalization of Adderall will turn into a socioeconomic problem. Wealthy student would be able to purchase more of the drug than poorer students, as a result further widening the gap between the wealth and the non-wealthy students. How does Adderall work? The drug is a combination of two stereoisomers of amphetamine, which is a stimulant, and related to street drugs such as methamphetamine and ecstasy. The chemical structure of Adderall is close to that of family of neurotransmitters called catecholamine, which includes dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Adderalls similarity to these brain chemicals allows it to mimic the same actions. The catecholamine family functions in the area of the brain that is responsible for arousal and emotion. For example, dopamine has a crucial role in the pleasure and reward system, while norepinephrine is involved in the sympathetic nervous system, the same system that controls our flight or fight response. Finally epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, also partakes in the flight or fight response, and is involved in the rush we feel when exited or nervous. By being a catecholamine agonist, Adderall recreates these same sensations by binding to the receptors for epinephrine in the adrenal gland, and norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. In addition, Adderall also blocks transporters the remove catecholamine to end the response, and instead allows for some reverse transport of the endogenous catecholamines out of the neuron and into the receptor so they too can bind. Adderall essentially overloads the brain with chemicals the leave us alert, ecstatic, and ready to take the day. But, like any drugs, Adderall also has some negative side effects. By causing an intense arousal, the drug can lead to anxiety and insomnia, which has the chance to manifest into a schizophrenia like psychosis . The side effects are not only limited to the brain. Adderall can affect the body as well, causing an increase in blood pressure and an elevated heart rate. This is not good for people who already have pre-existing heart problems. Finally, like all drugs, such as caffeine, Adderall has the prospective of being addictive, which is why it is a Schedule II Controlled Substance, in the same group as opium, methamphetamine, cocaine, and oxycodone, which all have a high risk of dependence. WHAT IS ADHD? ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a very common psychiatric brain disorder. It is usually diagnosed between the ages of 7 and 12. Once it has been diagnosed, there are medications (which will be discussed later) to help deal with it, but there are no found cures to get rid of it. About 50% of people loose it as they age into their adulthood, but there are no ideas as to why this happens. It affects about 6% of children and therefore 3% of adults. ADHD slows the maturation of certain parts of the brain, which help with, strategic thought, making quick decisions and of course focusing. The symptoms first begin to show up as a child or young adolescent. When being clinically diagnosed, it is very hard to do so due to the fact that many people do not like to focus on things that bore them. It is difficult to tell whether someone is not focusing because they can’t or because they don’t want to. With that being said, some other symptoms include: loosing things, not following instructions, and not being organized. Not all of these symptoms always apply, and often times very few of them do. The Stigma There is an existing stigma that people with ADHD are less intelligent than others who do not have it. Intelligence is defined as: â€Å"1) the ability to adapt to the environment and 2) the ability to learn from previous experience.† People who have ADHD often do score lower on tests, but it has nothing to do with intelligence. It is just the fact that a test requires constant mental effort, which is something people with ADHD have trouble with. On a long test, people with ADHD are easily distracted and therefore may lose time on a test that way, or speed through questions without wanting to put in as much time and effort as someone who doesn’t have it. If tests were shorter than there would be very little difference in test scores of people with and without ADHD. When testing for ADHD, kids are given tests, which involve a wide range of problems and it is found that problems that can be answered in one step (math or patterns) are done very well, compared to longer que stions (English based). The Solutions (Drug Free) As with many disorders, there are a multitude of ways to combat it, without the use of drugs. One simple solution is exercise. Exercising is a helpful way to help release stress physically, and to help combat ADHD. By releasing stress, kids are more likely to sit down and focus, whether it is studying or taking a test. Additionally playing sports encourages them to focus on something that they love or are passionate about, and by having this as an example, it teaches them that focusing is possible even if it is on something they don’t like as much. Additionally, there is another method to help people with ADHD focus. This is known as mindfulness based cognitive therapy. MBCT is a therapeutic way to help people with ADHD relax and focus. It focuses on being aware of their surroundings and being one with their body and mind. People who begin this meditation can begin with as little as 30 seconds per day, just sitting somewhere quiet and meditating. This can move upwards past 30 minutes, if it works. When silently meditating, it works best when the person envisions them self succeeding at something whether it is a test, presentation, or just another aspect of their life (staying organized). By imagining themself succeeding in a peaceful environment, it often actually translates to the real world. Adderall Controversies While Adderall can be a very helpful drug to people who suffer from ADHD, it can also be quite harmful as well, especially to people who take it without having ADHD. Because Adderall is helpful when it comes to focusing, some people, who need to focus in their daily lives, take it without the need to. This is problematic because Adderall was designed for ONLY people who have ADHD, not for everyone. Unnecessarily taking Adderall is especially popular with students who are in high school or post secondary learning institutions. Adderall greatly increases the amount of time one can focus at once, and the quality of the focus. Therefore, illegal Adderall distribution and consumption is a problem, especially in high-end universities and colleges. Students, who have trouble focusing, or simply do not want to, may take Adderall to help them focus, when stuffing for a test or exam. In 2006 researches from the University of Kentucky found out that 34% of the people they interviewed admitted t o illegal Adderall usage to help gain an edge in their classes. Additionally, an interview with one student, he said that Adderall not only increased the quality of his study time, but the quantity as well. He stated that he achieved the highest marks in his class and got perfect on his final exam, due to Adderall. The previous year when he hadn’t taken it, he did not achieve nearly as good results. Another study conduced by the University of Southern California stated that of the students they found taking illegal Adderall, 95% of them had simply faked the signs and symptoms in order to receive the prescription. With numbers like this it is clear that Adderall should be harder to get, and the diagnosis should be more thorough. Abuse and Problems If Adderall helps people with ADHD and helps people who don’t have it, isn’t it a good thing? It’s a win-win for everyone and higher test results for everyone. WRONG. Improper use of Adderall can lead to harsh side effects, which may all together counteract the improved studying. Just because it helps with studying doesn’t mean it helps with other aspects of your life as well. Improper Adderall use can lead to severe sleeping problems, including, not being able to fall asleep, not being able to stay asleep, and shortened REM cycles. This would definitely counteract better studying, and would take a toll on the body as well. Additionally, some other symptoms of Adderall abuse include: headaches, stomachaches, sweating, nausea, changes in sex drive, and as mentioned earlier, sleeping problems. Furthermore, with increased consumption of Adderall without a prescription can lead to: blurred vision, seizures, shaking limbs, and paralysis. With all these risks it is clear that Adderall is not a beneficial way to achieve higher test scores.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

moralhod Morality in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay -- Heart

Morality in The Heart of Darkness  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   "I trust I shall be forgiven the discovery that all moral philosophy hitherto was boring and belonged among the soporifics" (Nietzsche 561).   Maybe so, but the issue of moral philosophy has been discussed though out time and provides a significant element in Conrad's story Heart of Darkness.   In general, the timeless discussion traces back to the first philosophical writings of Plato and transcends from general religious grounds to general applications and codes of behavior espoused by Kant and Mills.   These individuals and lines of thought try to establish a 'good' code of behavior based on something: a benevolent god, extensible codes similar to The Golden Rule, or even relativistic collective opinion. Later, in the eighteen hundreds though the turn of the century, popular thought turned around and attacked such codes though works such as Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, and Nietzsche's various works like Beyond Good and Evil. In more modern times a ki nd of balancing of those two streams leads to what Richard Garner describes as amorality, or the discarding of a moral system altogether.   Conrad, who wrote Heart of Darkness while his contemporaries were denouncing objective moralities, incorporates much of these philosophies and uses the work as a demonstrative system for a unique morality. Developing a moral system generally runs into quite a few problems; mainly, and this affects systems of morality based on Judeo-Christian religious principles, that evil exists in the world.   A morality based on a Judeo-Christian God enters into a conflict between the omnibenelovence and that existence, for how could an omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenelovent god allow evil to exis... ...strate his own thoughts of a relativistic morality.    Works Cited    Conrad, Joseph.   Heart of Darkness.   New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1988.    Garner, Richard.  Ã‚   The Experience of Philosophy.   Ed. Daniel Kolak,   Raymond Martin. Belmont California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1996.    Guerard, Albert J.   The Journey Within. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1988. Kant, Immanuel.  Ã‚   The Experience of Philosophy.   Ed. Daniel Kolak,   Raymond Martin. Belmont California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1996.    Milton, John.   Paradise Lost. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1993.    Nietzsche, Friedrich.     Beyond Good and Evil.   Trans. Marianne Cowan.   Chicago: Gateway Editions, 1955.    Plato.  Ã‚   The four Socratic dialogues of Plato.   Trans. Benjamin Jowett.   Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1934.      

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Aldous Huxleys novel, Brave New World. Essay -- English Literature

Aldous Huxley's novel, Brave New World. In Aldous Huxley's novel, Brave New World, John the Savage is a combination of the two societies in which he exists. He is also an outsider in both. By having such a removed character, Huxley is able to create the perfect foil that brings out the flaws within the societies. As an outsider, John sees some of the paradoxes that exist in the New World. Upon coming to the New World, John sees religious influence in certain objects and customs although Mustapha Mond says that religion has become unnecessary. Mond claims that the society is "independent of God," (p. 233) however there are still strong undertones of religious sanctity and ritual within the society. In essence, the sign of the T that is made with reverence is the same ritual as crossing oneself with the sign of the cross. The symbolism of the T in accordance to Ford may be in honor of the assembly line and efficiency that produced the Model T. The very act of crossing oneself with a T over the stomach, as opposed to the heart, implies that the act is performed in homage to greed and desire. Another seemingly religious act is the usage of the word "Ford." As with the T, the word "Ford" is connected to Henry Ford and is used as a term of expression or blasphemy. The word is used throughout the text in the exact same context that the old society uses "Lord" or "God." And, it just so happens that the word "Ford" rhymes with the word "Lord," which further relates the two sayings. Within the New World, the rites of the Solidarity Group resemble the Christian communion rites. The President begins the ceremony, as would a priest, with a hymn and begins passing the communal cup of soma along to the members of th... ...ery change is a menace to stability" (p. 224) and one "can't make tragedies without social instability." In a world like this, there seems to be no hope for change. Even though The Controller admits to Helmholtz that "I like your spirit as much as I officially disapprove of it," (p. 229) it is a private admiration that will never have the courage to let itself be known to the obeying public. By trying to preach to the new society about freedom, John became a martyr in a society where there should be no martyrs. John essentially fulfilled his desire to be sacrificed when he realized that "they might be killed if he didn't help them, and that he might be killed if he did," (p. 214). Essentially, John became a figure similar to Jesus Christ in a society that refused to admit His presence. Sadly, the cost of a life was not enough to change a stubborn society.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Metasizing Cancer Cells Essay -- Biology

The human body encompasses some thirty trillion cells. The cells which comprise normal, healthy tissues in the body live in an interdependent relationship with surrounding cells. These tissues are intricately arranged into a marvelous array of cell to cell adhesions and extracellular matrixes. Healthy cells reproduce in a coordinated manner which insures that a particular body tissue maintains its appropriate size, form, and function. Cells which have lost the ability to reproduce in a controlled fashion are termed cancerous cells. Cancer cells proliferate uncontrollably forming tumors causing disruption in the normal form and function of body tissues. The most dangerous of the cancer cells are those that can metastasize, which is the ability of the cell to migrate from the original or primary tumor site to a distant site where they establish secondary tumors. This is what makes metastasizing cancer cells so lethal and distinguishes a malignant cancer from a non-malignant cancer. Migrating Cancer Cell in vitro In order to accomplish such a migration, the malignant cells need to proceed through a series of steps which include: 1. detachment from the primary tumor mass 2. degradation of the basement membrane 3. migration to and invasion of a nearby blood or lymphatic vessel 4. survival within the blood or lymph system 5. attachment to the wall of the vessel at some distant site 6. penetration of the vessel wall and exiting of the vessel 7. migration to a site where a secondary tumor is established. The Role of Anchorage Dependence in Metastasis The mechanisms involved in the survival of a cell detached from the extracellular matrix are of great interest. Normal cells are anchorage dependent and... ...f mitastasis. This is primarily due the circulatory system's architecture. After cancer cells from the skin or other tissues find their way to the blood stream, they migrate downstream to the first capillary bed. For most organs, the lungs contain the first capillary bed downstream which enables the cancer to lodge in small blood vessels proliferate there. Prostate Cancer and its Effects Prostate Cancer often spreads to the bones. But unlike melanoma which becomes physically traped in the blood vessels, prostate cancer also seeks out a definitive adhesion molecule located on the stromal cell of the bone. The prostate cancer has a receptor which only recognizes this molecule, so will only adhere to this particular one. Colorectal Cancer and its Effects Colorectal cancer typically metastasize to the liver due to the intestines sending their blood here first.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Restorative Justice and Restitution Essay

Restorative Justice and Restitution Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Morals and values are considered to be the same to majority of the people in the society. Values or ethics, however is considered to be the standards that are set within a society and portrays how the views of other people can be considered to be right or wrong, either at the workplace, in the social circles or even nationally (Van Ness, & Strong, 2013). Morals on the other hand are considered to be independent to every individual since they originate from matters of belief, choices and religion. Morals deal with the making of either right or wrong, fair or unfair decisions, honest or dishonest choices that have a direct impact on the religion or belief of an individual (Zehr, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The theories of morality that play a role in this case include the theory of utilitariansm, whereby it is considered to be morally good for the majority (Zehr, Mika, & Umbreit, 1997). The other theory is the theory of moral courage, which is considered to be to be the main pillar of ethics. Moral courage requires that one makes steadfast commitment to principles that are ethical and fundamental despite facing issues such as potential risks, shame, loss of reputation, isolation, emotional anxiety, retaliation and even loss of employment (Umbreit, 1989). Tough and morally right decisions have to be made despite the consequences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The concept of restorative justice and restitution is an approach that is mainly focused on the various needs that victims of crime and the offenders have as well as the community within which people live in (Zehr, 2002). The aim and purpose of restorative justice and restitution is not just to satisfy the principles of the legal process or punishment to the offender but to satisfy the needs of the offenders as well as that of the victims (Van Ness, & Strong, 2013). The restorative justice and restitution is based on the theory of justice. This theory simply considers wrongdoing and crime as an offense that is committed against a community and an individual and not the state (Zehr, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The legal process, as much as its purpose is to serve justice where it is due, does not aim at increasing animosity and hatred in the society and hence the reason for restorative justice and restitution. It is important for people to live in harmony and get along (Zehr, Mika, & Umbreit, 1997). The process that is involved in restorative justice does not aim at benefiting the offender but to bring people together, the victims as well as the offenders and find peace and harmony in the society. Everyone in the society should be ready to support a process that encourages harmony and nit promote hatred and animosity hence restorative justice and restitution plays a major role in building a better society for the future (Umbreit, 1989).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ethical issues that are related to the concept of restorative justice and restitution include the issue of forgiveness between the people that have been affected by the actions of the offender (Zehr, 2002). Another ethical issue that is involved with regard to restorative justice and restitution is that a crime is not committed against the state but rather against the victims and the society (Van Ness, & Strong, 2013). The needs in addition to the issues that the victims have as well as the offenders need to be considered to promote harmony in the society. The other ethical issue to be considered under restorative justice is whether offenders should be given a second chance in the society and allowed to make things right with the victims of their offenses (Umbreit, 1989).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Restorative justice also has its implications in the long run. The implications of restorative justice and restitution include increased accountability in the society; restoration and improvement of relationships in the society hence reduce chances of future offenses in terms of retaliations and revenge (Zehr, 2002). Furthermore, restorative justice has the implication of restoring trust and helping in the growth of long term relationships in the community and between the people involved in the whole process (Umbreit, 1989). Long-term safety and building of confidence is also another implication of restorative justice that will be achieved.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The approach that will be suitable in reaching the decision on whether to meet the convicted murder would be through counselling sessions for the family members and through seeking of information from people or families that have had an experience with restorative justice (Van Ness, & Strong, 2013). The needs and concerns of each family member will need to be addressed and find out their views about the meeting and what they would want done differently. Counselling sessions for the family members will help build their confidence and gradually acceptance of the loss of the loved one (Zehr, 2002). After the counselling sessions, regular meetings should be conducted with the family members to discuss on whether to allow for the meeting or to refuse the meeting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The steps to undertake in approaching the decision making process will involve calling for a family meeting whereby all members should be present. Every family member is to be given a chance to air their views and their opinions based on the theory of moral courage and virtues (Umbreit, 1989). After the family meeting, it would be important to contact the member of the Victim’s Group and discuss the conditions under which the meeting would be held if it will take place and establish the final motive why the convict wants the meeting (Zehr, Mika, & Umbreit, 1997). After that, have another family meeting and analyze the findings based on moral values and in the spirit of restorative justice (Zehr, 2002). This will lead to a decision of meeting the convict since the benefits of the meeting outweigh lack of the meeting. The possible questions would only be two main questions and that includes: What exactly led the convict to commit the crime and did the victim deserve to die in such a manner? What would the convict have done if his situation was reversed?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Restorative justice and restitution is beneficial in the society and helps in avoiding continued criminality within a society. However, it should not be over exercised since criminals may tend to take advantage of the same to continue committing heinous crimes. The full force of the law should also play a major role in curbing crimes in the society. References Umbreit, M. S. (1989). Crime victims seeking fairness, not revenge: Toward restorative justice. Fed. Probation, 53, 52. Umbreit, M. S., Coates, R. B., & Kalanj, B. (1994). Victim meets offender: The impact of restorative justice and mediation (pp. 53-64). Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press. Van Ness, D. W., & Strong, K. H. (2013). Restoring justice: An introduction to restorative justice. Newnes. Zehr, H. (2002). The little book of restorative justice. Intercourse, PA: Good books. Zehr, H., Mika, H., & Umbreit, M. (1997). Restorative justice: The concept. Corrections Today, 59, 68-71. Source document

Challenges faced by Uk economy

Erosion's growth forecast at 0. 8%, next year 1. 3% Global growth expected at 3. 3%, next year 3. 8%, both still termed too optimistic by MIFF, despite revising it the 2nd time this year Auk's expected growth rate 2. -3. 1%, revised from 3. 8%. 2013-14 growth was 1. 7exports. 6% growth, revision from 2. 2%. All above fgfiguresre for 2014-15 fiscal The dilemma Economy growing despite loans reducing. Shows bad state of manufacturing sector, not good in long run Key interest rates can't be increased as unemployment still hihighlandacan'te reduced as it will increase inflation Real Growth The nominal figures may fool many, so we show the growth in Real GDGAPince the start of 2013, the I-JKJconomy has experienced positive economic growth – one of the elelatedlyest performances in Europe.However, Real GDGAPs still fractionally below its pre-crisis peak of 2007. The recovery has been stronger in the service sector than manufacturing and industrial output. There are fears the I-JKJec overy is still unbalanced – relying on government spending, service sector and ultra-loose monetary policy. 0AAndhat it might worsen once the key interest rates are increased Real GDGAPs not yet back to the pre-crisis level. The fgfigureshown by us are as per the data currently available in the public domain.And so, it is worth bearing in mind that sometimes economic growth statistics get evbeviest a later stage. 0 Factors affecting growth Self-explanatory Challenges Unemployment Define and introduce the problem on your own. Explain the diagram Reasons Recession – causing cyclical, demand deficient unemployment. With falling real GDGAPfirms are producing less and therefore, there is less demand for workers. Also in a recession, some firms go out of business causing people to lose their Jobs. Structural factors. There is structural unemployment due to the fast changing nature of the economy.For example, manufacturing Jobs have been lost due to the economy becoming more service sector based. Some unemployed workers have found it difficult to get Jobs in new high tech industries because they lack the relevant skills. Problems Increases relative poverty in the UK. (Unemployment benefits are substantially lower than average wages). Unemployment is particularly stressful, causing alienation and reduced living standards. Budgetary cost. Persistently high unemployment adds to the budget deficit. The government have to spend more on benefits, and they receive lower taxes.If unemployment falls, it will be much easier to tackle the budget deficit. In August 2014, Public sector net debt (PSSANDx) was El ,432. biBillion77. 4% of GDGAPIn the short term, government debt is less pressing than the government have claimed. Since 2010, they have given indication that reducing debt levels are the most pressing economic problem. Because of debt, the government have pursued austerity leading to lower growth. I feel the government unnecessarily panicked over debt. Neve rtheless, long term spending commitments and long-term debt forecasts are a problem.With an ageing population and perhaps lower growth rates, it could be difficult to finance long-term spending commitments from current tax levels. Debt is a long-term problem rather than short-term. Reasons 2008-13 recession (lower tax receipts, higher spending on unemployment benefits). The recession particularly hit stamp duty (falling house prices) income tax and lower corporation tax. Financial bailout of Northern Rock, RBORBSLlLloydnd other banks. Interest Payments. The cost of paying interest on the government's debt is very high.In 2011 Debt interest payments were E4EYEillion a year (esest.3% of GDGAP Public sector debt interest payments will be the 4th highest department after social security, health and education. Debt interest payments could rise close to E7Beeniven the forecast rise in national debt. Higher Taxes / lower spending in the future. Crowding out of private sector investment / s pending. The structural deficit will only get worse as an ageing population places greater strain on the UKAuk'sension liabilities. (demographic time bomb) Potential negative impact on exchange rate.Potential of rising interest rates as markets become more reluctant to lend to the I-JKJovernment. Inflation CPICPnflation rate: 1. 5% (expected) Inflation is currently a relatively minor problem because it has fallen to be within the ovoverpayment'sarget. However, with rising energy prices, it could resume its upward trend in the coming months. This cost-push inflation is a problem because with low nominal wage growth, many could see a fall in living standards (causing an increase in fuel poverty). Also, savers may be adversely affected because interest rates are low.Reasons Rising energy prices Low real wages Fall in living standards Increased poverty Current Account Deficit The deterioration in the UK current account is a cause for some concern because it is occurring in a recession. Usually a recession leads to lower imports and an mpimprovementn the current account. This deterioration in the current account suggests the I-JKJould have declining international competitiveness, though it may also be a temporary situation related to EuRezonerisis. Reasons Overvalued exchange rates. Countries in the EuRezonehich became uncompetitive (e. . Greece, Portugal and Spain) experienced large current account deficits. This is imports are cheaper. This encourages domestic consumers to buy imports. It also makes it hard for exporters because they are relatively uncompetitive. High Consumer Spending. If there is rapid growth in consumer spending, then there tends to be an increase in imports causing a deterioration in the current account. For example, in the 19sassoom, we saw a fall in the savings rate and a rise in I-JKJonsumer spending; this caused a record current account deficit.The recession of 1991 caused an improvement in the current account as import spending fell. Unb alanced Economy. An economy focused on consumer spending rather than investment and exports will tend to have a bigger current account deficit. Competitiveness. Related to the exchange rate is the general competitiveness of irrimsIf there is a decline in relative competitiveness, e. g.GriRisingage costs, industrial unrest, poor quality goods – then it is harder to export causing a deterioration in the current account.Recommended Solutions Reduce consumer spending – through tight fiscal and tight monetary policy. E. g.GhiHigherncome tax will reduce disposable income and therefore reduce spending on imports (however, it will also lead to lower economic growth) Supply side policies to improve competitiveness Devaluation of the exchange rate. This makes exports cheaper and imports more expensive Poor lalaborroductivity LaLaborroductivity measures the output per worker in a period of time. LaLaborroductivity is an important factor in determining the productive potential of the economy.Reasons LaLaboroarding. (When firms hold onto workers). Unemployment has risen by a smaller amount in the '08-'12 recession – compared to previous recessions in 1981 and 1991, and now unemployment has fallen to 6. 2% . This could support the theory that firms are preferring to hang onto workers, despite lower demand. Firms may feel this prevents having to rehire and retrain workers after the recession ends. Though he length of this current recession makes this surprising, and it's uncertain why it's happening in 2008-12 more than previous recessions. Low levels of investment.The credit crunch has held back investment because firms struggle to gain finance or don't have the confidence to invest in new capital. This could hold back lalaborroductivity growth. Falling real wages. During the recession, the I-JKJas seen falls in real wage growth. If real wages are lower, firms may be more willing to employ lalaborather than capital. In other words low wage growth means lalabors relatively more attractive than usual. Therefore with lower lalaborosts, firms are willing to employ more workers and lalaborntensive production methods.Lower output Lower wages – With falling productivity, firms cannot afford wage increases. This is leading to depressed income tax receipts for the government. Lack of Infrastructure Investment The recession has seen a fall in public sector investment. This threatens long-term there are also concerns over other supply side problems, such as inflexible lalaborarkets and lack of vocational skills. External Factors Many of the I-JKJroblems are due to domestic factors: low spending, low investment, egactiveutput gap. However, because the I-JKJelies on trade with other countries, especially Europe, external factors are a potential problem.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Jaguar

The Jaguar 1. It implies that the apes admire their fleas and are to lazy tp do anything about them, where as you would think that they would want rid of the fleas because they would surely be bothered by them. 2. The simile gives me a dramatic picture of the parrots as by saying ‘shriek as if they were on fire' gives me the image of the being very load and frantic. 3. The figure of speech in line three is a simile and suggests to me that the parrots were flaunting themselves ‘like cheap tarts', woman who want to attract attention. 4. ‘Tiger and lion lie still as the sun'.This simile gives me a picture of the tigers and lions laying still and not moving very often. 5. The figure of speech used here is a metaphor and gives me an image of an ancient creature that used to live millions of years ago. 6. The word is ‘shriek' because it makes me think of the birds making loud noises. ‘Fatigued with indolence' gives me the impression that the tigers and lions a re very lazy and do not have the effort to do anything. ‘Stink of sleepers from the breathing straw' gives a very strong impression that the animals are very un-hygienic and are not clean. . Most of the animals are very lazy and motionless. 8. The poet uses commas more often to make the reader read quicker and therefor fastening the pace of the poem. The commas are also used to create tension and excitement. 9. The writer says that the jaguar is ‘hurrying and also the he ‘spins' from the cage bars, showing me that the jaguar is very fast paced and frantic. 10. The language technique used is alliteration which is having words beginning with the same letter following one another. 11.I choose the 2nd and 3rd lines from the last verse, these lines suggest to me that the jaguar feels like he is still in the wild and still in control. The poet mentions the ‘wilderness of freedom' to remind us of the wilderness from where the jaguar came. 12. Ted Hughes gives me the impression that he likes the jaguar because the jaguar still acts as if it is in the wild. 13. My feeling on the jaguar is that it still has not given up as the writer tells me that ‘over the cage floor the horizons come' giving me the impression that the jaguar is imagining still being in the wild and free

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Submarine Escape Procedures

Michael Menor Professor Cady English 151 25 February 2013 Submarine Escape Procedures There are many catastrophes that can affect the operation of a submarine; fire and flooding can crimple a submarine completely if either is not resolved quickly. Submariners are trained to combat all forms of fire and flooding in different scenarios that are closely monitored in Submarine School. As a last resort, sailors are also trained in submarine escape in the very rare occasion that they must escape from the ship.Submarine escape is only effective at depths less than 600 feet; escape any greater depth would be impossible. Michael Menor deployed with two nuclear fast-attack submarines; the USS Santa Fe and the USS Albuquerque; during his four and a half year enlistment in the United States Navy. He is well versed in submarine escape and hopes that this will give you an understanding on how to escape from the depths of the sea. Every ship is equipped with two escape trunks, or hatches as some ma y call it; one forward and aft, both of which have similar dimensions and operation procedures.Each trunk is able to hold two escape personnel. The Submarine Escape Immersion Equipment; also known as a SEIE Suit; is a last resort option if a Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle, or DSRV is unable to save personnel from a disabled submarine. The suit is a single piece construction capable of controlling pressure to prevent decompression sickness, or â€Å"the bends†, which is a side effect of rapidly ascending from ocean depths. Each suit is also equipped with a life boat that is contained within a pouch attached to the left hip.Familiarity with the escape hatch valves is not required; all operations are handled by personnel from within the ship. For the purposes of this procedure we will call these personnel â€Å"Supervisors,† since they are usually experienced supervisory personnel with the knowledge of operating the escape hatch. Depending on where the casualty, is you w ill always want to choose the escape trunk that is not in the affected compartment. Whether it is flooding in the forward compartment; your escape will be in the aft escape trunk in the Engine Room. The same pplies to a casualty in the aft compartment; your escape will be via the forward escape trunk. During this procedure you will be performing all actions from within the forward escape trunk. On the rare occasion that submarine personnel are not able to stop flooding in the engine room that leaves the ship sinking into the depths, and laid to rest on a sea shelf 500 feet below the surface. You will then need to don a SEIE suit by placing both feet into the suit and taking the zipper, which is placed on the outer side of the left leg and pulling this up until it is at your belly button.As you would put on a coat; place both arms into each sleeve equipped with rubber gloves and flip the hood onto your head. You must then pull on the zipper, which continues upwards centered on your c hest, and up to the hood. One common issue that can occur is the zipper getting stuck, or feeling as if it will not budge—remember that it was designed to keep water out of the suit—if this happens you will need to request the assistance of someone else.Now that you have the suit on you will need to make your way to the escape hatch ladder and climb into the 6 foot cylindrical space, which is only designed to hold two escape personnel; the two of you will be standing directly across from each other with your backs against the bulkhead. There is a charging hose attached to the left arm of your suit, attach this hose to the charging manifold on the bulkhead (wall) located to your left; the charging hose will inflate your suit to create a bubble barrier between you and the outside pressures of the ocean.Remember this is your source of oxygen, so continuing to keep the charging hose connected during your time in the escape hatch is crucial. As your suits are being charged please keep your feet away from the lower hatch as the Supervisors begin close and seal it. Once it is confirmed sealed a rush of water will begin to flood the hatch. Due to the buoyancy of your inflated suit you will begin to float; do not let this happen. To prevent this there is a handle to your right that you will be able to use to maintain your grip and keep you anchored safely.Supervisors will then pressurize the hatch to match the outside pressure outside of the hull. The first person that entered hatch will be the first one to escape; once the hatch is clear the second person will wait 30 seconds and follow to prevent getting entangled with one another. Since you are the lucky one to enter first, you will get to escape first. Supervisors will open the upper hatch; continue to maintain your grip until the upper hatch has reached its fully opened and locked position. Supervisors will use a wrench or hammer to knock on the lower hatch three times.This will give you the signal t hat the upper hatch is clear and you can escape. Release your grip from both the handle and the charging manifold. Allow the suit to take over as its positive buoyancy lifts you out of the hatch and upwards to the surface. The suit is designed to maintain proper atmospheric pressure for your safety during the ascent; as you will be traveling about 30 feet per second. Upon reaching the surface ensure that you are floating on your back, while in this position you need to reach into the pouch on your left hip and remove the life raft; pull on the yellow handle and allow the raft to self-inflate.Once inflated pull yourself onto the raft; during this time you can unzip the hood of your suit. The raft comes equipped with a drogue, water desalination kit, and equipment such as smoke signals, and flares to assist with your rescue. Congratulations on your successful escape; now you will wait for rescue personnel to find you and the others from your ship. At the surface it is highly recommend ed to regroup with other personnel from the ship and tie your rafts together. This will create a larger object for rescuers to spot during their search.

Friday, September 13, 2019


SCHOOL FINANCE BUDGET REDUCTION PLAN AND JUSTIFICATION - Essay Example It is the duty of the principal to go back to their respective campuses and then collaborate with their school leadership teams in order to develop a comprehensive plan regarding how to accomplish such budgetary reductions from their existing operating budget. The objective of the study is to plan the budget cut from given information and justify the items chosen to remove or reduce from the school budget in order to meet the district requirements. Budget Reduction Plan The most challenging task of budget cut is to determine the primary sources of revenues and expenditure and then to allocate scarce resources according to requirements. It is general that in a high school, the majority of school budget is allocated towards the benefits and compensations of their staff. In such a scenario it is very important to keep in mind that any significant reduction in the compensation of core teachers and most important staff might lead to de-motivation of staffs and unrest in the campuses. In order to avoid such disputes, the rest of the budget allocations have to be re-planned and prioritized in such a manner so as to help the districts meet goals and standards of the students’ academic performance (Williamson, 2011, pp.1-5). The annual budget is a statement of expenditures and revenues that are likely in a high school during the fiscal. It has to be determined at a prior stage whether the school would have enough funds to pay for the necessary activities by ensuring optimum resource allocation matching school priorities. The budget has to be realistic in the sense that all items of reduction have to be justified to respective departments when cuts will be introduced. All minute details must be highlighted such as any probable error in estimating teaching staff requirements in case any staff leaves the school. Also, it must be ensured that all regulatory and statutory requirements have been complied with. A realistic school budget will ensure financial stability by lowering financial crisis risk during the year; educational excellence by hiring the best teachers available at attractive packages; and reputation and image of school reflected from the relationship between the authority, pupils, and staffs. T he first stage of budget reduction plan is to identify the primary sources of revenues and expenditures (Hechinger Institute, 2011, pp.1-9). Identification of Primary Sources of Revenues The expenditures of a high school are generally divided into three categories namely, salaries and employee benefits, materials and supplies and capital expenditures. In addition, the states also collect expenditure data of school by transportation, operations, debt service and maintenance. It is important to note that the schools hire instructional staffs, custodians, and cafeteria workers in addition to licensed staff members such as administration and teaching staffs, librarian, counselors, etc. Thus, the biggest expenditures in a school are consumed by the personnel. During the 1950s, the teachers’ constituted almost 74% of total school staff and the numbers have been reducing since then as the percentage of instructional staff has been increasing. In the 20th century the percentage of te achers dropped by almost 33% and they have been replaced by instructional aides. The teachers’ salaries are compensated by most districts under single salary schedule where teachers are compensated on the basis of their educational level and total years of experience in teaching profession (Serwach

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Government Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Government Crime - Essay Example I intend to discuss the topic of government crimes and some examples in this reaction essay. The civil war, the world wars I and II, the genocides, terrorism, corruption like kleptocracy in Nigeria, and violence seen in the twenty first century, all is the result of decisions taken by the political leaders who are responsible for the mass killings of thousands of people. The power games have affected not only the internal skeleton of the countries but have also inflicted bad effects on the lives of common men. The current century has seen great man slaughters in the name of government decisions. Countries, whether poor or rich, are suffering from never ending terrorism resulting in genocides. The 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon have been a negative reinforcement for political decisions of US for invasion in Iraq and Afghanistan. The search for Al-Qaeda and the aim to destroy Taliban-ization has been heavy enough for many countries. If we take a look at the history, w e come to know that many political leaders have been running their countries as if these were criminal organizations. Best examples include Adolf Hitler in Germany; Joseph Stalin in Soviet Union, Mao Zedong in China; Augusto Jose Ramon Pinochet Ugarte in Chile; and, Nicolae Ceausescu in Romania. I believe that the government crime is based on only one intention, and that is to increase the political and economic power of the leaders and the government on the cost of the common men. This is called a kleptocratic government. Kleptocracy means that, according to Mesquita et al. (2005, p.164), â€Å"the more that is available for a corrupt leader to take, the greater the private-goods focus and the less the total expenditure by the government relative to revenue.† In simpler words, kleptocracy involves such government crimes that are committed by the leaders to enhance the personal welfare rather than the welfare of the country. We can also call it government corruption. Weil (20 09, p.385) states in his work that there are many forms of government crimes, starting â€Å"from a tax inspector who accepts a bribe to overlook income on which he is supposed to collect taxes, to a mayor who trades city contracts for cash payments, all the way up to a president who grants a lucrative monopoly to his son† (Weil, 2005), nearly everybody in the governmental infrastructure is involved in crime and if not, then his survival chances in the political setup are fewer. Hence, Weil calls kleptocracy as â€Å"rule by thieves† (p. 385) which results when the corruption strengthens its roots in the government giving rise to government crimes. I have studied that economists regard government crime as a great hindrance to a country’s economic growth. However, some economists also argue that there are still a few positive effects of government crime. They argue that since a corrupt leader would want to steal for his personal interests, for this reason he will want his country to progress so that there is more enough to steal from. So, he will make sure that there is less corruption at lower levels so that more is left for him at the upper level. Also, there are some policies in the governmental setup that are harmful for the general population and thus corruption in the implementation of these policies will be beneficial. Nevertheless, these arguments are not very sound. The truth is that government crime has always been detrimental

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Creating Healing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Creating Healing - Assignment Example With this kind of trend, it is not easy to remain healthy (Malliori, 2010) One Saturday afternoon, I decided to visit a conservation park and take some time alone to mediate over things that had been happening and how I could deal with them. As I walked through, I reached a certain section which was basically inhabited by the monkeys. I stood from a distance and watched them go about their activities. There were four monkeys which had young ones. One of them sat peacefully on one branch feeding the sibling. On the other hand, the others jumped from one branch to the other. Occasionally, those with young ones would stop to feed them but only for a few minutes before they joined the rest in jumping from branch to branch. In all this, one was able to keep its position for a long time and feed and care for the young one. The observation made me wonder if this was what was happening to me. I found it very similar to my situation. Every time when I seemed to be having a lot of responsibilities at work and at home, my mind always wanders as I keep thinking about how I will do all of them. I keep on being distracted with my concentration jumping from one subject to the other just like the monkeys were jumping form one branch to the next. With such shifting concentration, it is usually hard to accomplish responsibilities and these impacts directly on one’s overall wellbeing (Ellen, 2010). According to Dossey and Keegan (2013), for one to say that he has optimal health, he must be able to balance all the aspects of his life as a person. This is something I was not able to do since while at work, I kept thinking about the responsibilities I had to fulfil at home. While at home I also thought about the unfinished work that I had. I believe I can do this by taming my mind from wandering so as to calm down and concentrate on a single task. The situation raised is very much applicable to case three that has

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


SECURITY ISSUES IN RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX - Dissertation Example The intention of this study is security as a key concern for enterprise Information technology (IT) managers with a regular apprehension to keep the systems properly updated and configured to prevent unwarranted exploitation from outsiders. OpenSCAP implements an open Source of Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) framework for creation of uniform approach for maintains secure systems. A lot people are paying a lot attention on security matters particularly in governments to ensure their systems are well guarded and are not exposed to uncalled for bugs and exploits. With OpenSCAP, the open source community is leveraging a number of different components from the security standards ecosystem to enable the framework. In order to avoid all sorts of attacks, this research indicates some security issues of the system and software configurations in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) such as OpenSCAP, Security Audit system and some OpenSCAP tools, which play a vital role in the Linux security domain. Grasping these skills not only can help the administrator defend from the potential security risk making the environment more secure but also can understand the concepts of security deeply promoting the development of computer security. The world of computer security has changed dramatically in the last few years, and one of the greatest challenges now facing CIOs and IT directors is the task of maintaining the security of their IT environments. The effects of a security breach can be catastrophic, including unplanned downtime and the resulting loss of service, a potentially significant financial impact, and the loss of sensitive and confidential information. This problem has been compounded by the proliferation of networked PCs and servers as well as the growing intelligence of malicious software that seeks to exploit and expand throughout the Internet infrastructure. Companies such as Red Hat are releasing new technologies and tools to address the needs of system administrators responsible for managing the security of large numbers of geographically dispersed systems. For example, technologies such as Position Independent Executables (PIE) and Exec Shield help protect against buffer overflows, a tactic frequently employed by attackers to infiltrate and compromise flawed software programs. Another technology, Security Enhanced Linux (SELInux) prevents users and applications from damaging an entire system by enforcing security policies at the kernel level (Farrell, 2003). On the tools front, Red Hat Network, a key part of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, provides system administrators a way to review information about security vulnerabilities and proactively apply relevant security measures and other updates to large numbers of Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems easily and efficiently. With recent technologies, applications can be shielded in environments which do not expose them to: Potential flaws that may be inherent in the application

Monday, September 9, 2019

See Below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

See Below - Essay Example Within each of these halves, another wall separates the top and the bottom sections of the heart creating four chambers in total. These create the top chambers or the atrium (atria in plural) and the bottom chambers or the ventricles (Sherwood, 2012). The atrium is considered as a holding chamber, and the pumping chambers are the ventricles. Like the names suggests, each of the halves creates a separate system that has to work in sync for one to continue living healthily. Blood flows to the ventricles from the atria and never across the halves, thanks to the septum (Solomon, Berg and Martin, 2010). For effective flow of blood from the top chambers to the bottom chambers, openings called valves are present. They operate like trapdoors as they allow blood flow only in one direction to avoid a situation where blood would flow back to the atrium. These valves are not only present inside the walls separating the chambers, but also on the large arteries that are responsible for the carryin g of blood to the organs from the heart. These arteries are the pulmonary arteries and the aorta. While still at it, it is necessary to note that the pulmonary artery is the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood while the other arteries carry oxygenated blood (Solomon, Berg and Martin, 2010). ... Several capillaries form veins, which in turn form larger veins that empty blood into the heart and the cycle continues. This is called blood circulation (Sherwood, 2012). The main aim of blood circulation is to supply oxygen-rich blood to all the organs and tissues in the body. This happens in two cycles. The first one is a systematic cycle where blood is transported to every section of the body, and carbon dioxide is collected amongst other waste from these areas. The pulmonary cycle circulates blood to the lungs and from it to aid in the release of carbon dioxide and bring in oxygenated blood. The systematic cycle takes place in the left region of the heart while the right side handles the pulmonary cycle. The mitral valve at the upper part of the left-side chamber is pressed open by blood and allows it to trickle down to the left ventricle (Sherwood, 2012). The blood is then pumped directly into the aorta and is rich in oxygen. It is then transported to all other parts of the bod y and organs. Used blood is then collected back to the heart through two main veins. One is the inferior vena cava, which takes blood to the heart from the lower body sections. The other is the superior vena cava, which collects blood from the upper body. These two drain the blood into the upper right chamber (Solomon, Berg and Martin, 2010). Blood, from there, picks up the pulmonary cycle and gets to the right lower chamber from the right upper chamber. The blood is forced into the pulmonary artery which is divided into two: one part into the right and the other to the left lungs. The pulmonary veins carry the rich oxygen blood back to the left atrium, and the cycle continues.